1313 never

>1313 never
>Imperial Commando never
>Kotor 3 never
>Jedi Knight 3 never
>Battlefront III never

How do you reset timeline?

You do what I do. Move on and stop making shitty threads

blood sacrifice

Any news on the new rpg starguars game being made? How shit will it be?

I just want a KOTOR remake that only improves graphics/audio quality, adds some background stuff for atmosphere (creatures moving around jungle), adds minor QoL improves (underwater movement speed), adds in more lore friendly armor/weapons, and adds new combat animations including match up specific animations (Melee soldier has different attacks from Jedi/Sith fights).

Don't expect something like that to happen though without more significant changes like changing entire areas/planets and simplifying certain quests.

would've been a piece of shit cinematic shooter like Uncharted and every other game of that gen
>>Imperial Commando never
Would've been cool
>>Kotor 3 never
Would've been a bad game like the other KOTORs
>>Jedi Knight 3 never
Would've been a lot of fun
>>Battlefront III
Would've been shit like the other BF games.

I would've liked that Darth Maul game if it wasn't shit like TFU.

We don't need to reset the timeline, we just need to revive walt.

Just make kotor 3 in NWN engine or nwn2 engine

Knowing we never will go back to save Sev makes me sad everyday.

>Wanting a remake with KOTOR's trash combat system.

Literally kill yourself.

Just combine the Jedi Knight/Academy gameplay with a KoTOR game. Bam, perfect SW's RPG.

Simple. We tell Alec Guinness not to be a complete cunt to George on the set of new hope, so the original prequel trilogy can be made in the 80's using practical effects and have obi-wan be a father figure to anakin like he was originally intended to be. That was Alec gets to star in his very own trilogy. Then lucasfilm picks up the next trilogy in the 90's like it was originally scheduled to be and we have new star wars movie every three years just like George Lucas originally intended it to be.

Right now we'd be in the middle of a new trilogy with episode 14. But no we got stuck with this disney shit and cgi laced prequel crap. That way when the movies are doing good the gamemakers would have free reign.

Not naming the best star wars game star wars galaxies seriously you guys have shit taste in star wars vidya

Alec Guinness hated star wars conceptually, though. The last thing he would have wanted was to star in three more films.

If you want a non-RPG, just play Jedi Knight.

KOTOR's combat is shit-tier even for a D&D style real time rpg. If that sort of gameplay is what you want, then you don't like video games.

1313 was going to be fucking shit, literally Uncharted but set in Star Wars.
as for the others they're sad losses.

>even for a D&D style real time rpg

I've played KOTOR 1 and the Battlefronts, what are Star Wars games with good stories?

I've tried to play KOTOR 2 and Jedi Knight but I could never get them to run on my PC.

It's the same as Baldur's Gate
I love it

Try harder with KOTOR 2.

I wouldn't be surprised if we didn't get any Star Wars games for a long time after the latest controversy.
Disney shut down its Disney Infinity franchise despite it being profitable for them but not profitable enough. I can't imagine another publisher even wanting the license now considering I doubt even EA makes enough off of it for it be lucrative for them.

This , the Jedi Knight series, and TIE Fighter.