ITT: E-Celebs that steals thoughts and opinions from Sup Forums and post videos about it

ITT: E-Celebs that steals thoughts and opinions from Sup Forums and post videos about it

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that guy looks really odd



Nice hair, though

No one can compared to these two in that department desu
They'll make retractions of opinions if their discord sniffs out Sup Forums disagreeing with them

don't forget his lover

Woolie constantly spouts Sup Forums rhetoric

>You Laugh, You lose

doesn't make videos about it but inserts it into streams but

I hate what alphaomegasins channel has become, he makes no good gaming videos anymore just drama shit.

How is it possible to have so much bad taste crammed into one picture?

Is this MetalRockJesus? I didn’t recognize him for a moment there

This has always been Jim Sterling's MO. Although he steals his "opinions" from other websites.

I'm convinced Jim Sterling and YongYea browse reddit and Sup Forums nearly 24/7 because that's pretty much were all their ideas for their shitty videos come from.

but his content is actually fun to watch
and he leaves free copy link of the games he played

That's AlphaOmegaSin,
MetalJesusRocks relies on using girls to get views.

make sense considering he started on Sup Forums

>ITT: E-Celebs

vinesauce is a group

Really? But MetalRockJesus is mildly entertaining without bitch pretending to like games. I liked the N-Gage videos and its games though it could be better.

Remember that time when Alpha got catfished by a trap and revealed his disgusting AIDS riddled body?

>Stealing thoughts and opinions

He should read actually fun (In terrible way) fanfics and not bring those cucks in his videos, because they're the worst thing.

Hello, neo-Sup Forums. Have you praised the sun today?

How can your arms be that big and your chest be that small

>watching video game youtubers/streamers

Guess this is the new Sup Forums living up to the name Sup Forumsirgins. Play video games or shitpost about them, don't be such soyboy betas you actually watch people have fun hours on end when you could be doing it yourself.

>bbb but they are funny and entertaining

Literally lowest brow humor they need games to be their crutch to produce content. They aren't comedians they aren't talented you're a fucking loser

probably does curls 95% of the time.

(' _ ')

>heyhey people
>sseth here

it's okay when he does it

I think people outside of Sup Forums talks about this

that's just how a normal man's arms look even when he doesn't work out


is he alpha or omega?

This look should have suffered a final death in the late 00's.

I think he browses Sup Forums so he can make reviews that will deliberately piss Sup Forums off. I also strongly suspect he is unironically a white supremacist who occasionally browses Sup Forums.

I'm surprised he has such a big dick

This, tired of seeing YongYea everywhere even though he seems like an alright dude.

When he was the obnoxious faggot everyone on here hated was when he was himself. Now he's embarrassed by shit he did no less than three years ago. He also goes on places like Sup Forums and /wsg/ daily to 'borrow' the latest juicy opinions and webms.

I wish he got back on Comic Book Pickups. They were decent episodes.

lol no he doesn't it's half the reason he over compensates

Now, that's a guy who seriously needs to grow the fuck up.

The man is like 40?
Dude, get a life.

Why are metal heads so lame and gay?

It's metal Jesus rocks but yes that's him.

>poor people argument

>every conservative who isn't a puritan is a white supremacist
you belong in the trash

Mr. Metokur

sounds like a metalbro cucked you

>steals thoughts and opinions from Sup Forums
what the fuck does that even mean? I bet a lot of opinions widely held by Sup Forums most of us held before we even came to this place.

You have to be at least 18 to post on Sup Forums. Try posting your e-celeb shit on Reddit instead.

to a minor degree that guy shapes opinions and culture on Sup Forums, I swear so many people here follow the guy.

Fucking hot af tho

He'd have a very feminine face without the beard.

i fucking hate looking at this guy. he looks like hes both 20 and 40. dude looks like he has fetal alcohol syndrome. he looks like a typical metal head fag with terrible long hair and a shitty goatee.

I find it hilarious that a bunch of shut in virgins think this highly of themselves to think anyone even takes you mentally retarded fuck seriously.

lol I remember him sending this pic to dsp when they were talking about fighting, to prove how jacked he was

Wew look who crawled out hello babyface

that's why bbc, wash post, cnn, and the likes are obsessed about browsing Sup Forums Pol. all of them write weekly articles about Sup Forums posts.

shut up nigger

>I also strongly suspect he is unironically a white supremacist who occasionally browses Sup Forums.

You're an idiot. Are underage this sensitive to right wing views?