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game would be improved with sniper gone and spy buffed

prove me wrong (you can't)

Are there any more hot-blooded American characters like that in Vidya?

you mean parody characters? soldier is dumber than a bag of rocks.

Soldier is easy and overpowered.

*dink* *dink* dink*

No, he has the average IQ of an american.
Like me cause I'm one too.

In terms of domination lines it goes Demo=Sniper>Scout>Soldier>Spy>Engineer>Medic>Heavy>Pyro

>spy removed

*blocks you're path*

*equips direct hit*

*equips wrangler*

>classes like heavy, medic, Sony, and demo should be invincible
yeah no. there need to be pick classes

Sniper isn't dysfunctional, but he's definitely obnoxious on either team. The same applies to most spies, but at least spy is interesting.
Low skill floor, high skill ceiling, arguably a bit too strong.

name a class that takes more skill spoilers you cant.

What new class should be in TF3?

>There are different wrench banging sounds for repairing/building and for hitting a fully healed building
Valve knew their sound design






>dominate some faggot as soldier in a fair 1 v 1
>he goes spy for that easy revenge since he cant win a 1v1
>kill him easily everytime he tries to backstab me sending him to a 20 sec timer

spies are pathetic

*takes out your dispenser*
*keeps corner peeking with prefire*

both extremely easy classes unless tf2 is your first arena shooter

The Spy? Easily. Scout is 100% twitch aim. Spy is a complex challenge of social stealth, far more nuanced than hitscan meets hurtbox.

Please. Rocket jumping is a cute trick but trick stabs are far more demanding and magnificent. Pair that with watch management and the restriction of only being able to jump once.

Spy, perhaps, has and unlimited skill ceiling do to the multi-faceted nature of deception.

Precisely, my sir.

>implying the dispenser isnt hidden behind a wall

>implying scout isn't easy too
if we're talking about skill ceiling then soldier and scout would be on their own levels
different kinds of skill etc

>Spy, perhaps, has and unlimited skill ceiling do to the multi-faceted nature of deception.
Truly the most complex class in TF2. You need an extremely high IQ to even pick him.

>clicking to go completely invisible and clicking somewhere behind a players hitbox to instakill totally takes skill guys

TF2 isn't my first arena shooter. Because it's not one.

Just because the video has a creative, humorous little storyline appended to it doesn't mean it's not impressive. If you think this is a snippy response then I could just post 7 Brothers or The Storm to blam Soldiers, Scouts, and Demos. I don't need to.

Sorry, sport, did I dominate you one to many times? You can do a 180 instantly, so don't complain to me you don't know when to look behind you.

Scout/Soldier/Demo are the easiest classes possible, in terms of tactics. They're toolboxes with no clear weaknesses, higher maneuverability than the rest of the roster by far, and access to easymode map routes due to that mobility, where every other class needs to play around clearly defined strengths and weaknesses, preparing for their class hardcounters which will seek them out and who they cannot avoid, all while sticking to the floor of the map.

If you die as a scout/soldier/demoman it is because you played the fight bad or because you are an idiot who ignored 3d maneuverability. As any other class your individual skill is not enough and you need the additional layer of tactics on top of your ability to click the enemy hitbox.

>tfw 3500 ubers away from Hale's Own Vaccinator

I really wish all mediguns just leveled up off of kill assists, would make a lot more sense.

you talk like a fag and your shit's all fucked

*Frying pan and screams in the distance.*

how much does it cost?

The pyro missions are free, the jungle inferno stuff for the blood money and paints is the one you pay for.

You literally dont you retard.

seems like your post got lost somewhere, here you go:

">people say TF2 isn't pay2win
>have to buy a 6 dollar season pass to access the pyro weapons

No thank you."



feels bad man, when the fuck is valve adding that and well to casual?

ctf maps suck, just play pugs like a grown up

Not sure why it's deleted but tf2 being p2w doesn't really matter all that much. Just py for the weps and play with the rest

It was deleted because he was wrong, the pyro contracts are free to everyone.

>ctf maps suck
how does it feel having shit taste?

How would you fix the texas builder man?

Purely from a game design perspective CTF and Tf2 do not match and the currently available maps also suck from a map design perspective.

I don't see why that warrants deletion though. Again the people say that tf2 isn't p2w are wrong.

Who even plays this game anymore?

>tfw 3cp is objectively the best game mode but there are like 2 maps made for it

CTF complements pubs too well, as an objective it's not good but as a background to dick around in it's great. Also remember CtF was one of the few game modes in the original TFs

He can be a huge asset on defense or offense, but I run into a lot of engies who are borderline useless.

>just turn your brain off lmao

go back to /tf2g/ viva

Only payload and king of the hill are worthwhile game modes.

Either increase wrench swing speed to .5 or make level 2 upgrade only 100 metal.

How many times have you died today?

Why is it P2W, though?
All the weapons (i.e what matters) can be obtained for free.

>only 100 metal
>can go from no sentry to level 2 with only a small metal pack

He's already fine as is and has plenty of unlocks that either make his primary hard counters easier to shut down or just generally casualize the wrenchan' Texan experience.

what do you think of the gunslinger? is it balanced?

Yeah it sucks. They crunch like a twig under the slightest bit of pressure. They can't defend shit. I don't use them much. The extra health is nice though.

So which is it?

CTF games suck because you end up with the team getting split up between defenders and attackers and snipers who just sit around doing fuck all in the middle.

CP and PL have more team play and people group up more so the games are better.

CP still has problems with sometimes a braindead engineer will camp an old point but that's not so bad, usually it's just one guy, two at most


they nerfed it enough that now it's bad. Still usable though

Why is it always the same fucking argument? Why do you think what you just said means it's not p2w? why can't you just admit to it being p2w because technically it is? Dota 2 is the only non-p2w f2p game

i think it's fine in its current state.
shit was fucked during the however many years when it regen'd health while building though.

>On defense and the only engi is a gunslinger engi

Truly this is what hell must be like

This user is correct but Spy shouldn't be buffed. The Sniper has no counter play and only takes away from every game he is involved in. A good sniper sucks to play against. He can pick you off easy.

looks like someone hasn't LOOKED IT UP yet

What's your argument, then?

All the best items in the game are the default and the achievement weapons. Pretty much calling TF2 pay to win is a pedantic technicality. While yes, it's technically true that you might potentially get a minuscule advantage by buying one key and then trading it for every single weapon in the game, people don't think it's pay to win because they compare it to other games, where you get insane bonuses in exchange for cash. It's a matter of scale. The advantage you get from money in TF2 is so microscopic that unless you want to be some sort of autistic obsessive word lawyer, it's not really pay to win.

Gunslinger engi on defense can be decent sometimes, as they focus more on support. Be thankful if someone goes engi and makes a teleport and dispenser in the first place.

I will continue to advocate for an Iron Man like armor that allows you to shoot sentry rockets and fly.

Do you think engies other buildings should have mini variants?

I think there should just be other variants for buildings in general. The speed booster idea as a replacement for teleporters has been talked about to death. If the dispenser gets a mini variant, it probably could just be a portable one that Engi hauls on his back that heals people in an area.

Yeah, but that mini sentry doesn't defend shit, most of them their entire base gets taken down almost immediately. A regular sentry is just so much more useful on defense than a shitty mini that gets taken down in less than a second by soldiers and demos. I agree they can still help, but in my experience most engies that go gunslinger on defense is equivalent to us being down a player.

there was some toying with the concept of a mini dispenser but even level 1 rate dispensing wouldn't be a big enough downside for being able to put one up faster

What would a mini tele even be? It can't be upgraded? That would be terrible. Limited amounts of uses like Sym's? Again that probably wouldn't be a sever enough downside

this thing is fun, but it does need some tweaking, how does this sound?
>fireballs can't penetrate players
>25 shots instead of 40, maybe 20 if you want to really hold it down

i can only see a mini-dispenser working if it can deploy in under 10 seconds and gives you healing that's just barely lower than the basic dispenser, because any lower is useless.

No, I'd prefer something unique than a worse rehash. Give me the boost pads and jump pads you hacks.

I think giving the dragon's fury a clip would limit its spam problems, as well as give it a more unique role as a weapon

>speed boost for teammates
>AoE heal

Those would make him a great alternate support class

>Ork Heavy
>Tau Sniper
>Commissar Medic

What else could I do to finis this theme?

>repeating the same shit again
Two can play that this:
Why is it always the same fucking argument? Why do you think what you just said means it's not p2w? why can't you just admit to it being p2w because technically it is? Dota 2 is the only non-p2w f2p game
What do you mean

>abusing backstab hitboxes

but dude he made you turn

I like the speed boost idea, though I think it gives too much of a buff to cooperative engineering, as one Engie can build a teleporter TO the front, and another can build a boost pad AT the front to boost teammates.
The backpack dispenser seems like it dimishes the role of the Medic too much without restricted healing, even if the Engie can't use Ubercharges.

You haven't stated why TF2 is P2W, so I'm asking what makes you think so.

Eldar is clearly scout, fast as shit and deals a metric assload of damage but always fucking dying.

Yeah, but what costmetics? I got the Ork Heavy made, just need a team captain for the Medic and Sniper is still a work in progress.

i'd go a big elfin deal personally since he gets the pointy ears that way.

Just make the mechanics exactly like the passive healing items and the backpack would be fine


Just make the mechanics exactly like the passive healing items (Cozy Camper, Conch) and the backpack would be fine

>why do you think thing?
Because it's a fact.

They should all be Orks.

>avoids the question

I'm not.

Then answer it.