
I've never seen so much corporate cock sucking till i read that article.

Honestly I'm already suicidal and this doesn't help any.

Good. Only fedoralords want Reddit Memetrality


So let me get this straight, you guys complain that video games don't allow "free speech" but also support this bullcrap that will remove free speech because daddy Trump?


It's seems like nobody truly understands what happens without net neutrality.

I say fuck it at this point because 99% or the internet and 100% of the internet are ignorant on what really happens when it's gone

hope your parents are rich cause their bills will go up when ISPs chop services into data dlc

>The old rules pushed by the Obama administration had locked down the industry with regulation that only helped incumbent service providers and major content delivery services. They called it a triumph of “free expression and democratic principles.” It was anything but. It was actually a power grab. It created an Internet communication cartel not unlike the way the banking system works under the Federal Reserve.

Yes. At least this shit showed has clearly and explicitely as possible the true colors of the Sup Forumstards, there are nothing more than rabid brainless supporters.

How the fuck does someone suck corporate cock so hard that restricting their ability to fuck customers over is going against freedom but companies literally having contracts giving them a monopoly on city internet isn't?

>this huge load of empty and meangless mental gymnastic.
Holy shit.

net neutrality was a bad thing.

"Net neutrality" was a joke with Google controlling most of the internet and censoring it as they see fit anyway. Yeah, we might get screwed by the telecoms, but it's not going to be any worse than what Google is doing, just different. Maybe Google will be forced to actually fix their shit and innovate in order to remain competitive against the telecoms.

I wonder if anyone thought this wasn't the case

Can't wait for all the Americans to get blocked off of Sup Forums finally

I hope Sup Forumstards who support destroying the internet are cursed to live a thousand lives of sorrow.

honestly, I trust ISPs more than google, Sup Forums (especially the mods acting independent of administration), google, faceberg, twitter, whoever owns plebbit, all that shit.

These companies have time and time again shown the utmost incompetence. Meanwhile with ISPs, what happens? The worst? You pirated a public torrent and they send you a letter. Everything they bring against you can be solved by threatening to cancel your subscriptions.

these big sites and corporations need to pay. No better way to do it than pull the control from under them. Fuck 'em.

Most online censorship comes from Google / Facebook / Twitter, and they are pushing net neutrality

Rules have to be applied equally. If the ISPs are utilities then so is YouTube.

>against net neutrality

>pro net neutrality

I pick the lesser evil.

Now fuck off shills

People like you should legit hang. I would pay money to watch you die. People like you are why every year, the world gets shittier.

mad redditor detected. stop sucking corporate cock any time.

when someone disagrees with you, you want to kill them. these are the people pushing net neutrality.

>stop sucking corporate cock any time
You have no idea how ironic this is.

so what is this ACTUALLY about?
no way massive corporations would lobby this hard if there wasn't tons of dosh involved

good little corporate drone, doing exactly what Google, Reddit, and John Oliver wants.

>want to kill them
No, I want to watch him die. There's a difference, user. People don't like people who want to ruin things solely because "XD DADDY TRUMP SAID SO"

So from what I understand both sides are filled with jews?
What's the point of arguing if the goyim loses each time?

So this means Americunts have to pay more for extra services? That sucks.

Most online censorship comes from Google / Facebook / Twitter, and they are pushing net neutrality

Rules have to be applied equally. If the ISPs are utilities then so is YouTube.

Is the new Sup Forums thing to scream people are "corporate drones" when you are the corporate drone?

The reason there's a need for the internet to be treated as utility is because it's become an essential need for most people like electricity and water and natural gas.

Not the same deal with Youtube. You don't need Youtube in the same way you need an internet connection. Youtube could vanish into the ether right this second and you would be no worse off. But if your internet did, there likely goes your news, banking, social contacts, network functionality for any of the many things you own in your house, etc. You'd be fucking hosed then.

>What's the point of arguing if the goyim loses each time?
Because while the jews always win, sometimes we get screwed less depending on which jews win.

>If the ISPs are utilities then so is YouTube.
Nope. That doesn't even make sense. You're a brainlet.

The corporations pushing net neutrality (Google / Amazon) are larger than the corporations against net neutrality.

(You)'re a corporate drone.

You realize corporations have basically won the game right?

There is no such thing as "online censorship" currently. So I am unsure what you are memeing about. Currently, google does not charge me 6000 dollars to use Sup Forums. I would like to keep it that way and won't change my tune because you hate "LIBURALZ"

Thankfully states will set their own rules and just sue pajeet and win as always when federal courts rule in their favor. Like that time Trump said sacntuary cities weren't allowed. So much winning.

>oh no the ISPs
>*youtube censors free speech*
>they're taking
>*faceberg sells your info and doesn't tell you*
>control of
>*webhosts violate net neutrality and target people, censoring them*
>the internet!
>*google is fucking google*
yeah what's so ironic about wanting to see these people not get their way, you don't even know what net neutrality means other than "oh no muh porns gonna be gone :((("

>sucking comcast/verizon's dick has become somehow better than netflix/google

what form of mental gymnastics do you have to perform on yourself TO TRUST COMCAST?

YouTube is a more important communications utility than the landline phone.

The landline phone is called a utility, so YouTube is also a utility.

No, it showed the colours of cocksuckers, most of them are probably boomers and/or from the_donald

>being addicted to corporate cock


stay mad shekelgoldbergstein

>There is no such thing as "online censorship" currently.

YouTube and Twitter censors their users regularly. And domain names are being taken away all the time now (Gab.ai, TDS), and you said nothing.

Is this some Sup Forums meme I'm not up to date with?

>america finds a way to give corporations even more power to screw over the average person

How surprising.

You all deserve it.

where did I say I trust them? Only a retard trusts corporations like comcast, cablevision, google, facebook, etc. I have actual leverage over ISPs, you do too (or well, your mom does - we all know you're too young to pay bills.) Tell me how having direct financial influence is worse?

>I don't know what censorship is

Are you serious?

??? What, through all of history of ISP and cable providers, has shown you that they're worthy of trust at all? They've done everything could good to control the means and method.

Private businesses can decide to not host content. The internet was developed by a joint DARPA project, meaning public funds created the goddamn thing. All the ISPs do is make bigger pipes, they didn't invent the damn thing. So yeah, regulate it like a fucking utility.

>*ISPs dare to want to charge extra for use of high bandwidth websites/apps*

>*Twitter tracks your browsing history and bans you for visiting sites controversial political consultants tell them are bad*
Redditors: oh well its a free country

They have TOS, retard. Do you think if NN is removed ISPs will be able to remove youtube and googles TOS? There is no fucking censorship.

They're all private entities, you're talking about websites and not ISPs. They're allowed to censor as they please. There's no correlation here, you don't even understand what's being discussed.

>Sup Forums has somehow drunk so much kool aid that they've convinced themselves opposing net neutrality is fighting the jews

I don't care what news source you like, or what side of the fence you're on, how in the world can you fucking support comcast?

If net neutrality is so great and protects our freedom of speech, why did the Daily Stormer get shut down while these laws were in effect?

While we're at it, how about you list some websites that got blocked before these net neutrality laws existed?

Oh no, normies have to pay for their Facebook, Netflix and 3DPD porn now.

Who the fuck cares?

>Private businesses

Google / Facebook/ Twitter receive huge tax breaks and government benefits, and are communications utilities.

kantbot was right again

>??? What, through all of history of ISP and cable providers, has shown you that they're worthy of trust at all? They've done everything could good to control the means and method.
oh no, they sent me a letter because they were told I was pirating over the hedge back in 2006, fuck, whatever will I do. how scary. How hard do you suck google cocq?

but le not an argument fallacy man

There are many twitter clones out there but there is only 1 ISP in my area, this is the difference.


What fucking rainbow world is this guy living in where he thinks getting rid of net neutrality will resort in lower prices and more innovation in services?

Ending net neutrality only means that every ISP is going to jew the everloving shit out of the customers with no repercussions. I wouldn't be surprised to hear about one of these companies going full Enron on the consumers to save a buck thanks to the new lack of rules.

YouTube is a more communications utility than the landline phone. Since the landline phone is called a utility, then so is YouTube.

>honestly, I trust ISPs

Sup Forums is retarded now.

Dude you realize Sup Forums is trump central right and they invaded the rest of Sup Forums?

why do the neutrality shills keep bringing up comcast? You know there's other ISPs. You're being very predictable google.

>corporation controlling the entirety of a way you can use a commodity
>vs a social media website banning you from using its services

I guess when you're the only country in the world that has bandwidth caps shit like this comes naturally. America is truly cucked by corporations.

Twitter has a near monopoly.

You are free to purchase satellite internet no matter where you are. This is a more legitimate alternative than any Twitter clone.

It's useless arguing with the poltard shills. Let them die in the bed they've made. You can't argue with people who don't operate off of logic. The only way they learn is through pain and punishment, like a monkey touching a furnace.

This thread is filled with bots, bots arguing with each other and two retarded anons arguing with each other.

All business receive tax breaks, doofus. Every single one.

Throttled bandwidth, would not allow access to apps and services, would not allow full access to services I've already paid for. They've done a bunch of stuff, including, block access to this place, at one point.


>using the website that worships this mentality

>Rules have to be applied equally. If the ISPs are utilities then so is YouTube.
That makes no sense whatsoever.

Google is a corporation, YouTube is a utility, and Google controls much more of the internet than ISPs.

Nothing about that infographic makes any sense.

The difference being that you can choose to stop using twitter if you disagree, and your ISP can choose to not let you browse Sup Forums making it cost $1000 a year.
See the difference?

>Americans leaving us to post with Europeans
Please don't do this to us

>muh logic
>defending everything google, facebook, twitter has done and giving them what they want
very logical indeed *tips fedora*

Most jews are right wing and support right wing policies. Jews don't actually benefit that much from leftist policies except from immigration allowing cheaper workers. Jews benefit heavily from the pseudo-fascist states right wing governments can set up for them and allow them to suck the public dry for money. Do people think all these big jew ceos are liberals? They absolutely fuel right wing sites because those people turn around and defend corporate interest because corporate interest are engrained into right wing ideology now. They don't give a fuck if a poor goy wants to say gas the jews while being a useful idiot.

fuck the corporations

The only thing that does is ensure they remain settled in the US as not giving them tax breaks just means they, and all their jobs and taxes, relocate to a country that is more beneficial to them.

You really need to stop talking economics when you clearly don't understand what any of it means. If you think these kind of things then it's time to make sure you know what it all means and read up on it, rather than just regurgitating your initial, rushed, presumptions.

It was ICANN that nuked Gab and TDS from the entire internet.

Most of these hosting/domain name companies are just intermediaries between you and ICANN. When you buy a domain, you're buying the name from the registrar that owns that domain name (actually renting it but semantics), which is registered with ICANN.

If ICANN terminates the domain (as they did with Gab and TDS, the site becomes unreachable except by direct IP. The reason we have domain names is so you don't need to do this and direct IP can change depending on how the hosting operates.

In effect, ICANN has the sole power to instantly make any site it wishes unreachable to 99% of users, with zero oversight or accountability.

Well, even Sup Forums is getting Sup Forumsluted.
Kinda funny to see the NN threads there. You can see how heartbroken some old Sup Forumslacks are

Then again it might be memewarfare. It's long due we lost a battle

>get rid of rules saying you can't fuck your customers over

fucking Anarcho-Capitalists and Libertarians and Republicans would fucking get rid of the FDA and praise that move.

Can anyone name an industry that got better after deregulation? I'll wait for the replies.

YouTube is a more important communications utility than the landline phone. Since the landline phone is called a utility, then so is YouTube.

I think it's a slide from a presentation or something

Otherwise yeah it's incomprehensible

that makes no sense user

>block access to this place, at one point.
they should do it again, just for you

These people legitimately believe that when NN is gone, youtube will not be allowed to demonetize videos or ban users because they will be under direct control of ISPS.

>You know there's other ISP

That's exactly the fucking problem you mong, most areas DON'T HAVE OTHER OPTIONS

>you're a corporate drone if you don't want to fuck over ISPs
Okay that's it, this site has become too retarded. Have fun when Sup Forums itself is blocked along with other 'dangerous, racist and harmful' sites like it and you can't even laugh about how you made other people mad.

I live in a country with net neutrality laws in place, and out internet is less free than the internet you Americans have.

Hundreds of blocked websites, and we have a system set up where private corporations can request even more websites be blocked for almost any reason they see fit.

Our government is targeting porn and encryption next. We wont be able to access porn without jumping through hoops and they are demanding back doors be build into encrypted services of they will be banned.

I wont even get started on how much the government decided they could legally spy on us now, but they can and do. But this is your internet on government controlled net neutrality.

Most online censorship comes from Google / Facebook / Twitter, and they are pushing net neutrality

Rules have to be applied equally. If the ISPs are utilities then so is YouTube.

jews support jewish policies. everyone supports policies that benefit them.

>I don't trust the mods on a Mongolian basket-weaving forum without administration
>But I do trust ISP's without administration :^)
What the actual fuck is wrong with you?

>You know there's other ISPs
What like 3 others? What if they aren't in my area

This is so retarded
>go on YouTube record a video
>your friend watches it
>he makes a video replying back to you
How the hell is this a communication tool?
I use my telephone everyday I never use YouTube I haven't even got s YouTube account

>Sup Forums gets net neutrality removed
>they can't access their own safe space anymore

The irony would be simply unreal