Stop being mean to Game Journalists

Stop being mean to Game Journalists.

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What is with this weird delusional self-importance that everyone in the social justice community has? The fact that you have to put in a warning for “racist” cartoons is telling to how fragile their egos are to begin with.

fuck all game journalists

>Cuckold Shaun and his mistress Hen make a video about cuphead 2 months late

I think he pawns over the Jen girl and wishes badly she was not a lesbian.

Because deep down he knows that Jen wants the cock, but because she chose to make a big deal about being a lesbian before she has to walk the talk or risk losing points in here cult community

If Cuphead is offensive because of association to racist cartoons from the early 20th century, that means Hamilton is racist because theater didn't allow Black people on the stage and opted to use White people in Black face for centuries.

Those people were raised being told and believing that they are gonna change the world

the video doesn't say cuphead is offensive

I remember liking this guy when he called out CinemaSins on their shit. He has some fun "everything wrong with everything wrong with _" videos.
Boy, did he get annoying, though.

>Stop being mean to Game Journalists.

I'm probably going off-topic here, but why the fuck should gamers be nice to game journalists? I mean, sorry for bringing up "muh goobergate" but it's only been three years since the game journalism community unanimously decided that """gamers""" are no longer their audience because all """gamers""" are evil Nazis or whatever the fuck. It's still too soon for game journalists to turn around and demand respect from that very same demographic.

Basic competence, like being able to read or hold plot points or character names in your head when watching a movie.

>I'm probably going off-topic here, but why the fuck should gamers be nice to game journalists?

because you shouldn't harass people for no reason, I don't understand how you function in society if you need to have this explained to you

>shaun and jen

this brainlet thinks hes smarter than jordan peterson. No thanks.

being smarter than jordan peterson isn't hard

What I find interesting with SJW's is the opinions they hold specifically on "GamurG8XD" and BLM. They will easily make overtly charitable defenses of one but completely strip the ones of another. If they are allowed to call GG a harassment campaign then by their own line of thinking BLM, the righteous movement they are supportive of, is more than open to that criticism too, even more so considering one actually had acts of violence and the other never went beyond idle threats.

Wow another brainlet, so sorry

not an argument

I feel like this guy is looking at it from a very outside perspective. Also he omits information either purposefully or because he hasn't done the research.

Like the fact that the journalist whose awful game play vid sparked this, edited his review to make it seem like he was aware of how bad he played for sympathy and to backpedal on his claims of the game being impossible. But only after being called out.

Im sure he is smart in his own field but that fucker needs to stay out of politics. The dude went full retard like Sargon when he went on about wanting to target and potentially ban certain courses.

Shaun and Jen is based, destroys White Nationalist trash from Sup Forums like it's the easiest thing in the world.

Also shout out to my bro Destiny, this kid is cold as fuck and annihilates far-right losers on a regular basis.


His intention wasn't to ban courses but to give people the tools to recognise post-modern courses. And hes not pursuing that anymore because he said hes spoken to friends and colleagues about it and he doesn't want to further divide people

This but unironically.

The only good thing about this soy-guzzler is his avatar.
That aside, he's retarded and he makes these threads in a desperate attempt to get views.

I aint clicking that shit, nigga

but they are dead

I like Destiny I guess since these nu-pol, post GG Anti SJW channels are morons and deserve a good stomping but he is a bit of a cunt.

But Shaun&Jen is a low hanging fruit guy. Never trust a man that isn't brave enough to challenge anyone on a livestream.

It's not "no reason." People don't throw darts at the phone book to find people to """""harass""""".

If you say or do something stupid or evil, you will be criticized. That's life. People who work in media should understand this better than anyone, since they don't hesitate to crucify anyone who's even ACCUSED of wrongdoing.

>gets thorin on the show
>gets thoroughly destroyed
>next day gets sargon
>destroyed again

So? He still was in favor of essentially singling out these courses

Oh boy, another anti-Sup Forums youtuber is here to teach us gamer nazis a lesson about how problematic we are.

Why is that an issue, you can't harass a course.

Weakest attempt at shilling your channel ever


I'm not listening to another minute of this soft spoken verge of tears twat.

>gamers are making up lies about how SJWs are TOOOOTALLY triggered about cuphead being racist!!

>btw cuphead is racist


Stuttered like a bitch and went full feels
Literally has no idea how read and properly interpret stats or studies, and I do mean literally. For every point Destiny made he had a source of either an economist or legislation to back it up, for every point Sargon made he literally just used assumptions and anecdotes. Getting married does not put you in a higher class jesus fucking christ what a moron.

And destiny was apologising profusely throughout the entire thing, what point are you trying to make?

Sup Forums status: DESTROYED

What the fuck did any game journalists do wrong in this case


>the cuck skull thread
>Destiny appears and starts refering to himself in the third person
really makes me think

>Getting married does not put you in a higher class jesus fucking christ what a moron.
Fantastic strawman there m8, that's not what he said or implied at all. Getting married ensures that kids are growing up in a stable household and the household is stable because now there are 2 sources of income instead of just one. But blacks can't figure this basic shit out and neither can you for some reason

He explicitly says in the video that he's not calling cuckhead racist. Listening comprehension FAIL.

What else are you supposed to do when you hurt the feelings of a diagnosed autist? That's just being uncivilized.


Except that's exactly what he did, in his own faggoty way.

Go suck a tranny dick, Shaun.

Nice victim complex there buddy. Sup Forums isn't mentioned once in the whole video.

>What else are you supposed to do
I mean, its not like destiny literally tried to defend himself, found that he had no leg to stand on and had to apologise or look like cunt because it was evidently clear he was in the wrong.

Stop bumping shill threads

Return to Reddit, cuckskull. Sup Forums is not the place to shill your leftist autism videos.

how is being bad at video games even worth attention (if you're a normal person and not an anti-fem youtuber starved for content)

Remembering every single insult levied against you is autistic behavior. Go to bed toto. Also s1mple is a shitkid and will never be the GOAT.

Be a journalist. Every journo must hang

apologising is just good optics in that situation, I'm sure destiny didn't mean it because he was actually right about fucking everything

there's a reason Thorin is shunned in literally every community outside of CSGO

Not today, fucker. Reverse card, open!

This guy's a tranny fetishist, right? He talks about them a lot.

This is the alt right, Sup Forums. Once you abandon all logic and give in to your whiny emotions, you become an ugly little wretch incapable of thought like these two. Don't let it happen to you.

why does this retard pronounce says the way it's spelled instead of "sez"

PLEASE don't do this man.

It's not worth it. Please.

post it

This thread isn't video games

Resident Evil:
archiveofourown org/works/7794475/chapters/24597195

archiveofourown org/works/7794544

archiveofourown org/works/7884013

Scooby Doo:
archiveofourown org/works/9908609

archiveofourown org/works/9908669 (Same story but futa)

Sonic the Sissyhog:
archiveofourown org/works/11798901

archiveofourown org/works/11778270

archiveofourown org/works/11923920

archiveofourown org/works/12323790

Hey Arnold:
>Rhonda needs money and has to work as a street walker to help her family out (Make sure to leave a review if you want to see a chapter 3.)

archiveofourown org/works/10190687

>Rhonda and her boytoy force Phoebe into a threesome

archiveofourown org/works/7838134

Mortal Kombat:
archiveofourown org/works/9800783 (Futa)

archiveofourown org/works/9499943

King of the Hill:
archiveofourown org/works/9908747

Note: None of my stories feature niggers

he's a bitch boy how can you stand to listen to someone with such a weak beta voice? I want to listen to a presenter not an autist

I'm beginning to think this user is just that guy shilling for his shitty channel.

You realise your'e defending someone who has already apologised for doing something wrong? Think about what you are getting at, because I have no idea.
>b-but thorin's autistic
yes, and? How does that make him wrong?

Apologising is good optics IF you cannot defend your statements. Which he was unable to do so in that scenario Thorin was right.
Thorin is respected in LoL and overwatch too. He did win Esports Journalist of the Year award a couple of weeks ago.


Since this is not a videogame thread, I'm going to use the opportunity to inform you all that President Trump has full control of the judiciary. The days of gay muslim tranny judges are finally over.

And no, you cannot stop it. America has been officially saved from Democrats.

Journalists are not people, sorry. Remember that politician that bodyslammed a journalist and broke his glasses? I hope that happens with every journo, that or they get accused of talking to a woman without consent so they get their lives ruined.


who gaves a shit about ameriturd?
fuck off


Rape all game journalists with twelve foot necrotic barbed wire cocks?




What are some video games?

there's no going back my guy

removing civil liberties is impossible once you've granted them, deluding yourself into thinking transgender rights are going to disappear just because /yourguy/ is in the white house is just going to hurt you in the long run once you realize things haven't changed in the way you hoped they would

take care of your mental health user


Don't you get a ban for posting this?

Raping game journalism.

Tell that to most of the western world.

Judicial nominations are lifetime appointments and impeaching a judge is a very difficult process.

Trump has been given hundreds of federal judicial vacancies and he is filling them out with the Democrats' "blue slip" blockade finally destroyed.

You cannot stop this. You cannot reverse this. You lost.



These fucking people.

Oh no. Time to leave

Who is this faggot, and why do I get the feeling that perfectly sums up his opinions?


I can taste the shit

If you only knew

Shaun, I know you're in this thread, shilling your channel.

Look at this. I'm going to blackpill you into the fucking ground.

I don't have to stop anything my guy, nothing will happen

the us government exists to facilitate corporate interests, and lighting the transphobia powder keg is not something corporate america is interested in doing because boomers are dying and people like you, who are irrationally afraid of trannies, are a very small minorities

also what the fuck do you think the judiciary power is going to do my dude

Shaun lives in the UK. Not sure why you think burger politics are going to blackpill him.




because your listening comprehension is very poor so you instantly just insert your own meaning into other people's words

why do you love furry scat porn so much, user

>GAMING journalist is bad at video game's tutorial
>people make fun of said GAMING journalist for not being good at GAMES

I want this cap.

The judiciary is very important. Look at how it scares these tranny fucking communists.

Shaun lives vicariously through US politics. He needs to know that his leftist horseshit has been fully rejected in the only country that matters.

