WoW: Battle for Azeroth

So what races should we have gotten instead of these obvious recolors/reskins that should've been barbershop options?

>highmountain tauren
>not taunka

Giant Gnomes and Goblins. Twice the size of the originals.

Why aren't more people asking for Sharkin? I've wanted to see them in the game since day one.

I'd fuck it.

Literally the same but without the down face.


>cant play the fat walrus dudes
why tho


next update when?

>more animations for existing races
>more customization options like hairstyles, faces, tattoos and jewelry for existing races
>get some new armor styles

And then, maybe, they should think about adding "allied races" in a patch.

It's kind of ridiculous that we still don't have fucking ogres, who have been part of the Horde since Warcraft II.

>fans are hyped for allied races
>just reskins
>expect rage, retards still hyped
>preorders game
>still subs to legion
>will sub a full year to legion's last patch


Ogres, where the fuck are my Rexxar lead ogres?

Its okay. Classic will kill the cycle.

Taunka have bigger heads, making headgear harder to do.

>Ogres with one or more heads
>Tuskarr big bois
>Furbolg because
>Humans for horde
>Taurens for alliance
Also turn racials into talents, or just disable them in PvP so people can be whatever race they want without having to feel dumb for missing out on free trinkets, silence, or stun res.

Well technically they broke from the Horde but the ogres in Dustwallow Marsh joined the Horde after Rexxar became their new cheif

Draenor orcs, Kul'tiras humans, Hozen.

>bird shitting on his shoulder
what the fuck

He's a big boy, he can take it.

Broken Draenei.

I don't remember Tuskarr being that huge.

Would have been so fucking easy to include hellfire orcs and all the other orc types we say in Warlords. All the dwarf types, all the belf types we've seen corrupted, the night elves besides these druggi ones, the walrus men, the vrykul, taunka, etc....

This isnt even a thing and you are right OP, its something some guy could code in ten seconds and add to the game. Cant believe this lazy as fuck ammount of work is even worth mentioning.

Give ally high elves and the horde fucking ogres already, this expansions reveal was so empty god forbid they have to do some work.

>just reskins
They do get their own racials.

Yeah, Tauren were the Warcraft 3 replacement for ogres, but as you said there was a tribe that joined the New Horde back in vanilla. Then there were more in Feralas in Cataclysm. Wouldn't be much of a stretch for some of the Outland ogres to have joined as well following the defeat of Gruul.

While you're sitting in your room, getting softer, Tuskarr are out fishing and squatting on the beach getting bigger and harder.
They'll steal your goatgirls, slut elves, and shortstacks.

Well maybe it's because WoW's camera makes things seem much smaller than they are but I don't remember the Tuskaar model being Ogre sized.
Then again, in most fan art people draw Draenei as around the same size as humans despite being larger. Most playable races in WoW are actually pretty fucking big compared to the already super-humans in WC.

Fucking why? They're literally just shittier Draenei.

Established sub race. People have been asking for sub-races for years but blizzard is spear heading it with legion assets resulting in stuff nobody wanted.

People wanted Broken because they're a true sub race of Draenei and basically existed before modern space goat draenei existed in the canon (Not counting pre-retconn eredar).

They're like human height iirc. In any case, i liek them.

I can't wrap my head around void elves. Who the fuck thought that was a good idea?

A Undead-Skeleton sub race.

Why are nightbourne and void elves such sluts?

>High Elves
>Undead Elves
>Swole Troll
But that would have required work

>human subrace
>its a nig
c-careful blizzard

Blizzard had this whole thing with Alleria Windrunner learning the Void isn't exactly evil (even though the naaru have historically pointed that out to defend the fact that they become entities of it when damaged) and learned to control it.
This is basically blizzard recycling Illidan's demon-hunter trope by having a character that can use the power the void against its own agents.
Why make a race of it? Because it's the perfect excuse to throw the Alliance substitute high elves instead of simply giving them high elves.

They can simply have Alleria alleviate all the lore pressures of having anti-horde blood elves and a few high elves take on this new power that will change their flavor lore enough to kill off high elf "lore-pressence" and prevent blood elf players from re-subbing. The high elf question is an inevitability of adding a sub-race option, Void Elves was their way of answering it.

Arrakoa, vrykul for alliance
Centaur, naga for horde

Blizzard has really mastered meeting their fans half-way with shit nobody asked for and doesn't make anybody happy. At least Zandalari Trolls and Dark Iron Dwarves are cool and something I've wanted.

I can understand why blizzard doesn't want the Alliance to have high elves. Blood elves were supposed to be the high elves of WoW, the entire direction they took in WC III was blizzard trying to make them more distinct than the generic tolkien elves they had in WC II. High Elves that didn't rejoin their main population were effectively rendered a dying breed, doomed to be mixed with humans.

They made Blood Elves join the horde to resolve population issues, but people kept asking for high elves because they wanted them on the Alliance. If they add High Elves as they stand, the horde population is fucked.
Fortunately, adding a bit of dark magic aesthetic to them is all it takes to fix that problem believe it or not. People are so dull, so boring that a little change to the visage of standard fantasy elves is enough to drive people away.

>Fortunately, adding a bit of dark magic aesthetic to them is all it takes
To make them unplayable as paladins. Which they could've been if Blizz added high elves instead. Or any other non-corrupt/dark elf subspecies.

Blizzard doesn't want to redo helmet models.

>Humans for horde
Vol'jin's gay love affair with that one hunter does not an alliance make.

But user, these aren’t sub-races, these are “allied races”

Totally different by Blizzard standards.

HE paladins were never a concern for high elf players, Blood Knights were made up in BC.

Even if they got HE's, them being paladins wouldn't make sense.

Do I still have to buy this game, or can I just sub? Do I have to buy all of the expansions as well as the base game?

You need to buy the base game, the latest expansion and the sub.

When the next expansion rolls around, the old expansion is folded into the base game.

The sub can be funded with in-game gold, but it takes some effort to farm it per month.

There's a trial mode for characters under lvl 20. You can play it free forever but you can't level past 20 + a bunch of other restrictions.

Just base game + Legion. Base is on sale for $10 and Legion is $25.

The base game has everything up to but not including the latest expac, and a month of play. Legion is separate.

>Blood Knights were made up in BC.
But not High Elf paladins and priests, which existed long before WoW you fucking child. Liadrin was even a priestess of the light before she became a blood knight.

So I have to purchase each expansion as it comes out? That's a bit of a pain, but understandable, at least I don't have to pay for everything from BC to whatever was before Legion
Thanks anons

>When the next expansion rolls around, the old expansion is folded into the base game.
How long has this been the case?

Cataclysm I think?

I'm happy for Zandalari trolls.

Been asking for Dark Irons for over a decade.

Lightforged Draenei? Seriously? They're just Draenei with different beards and tats.

High mountain Tauren are boring. They are too similar in both aesthetic and character. They're just tauren with moose antlers and face paint.

All elves must die. Mutant trolls, the lot of them.

I wanted broken Draenei. And it was set up PERFECTLY for the Krokul to join the horde, combining the mistrust of Velen with the horde's sheltering of outcast people with the Argussian Krokul not having any bias against the orcs. It was perfect and they fucked it up.

Through Worgen knot - Unity

>not rolling a Highmountain named Mooseknuckle

Ugly flat faces and big heads. Plus, Taunka use the old Tauren models still. That would have taken a lot more work to implement than Highmountain Tauren.

>But not High Elf Paladins
Never existed, Blood Knights were artificially created via draining a naaru,

Vrykul. Take the proportions of a human, add the surliness and beard of a dwarf, and the lust for battle of an orc. Sprinkle on a heavy Viking aesthetic and you have a fun, if unoriginal, fantasy race.

>Worgen knot
>Not massive orc cock or tauren horsedick.

lightforged draenei are the laziest fucking things I've ever seen. they are LITEARLLY regular draenei with golden bits and white eyes.

Zandalari seem weird since they were a major enemy a few expansions ago.

Dark Iron should have been in a long time ago. Hopefully they add Wildhammers soon too.

Lightforged armor looks neat, but I don't see why they didn't just add them and Highmountain in as customization options to Draenei and Tauren.

Void elves are an odd choice, but it's the closest we'll ever get to High Elves for Alliance. I think Nightborne would have made more sense as a neutral race and give the Horde Maghar instead.

Honestly the Horde shouldn't have gotten any races. Joining the Horde is such a monumentally stupid thing to do that it a makes no sense for any of them.

>implying Dark Iron are any better

Honestly the Alliance shouldn't have gotten any races. Joining the Alliance is such a monumentally stupid thing to do that it a makes no sense for any of them.

You're absolutely right but cmon who didn't want to play as a dark iron dwarf back in the day. They were so cool!

i havnt played this pile of shit game for almost a decade but

void mummies
those fucking bird things from burning crusade in terokkar forest
walrus dudes
broken draenei
pretty sure the panda expansion had some cool ass fish race too add this

i will personally resubscribe when dwarves can be druids

They haven't stopped being cool. These ideas aren't suddenly lazy when you're looking for something to complain about.

>when dwarves can be druids
What the hell would their forms be?

You're an idiot. Joining the Alliance means military aid, trade opportunities, and free travel with multiple well-established nations. You have basically zero responsibilities, you can leave whenever you want, and you can rejoin if you weren't a total dick.
Joining the Horde means swearing yourself into eternal servitude to the Warchief, who represents a few straggling refugee nations who have a history of violently lashing out at everything that moves. You can't ever leave, and your only discourse if you don't like the way things are going is starting a bloody civil war.

>broken are having a shit life in outlands
>both horde and alliance never asked them to join up

Zandalari would have been weird a couple expansions ago. Their background lore was basically them being landgrabbers out of desperation. Their island is fucked and they needed to find a new home, so they figured they'd reach out to old allies like the diasporic troll tribes and Lei Shen. They never betrayed the world by siding with the legion or Old God's. They just need a home. And after a thorough thrashing from us a couple times, why not toss their lot in with a "tribe" that until recently was run by one of them.

Why would Nightborne be neutral? The Alliance did bare minimum to help. Tyrande was basically calling them filthy mana addicts and they should lay down their lives so that her people can survive. BE committed the most troops, they were the ones on the front lines while the HE & NE were more scouts/support.

Plus culture wise they fit in with BE more than NE. They might’ve been NE at one point but they were always considered the elites, the Highborne. Tyrande doesn’t like the Highborne, and barely allows any arcane magic. The Nightborne would’ve been a threat to her rule and probably would’ve sparked a war. As NE would probably want to reclaim Suramar.

Nagas, Ogres, many choices and they went for reskins.

Variations of bears. With beards.

Bear-cat with a beard.

Bear chicken owl thing with a beard.

Bear gryphon flight form.

Bear tree.

Bear bear.

Why go for orde barbarians when you can go for sophisticated Alliance?

use ur imagination f@m

pretty sure there are numberous big burly beasts and mountain dwelling critters out there

vrykul for alliance and ogres for horde
big boy expansion

>Nagas, Ogres, Vrykul
>things that will never happen
Blizzard's not going to modify assets for nagas and ogres and vrykul are just too big.

>too big
*allows players to get gigantic mammoth mounts*

Reminder that Trolls are Azeroth's only real children and all other races are either cursed statues, aliens, or mutants.

I honestly love the idea of the krokul joining the horde. If blizzard was smart, they would notice this shit and make it happen. Still hoping that wildhammer dwarves and mag'har/dragonmaw orcs get implemented.

That's true. Seemed like the whole reason she was at Suramar was to just keep an eye on Liadrin. And she did everything she could to keep her troops as far from the fighting as she could. Vereesa openly didn't want to be there in the first place I think.

Those don't go into buildings regularly.

I honestly don't know how the fuck the Furbolg aren't a thing yet considering they've had a friendly faction since vanilla.

Trolls are the cavemen of Azeroth. Elves are the next step in evolution.

>Joining any of these
>Not going full independent

>we wuz kings


Taurens are natives as well.

tauren and goblins

>lets actual, literal, treeniggers set up camp in their capital city
Whatever you say, cucklliance.

Goblins are literally mutant reptiles warped by radioactive crystal.

Tauren are creations of the Wild God's, which came after the ordering.

>Joining the Alliance means military aid, trade opportunities, and free travel with multiple well-established nations.

Horde also provides military aid, trade opportunities, and free travel through multiple well established nations. Thunderbluff has been around longer than any human settlement. Quelthas is one the oldest established nations. Ogrimmar is new but has lots of opportunities. Before it was raised, Undercity was great for magical research and experiments.

>You have basically zero responsibilities, you can leave whenever you want, and you can rejoin if you weren't a total dick.

Same with the Horde. Except unlike Alliance where it’s something out of convienance. Horde is something out of survival, so their bond is much stronger. When BE were thinking of leaving, no one tried to stop them.

>Joining the Horde means swearing yourself into eternal servitude to the Warchief, who represents a few straggling refugee nations who have a history of violently lashing out at everything that moves.

Remember Alliance has a king that they all bend the knee too. Warchief is the same thing, however each individual also has their own racial leader that takes priority. Much like the Alliance.

They might be refugee nations but they’ve pulled themselves together into a world power. They’re no more aggressive in stamping out anything that moves than the Alliance. If anything they’re less bloodthirsty, seeing how they were calling for peace for multiple years. While Alliance was trying to destroy the Horde at any given opportunities.

>You can't ever leave, and your only discourse if you don't like the way things are going is starting a bloody civil war.

Blood Elves were in discussion of leaving. No one was stopping them physically or threating civil war. With exception of the Forsaken the test owe their continued existence to Thrall and would never think about leaving.

wrong, tauren are abominations created by Xuen, who was empowered by Eonar's Emerald Dream

While the currently slated subraces are somewhat of a disappointment, a lot of it stems from the fact that the races they chose to start off with were (with exception of the Dark Irons) either immediately relevant in Legion (Nightborn, Lightforged Draenei, Highmountain Tauren, Void Elves) or are set to be major players in the next expansion (Zandalari). It would be inexcusable for them to just leave it at those moving forward, but it does make sense to use the current ones to help bridge the admittedly massive story gap between Legion and BfA.

>Ogres with one or more heads
They would have to first deal with them being too tall (as was the problem with their planned implementation originally). This might have a bit more viability considering they've figured out how to allow existing Troll and Orc players to have their characters stand upright.
Absolutely. There's no reason why the Forest trolls haven't been allowed AT LEAST as a skin by this point; giving them their own subrace to allow buff models makes it better.
>Tuskarr big bois
Would be difficult to model for, and there isn't (as far as I know) any one faction that would lay claim to them.
>Furbolg because
Would make sense as perhaps an option as a night elf "subrace." Would require some MASSIVE remodeling first though.
Could make sense as a human subrace, but there haven't been many indications that any group of Vrykul have been particularly warm to either faction. Kul'Tiras humans (being larger and more Vrykul-like based on the trailers) would make more sense.
>Humans for horde
Maybe some of the remaining Alterac loyalists, but having that Second War problem return NOW seems a bit far-fetched. That is unless the retaking of Stromgarde (at least in the lore) and subsequent retaking of the other northern kingdoms in Legion/BfA results in the remnants of the Syndicate seeking refuge with the horde (Syndicate leadership was former Alterac nobility)

Perenolde's gay love affair with Ogrim, does count and is canon, so while it remains an unlikely possibility, it still is up in the air on whether or not the Syndicate would join the horde. They're probably just going to quietly get removed though, R.I.P. in pieces.

Was meant for the catgirls.

>Absolutely. There's no reason why the Forest trolls haven't been allowed AT LEAST as a skin by this point; giving them their own subrace to allow buff models makes it better.
they are MORTAL enemies of both blood elves and humans.