Report: Microtransactions, DLC Make Up Majority of Video Game Revenue Despite Consumer Outcry

>Report: Microtransactions, DLC Make Up Majority of Video Game Revenue Despite Consumer Outcry

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people are fucking sheep eager to sell their souls to corporations
more news at 11

Gamers are fucking idiots.

>buying dlc means selling your soul to a corporation

>linking to Breitbart of all places
Is Sup Forums really this low?

Breitbart is a legitimate news source you snowflake.


>A handful of whales outspend everyone else
Yeah, not surprised. That's exactly how it's designed.

Go back to Huffington Post, sweetie

Yes we told you about whales, that was the whole point

>buying dlc and supporting mtx isnt selling yourself to corporations

Says the immediately triggered butthurt rightwing snowflake.

Seriously who the fuck actually buys lootboxes?

>get called out for posting a shitty overly biased fake news site
>somehow a shitty overly biased fake news site on the other side of the spectrum is okay

>F2P games proliferate because of whales
>whales effectively buying the games for thousands of other people to play

I'm okay with this.
I don't really care if some rich fag even does 5% more damage because he bought a thing with real money, I will still beat him with pure skill

The report was citing F2P games and mobile shit. If Battlefront 2 were F2P none of this shit would have happened.

I'm worried they'll put all the development into micro transaction stuff and the story campaign will suffer. I play story campaigns mainly and usually not multiplayer and I never buy micro transaction stuff.

Breitbart is stupid, pass it on.

God fucking dammit.

The whales. Nothing will stop lootboxes, because there's always those tiny amounts of people willing to spend $10,000 on bullshit.

I want to say a lot of people, but that would just be speculation. More likely, it's a couple of people paying enough money to cover for a lot of people. I don't know how true it is, but there was the news of someone spending $15,000 on Mass Effect's multiplayer last month. You could also find more believable examples of people dropping several hundred dollars in other games to get them in bulk.

The reason this shit sucks so much is it circumvents voting with your wallet. That's why there should be fucking outcry in the first place. They've worked out the psychology of the whale to the point that not even 30% of a consumer base is needed to exceed initial purchase gross with these microtransactions. It leaves the majority powerless.

The consumer outcry wasn't over micro transactions. It was paying to randomly get a set of micro transactions that was the issue. Let people buy what they want and be done with it for fucks sake.

>Not begging corporations to assfuck and enslave you

I hate non-neo-Sup Forums.

The same people who donate to streamers

I want loot boxes to expand into everything that way when the bubble finally bursts it takes down the whole industry

>we needed a report to tell us that a system that psychologically preys on weak minded people to spend money they don't have on virtual shit they don't need and shouldn't have to pay for, makes a lot of money

Considering that it costs them jack shit to put out the content of microtransactions, no shit.

you cant beat ea

>linking to breitbart

what the fuck OP

well, time to change hobby, fapping and shitposting seems to be the best ones, lots of free good stuff to spend time...

This isn't news, this has been common since the PS3/360 era

DLC is a given, every game has DLC, even Nintendo is releasing DLC for Xenoblade 2

Microtransactions? It's normal in f2p games but AAA devs have been implementing on their shitty games, EA took it so far that it caused a massive outrage

tl;dr nothing new at all

>buy contet cut from the original game
>not selling your soul

>MY new source is legitimate

Same reason why Youtube's biggest money makers all have content for the 10 year old kids, they don't know any better.

The assumption is "If you're not with me, then you are my enemy"

That was purposefully flawed logic from some movie, I forget which

>the current state of /v

the same kind of people that sit in front of a slot machine all day. corporations have learned to exploit a loophole in online gambling laws and are making so much money they don't know what to do with it from it

When I queue up for CS:GO, I'm typically the only person in the game who blatantly doesn't care at all about cosmetics and doesn't own any beyond a few found from random (free) drops. The reason I support lootboxes and and cosmetics is that these morons are literally funding the games I play for me. In the case of when I played Dota, I was playing the game entirely for free because so many idiots care how their pixels in game look.

So the general message I got from the SuperData article is that F2P games make more money in total.

Which makes sense, their net pool is much larger than Pay 2 Play games but the trade off is it's a world of many, many minnow and a handful of whales.

But those games use fundamentally different market structures.

Gamers didn't care much about DLC or even microtransactions that much.

The Battlefront 2 debacle had a couple of different aspects that made it a perfect shitstorm
>Microtransactions in a $60 game
>Microtransactions that are Pay2Win
>Microtransactions that are exclusively lootbox

Those three together make a game literally unplayable at nearly every level of play. It screws over Whales, it screw over Minnows, it screws over everyone inbetween.

League employs one, maybe one and a half of those methods and are F2P. It's an acceptable business model, all things considered.

Dota goes a step further and employs none of those methods.

It isn't kids though. If you play games with cosmetics and voice chat, 95% of the people who buy cosmetics are fully grown white male adults. The explanation is not that it's kids, it's that the average person is vapid and stupid.

I've been saying this all week.

You cannot win.Just like with Paid Online. Just like with DLC. Just like with pre-order bonuses. Just like with season passes. There is no hope. video games cannot be saved.

you can't deny some skins look cool as fuck though. people who spend an extra hundred dollars on stattraks that look exactly the same as a regular skin are morons tho

>people bitching about breitbart
Just use their source then, you don't actually think they did the data on their own, obviously they are relaying someone else's info

>hurr da whales
People are just fucking dumb. All of them. Especially you. Everyone is so stupid. Everyone but me.

I want Sup Forums to leave forever

Darth Bane?

Never mind it's comparing the revenue of Free to Play games in comparison to Full priced games with additional content. However it tries to equate both by agregating all the data per year. This article is the gaming equivalent to the $0.77 in comparison to the male dollar.
The data only proves that Free to Play games make more money than full priced releases and base game sales still count for most of the revenue.
