Comfy video game YouTubers

Comfy video game YouTubers

>nice and structured review of story, gameplay, graphics and sound, version differences, and non biased

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take your pick
e-celeb threads do not belong on Sup Forums

I like Guru Larry, but he has a habit of attention whoring by commenting on every video ever made

He does have some pretty interesting videos. But yeah, his whoring is pretty aggravating doesn't help that his avatar is too smug.

I expected Johnny to be your usual fat sonic autismo but he actually is one of best rewiever on this wretched site. Seems like a chill ass dude too

He used to be cringey as fuck honestly.

He's improved a lot.

sorry I don't watch video game youtubers because I'm not mentally sick or fourteen years old

I have a hard time believing johnny is autistic as an Autist myself

Because he got away from Sonic autism.

I thought he was a retard from that "bing bing wahoo" picture with eliot and him. Then i watched a lot of his vids and he's a pretty cool dude and has good taste. Eliot is a retard though

brutalmoose is the only YouTuber that isn't a guilty pleasure for me. A lot of Yungtown's stuff is good too.

I like the ones with big titties. Who the fuck wants to watch and listen to some soyboy manlet faggot rant about video games?

More like cookie cutter review without any interesting point being made about the game. Seriously watching his reviews is pretty much just listening to opinions and conclusions anyone who played the game will come up with, literally the least interesting type of reviewer around.

Found the virgin

t. Ign and gamespot watcher

Absolutely shitty taste. I'm surprised I even recognize this faggot
>dude other m is better than prime 2 lmao

>he uses virgin as an insult on Sup Forums
>he thinks putting his penis inside of a vagina is worthy of merit

I mean Prime 2 was not a good game, especially when compared to the first one.

Its only problem is rehashing enemies, really.


>same beam/suit upgrades
>lame dark world gimmick
>dumb dark Samus plot

>>dumb dark Samus plot
How is it dumb? Not terribly exciting, but there's nothing wrong with Metroid Prime looking for phazon

Found the virgin, again.

Prime 2 is dogshit

ashens, shovelwarehouse, sovietwomble, nerdcubed.


>watching youtubers

Fucking grow up, all of you cunts

>i'm 15

The post

So you've failed in life

Well done user life will only get worse

These threads would be a lot less cancerous if you'd just talk about Youtubers and everyone else would fuck off and hide it like we do for their bullshit cunt threads.

Huggbees' review series is super comfy

The Great Clement
> very informative
> is angry only at certain games and somehow turns it into sort of pleasant angry (it kinda sounds like he's making fun of being angry)
> plays really well
> enjoys even unpopular games like Lost World and Boom


I always try to find a small let's play channels, that have not been infected by the left, feminazis or meme's. Like Ausgamia and Ultra C.


it's kind of bizarre how bad johnny looks in his old thumbnails of his videos

the new drawing of him in his new thumbnails looks miles better and makes him look way more professional overall

You are beyond saving

Send him to

LGR and Ross Scott

>plays really well
>can't get all the red rings and chaos emeralds in lost world 3ds

Fuck off roastie

>>he uses virgin as an insult on Sup Forums
It's always been a fucking insult you faggot, and will always be.

There's still something wrong with you if you watch youtubers at the age of 14.

>lame dark world gimmick
It's not original, especially not for a Nintendo game, but Dark Aether was anything but lame. Really fucking cool and hostile atmosphere. Made you feel really vulnerable.

>eceleb cancer



Go die in a fire faggot.

only soyboy cucks watch streamers

I pretty much exclusively watch his main channel, BSC, and SBG. Along with FTCR and Accursed Farms. Didn't think I'd even like Ross's Game Dungeon but then I got hooked when it came apparent to me that he pretty much is the Gordon he plays in Freeman's mind.

Not vidya. Kill yourself.

Joseph Anderson

MoltenMetal. He's almost exclusively makes Mechwarrior Online videos, though.

BrainScratch would be a billion times better if it was just him, Ryan, Nathan, and Garreth.

Lewis has no sense of humor and makes the most tangents out of anyone and Ted just has terrible tastes and can't argue worth a shit

he's a poor man's matthewmatosis

Vinny. Maybe Joel if hes playign Dwarf Fortress

No, he's way above Matt

t. joseph

He's a spic

>he's a spic

Is this better?

>all white youtubers are trans soyboys


I haven't been to Sup Forums in ages so I don't know if it's still trendy to hate Yangtze but I got his books with my free credits on audible and developed an appreciation for his craft. He's a genuinely entertaining writer who can take a goofy high concept premise and make it believable enough to be interesting without sucking the fun and humor out of it.

His let's drown out series is especially good, I think, because his buddy Gabriel isn't a millennial layabout eceleb gamer, but a compassionate and wise working man who is emotionally honest and open about his struggles and failings, which is completely antithetical to yahtzees stubborn opinionated prudishness born of social anxiety and inexperience. Basically they're not a pair of personality deficient sycophantic shitheads for you to fulfill your unspoken third friend feel good fantasy, but two human beings who get into arguments and have real discussions while playing videogames. It's pretty comfy shit and sadly it's ended since Yangtze moved to California to live with his girlfriend. I recommend his book, mogworld.

Daniel Ibbertson
Larry Bundy Jr
Joseph Anderson

I never got the appeal of SomecallmeJohnny.

Anyway, as far as comfy goes, I really don't think you can beat MyLifeInGaming.

>the left, feminazis
I was once like you, being extreme alt right and against feminists

and then I grew up

Why do people think it's okay to call someone unbiased in reference to ducking consumer preference? There's actually no such fucking thing. Everyone is biased. People who say "I like this guy because he's unbiased " actuary mean to say "I like this guy's complete lack of personality and conviction, he's really safe and never says anything too positive or negative about anything because I haven delicate soyboy sensibilities."

Unbiased in the terms of not always going with popular opinion

>didn't think Sonic 06 was as bad as people made it out to be
>thought the first Zelda was archaic and not that good
>think Sonic Adventure 2 has aged poorly

He gives a concise opinion on what he likes/dislikes.

Sup Forums users have always been turbo chads? Nobody's going to believe this aspect of history you're trying to rewrite.

You two are still losers no matter what, nothing will change

I have fucked at least 4 feminists. Didn't even have to buy them dinner. Honestly they're really only shitty online and around their friends. I've never actually been personally treated badly by one, and they thing is, I'm uncompromising about my disdain for gender politics, preference for tradition, and never capitulate to shame tactics. People are actually generally good, I think we just by and large present a lot of the worst of ourselves out of mistrust and desperation to fit in. Its all about cultivating the ability to make anyone trust you so that you get the best out of them.

MechaGamezilla does the comfiest streams ever

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Joseph Anderson. The video game analysis is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of video games most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Joseph’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his streams- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance.
The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these streams, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about GAMES. As a consequence people who dislike Joseph Anderson truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick’s existential catchphrase “Welcome to the Rubba-Dub-Sub Club,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons.
I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

I only watch AVGN
Honestly just because I've been watching his videos for ten years now so it makes me feel comfy. If i just found out about him today i would probably just think it's cringe


People that are overly obsessed with applying statistics and stereotypes to human beings are generally just unhappy and socially anxious turds. I've lived with the average pol user and been friends with plenty more. They're good people too, but the cruel irony is that they're far more similar to the feminists they hate than they realize- both groups are comprised of unhappy people are turning to poisonous groups looking for camaraderie in their mutual distrust for the opposing group. A little prejudice is healthy for survival, but when you make it your rallying cry, you've lost sight.

Gas this thread.

I'm the type of autistic that Johnny is where you can function and pass as normal but just barely. He's autistic, trust me.

Go home goon

to be fair the levels in that game are like 20 minutes long and the special stages involve turning in real life

Running Shine. Humorous video game reviews. Criminally overlooked in my opinion. No cringey memes or over the top yelling or fast cuts and shit. Pretty chill, but also pretty funny. I recommend his Tony Hawk Underground review.

PointZero. Pretty dry and boring, but did a pretty good series of reviews on the Metroid Prime games. Not really much to add. He seems to have a good grasp on video games in general.

Novacanoo. Even drier reviewer. Much more similar to Matthewmatosis, but with a weirder accent. Did a good, short video on the Crash Bandicoot remake.

>one of the people responsible for the influx of "SA2 and Sunshine are bad" bullshit on Sup Forums

This guy is a huge bro, back when he was first doing his Halo X years later series, which is what got him big, he took the time to respond to my multi paragraph comments point by point, and even after he's gotten big now he still often actually does respond to people's comments.

I think OneyPlays is good. Super Mega can be pretty good too. These are literally the only Let's Players I like.

>SA2 hasn't aged like shit
Fuck off Ted.

>defending SA2

the only thing that I'd play it for was the Chao stuff and not the actual game.

It's shit, man

lol everyone post your favorite meme

mm some gossip too hehe i love the drama hehe

which is your favorute?
>they shout something loud (my favorit haha LOUD!!! haha)
>totally random noises (also good haha)
>a reference to something you know

its hard to pick but please try your best hahae

Look at this guy. Don't be like him.

men drinking coffee

But which is your favroutie

What the duck are you talking about? Try using sentences to get your point across instead of choosing to be retarded.

OneyPlays is a massive guilty pleasure for me. They're like classic Game Grump but even better.

I could never watch any of his videos just because of that fucking deviantart self portrait in the thumbnails.

Which youtuber has the comfiest (biggest) tits?
asking for me.


she is comfy

His new one is miles better. He's got a theme made by Tee Lopes too. I honestly wish he got Tee Lope to do a full version because it's pretty good.

>Try using sentences to get your point across instead of choosing to be retarded.
This from an OneyPlays fan? wew

That was everyone though.

>skinny/built avatar
>actually fat and short

Haha, you right.

I automatically disregard the opinion pf anyone who claims to have liked Super Metroid.


When you watch Oney Plays, which of the following do you enjoy most:
When they shout. (This is VERY funny, especially for children.)
When they make random noises. (Also very amusing, it reminds me of when I was a baby.)
A reference to something you know. (Hugely enjoyable because it makes me feel like we share interests, which makes it easier for me to feel like they are friends of mine.)

It's difficult to pick just one of these three great elements of Oney Plays, but please try your best.