How did this game end up a better spiritual successor to System Shock than all Bioshock games?

How did this game end up a better spiritual successor to System Shock than all Bioshock games?

It's just a bioshock in space. Nowhere near to SS.

I really want to love this game but that ending ruined it

kill yourself stupid nigger shill

Made by bigger nerds.
Still closer to it than bioshock.
Are you kidding me? I fucking loved it.

have they fixed the control support yet so I can just plug in an xbox controller without having to use the steam controller interface? Because it's shit.

>Are you kidding me? I fucking loved it.

It feels like you're cheated of a proper ending.

I don't get it senpai. These are my favorite kind of endings.

> everything you've done/seen did not really happen, it was just a reconstruction from memories and therefore your choices don't really matter

1) Made by Arkane
2) Inspired heavily by SysShock and built like that from the ground-up
3) Is not made by hack Levine
4) Is not made with AAA mainstream standards in mind

It is still funny to me that most of Sup Forums is retarded enough to not recognize how fucking good that game was, in spite of the flaws.

It did matter though, they were evaluating you. They wanted to know what you were made of. To me your choices mattered more than I thought they would since I was planning on blowing up the whole place anyway just to be safe.

Arkane are legitimately great devs when they are just left to get on with a game without too much pressure of making it a big release.

Probably the last of the good western AA devs.
The industry would be a lot better off with smaller A and AA projects that are "good enough".

everything I've seen about it looks fucking average and it's more biotrash than system shock

Arkane are also a bunch of twats who pretend to make complex games, but the final release is braindead mediocrity

>everything I've seen
So you have not played it and still you are opening your mouth as if you have a valuable opinion.

It plays nothing like Bioshock, how the fuck would you even arrive at that conclusion from looking at it?

>a big release
Dishonored 2 is pretty good, I am playing through that right now. It would have been received much better if the game did not have optimization issues on release, it works better now though.

I think the greatest "twist" in the game is that there is no real villain, and that you can't trust the recordings of the previous you, since that Morgan was literally someone else.

Prey is goddamn genius in terms of level design and immersion. Every person in the game is accounted for and their bodies can be found. One of the few games I've just stopped going to a objective and just explore and soak in the atmosphere. It's a shame the Typhon are pretty shitty enemies, and that the enemy variety is so low.

I really like the ending because it provides immersive, believable context for every conceivable playstyle you could try as well as for the player just fucking around and building gloo ladders to nowhere or shooting a heap of foam darts at people that are begging for your help.

What, you mean the "none of it happened and everything you did is essentially meaningless"
endings? It was fine up until that point.

Bioshock >> Prey > Bioshock 2 > Infinite

>make ladder to somewhere
>thinking I'm breaking the game
>developers hid some items and loot there to reward exploration

Now THIS is how a game should be.

It is a simulation based on memories so most of the shit you are going through happened, just not EXACTLY how it is in the game.

If you do not fuck up, your typhon self will end up saving Earth, so I cannot really see the point of people saying the ending has no gravity.

Original Bioshock has a pretty shitty endgame too now that I think about it. The whole turning-into-a-big-daddy felt incredibly forced, and the player's hands didn't change to reflect the suit. You barely got any stronger either. I think the sequel is better in literally every way.

This game was fucking trash, how did anyone like it. Dull enemies, cool environment though.

how similar is this game to dishonored? can I sneaky?

It's encouraged to be sneaky, yes. The exploration is vastly superior to Dishonored, but the enemy variety and the enemies themselves are rather poor. It's still a excellent game though and well worth a purchase.

>your typhon self will end up saving Earth
How on earth are you making that leap of logic? I mean, sure, in Prey 3 you probably will because it's a game. But one simulation != inevitable saviour of humanity.

Agreed that the end of B1 isn't good, but the whole as a whole is superior to the rest, considering the impact it had. Prey was good but it's only finding success as a cult hit. Infinite had a good plot with a watered down game to play it in.

I too am the spiritual successor to Buddha, cept I dont have any of his qualities, except when he was in his pre Buddha stage of hate greed and stupidity

There aren't any takedowns or executions but a stealth playthrough is certainly possible, there's an awareness based detection system like dishonored and abilities that allow you to drop dopplegangers or disguise yourself as props in the environment, as well as passive buffs to stealth and stealth damage, plus a toy crossbow that shoots squeeky darts that attract enemies, and the levels never railroad you into combat.

Wonder when there'll be time of "Shock-likes".
I remember someone comparing Dead Space and Doom 3 to System Shocks.

I am talking about the fact that being good to others and solving problems leads Alex to believe that you are a good person/Typhon and he gives you the opportunity to be an ambassador between Typhons and humans. The game does not give you any reason to believe that Alex is lying.

>Heavily discouraged from picking up Typhon perks
>Not picking them up makes the game a boring shotgunfest

Well, it's not like the game is hard to begin with, even on nightmare.
There's a fundamental design flaw in games that let you optionally explore:
>Game has to be designed so that you can beat it by just doing the main story
>But it has to give incentives for exploration so you don't feel like it's a waste of time
>Which leads to you stomping absolutely everything if you do explore.

There's seemingly evidence that DS was going to be SS3 at some stage in development. Not to mention there are lines of dialogue ripped nearly word-for-word out of SS2 in it.

It's the real Bioshock 3 and the rightful heir for its legacy. Infinite was such a bad game next to it, that's not even funny.

The only really bad thing about Prey is the whole sidequest part of it. Lengthy and I completely lost any interest in beating all of them around the 30 hours mark. Moving around the station is such a slog.

i cant believe ive been missing out on this

Not a lot of people comprehend that System Shock 2 bombed at retail - it was a massive financial failure, the reason Irrational was put on projects like Freedom Force and SWAT 4 for a decade. So when Ken Levine and co. made Bioshock, they knew that if that game was to sell on consoles, they had to dumb it down for that audience - by that time PC gaming had long since stopped being financially viable for developers like them, and it's not like staying "hardcore" worked out for them the last time they made such a game. And so when Bioshock got dumbed down - and Bioshock Infinite subsequently ironed out the kinks - it was hugely successful.

Arkane decided to go the opposite route - they probably felt that they were more secure with Bethesda than Irrational was at 2K back then, so they could afford to actually make System Shock 3 even if it bombed.

Their first game was the spiritual successor to the Ultima Underworld games and the Dishonored series are good modern Immersive Sims.
Arkane are simply good devs that understand the genre.

"It was just a simulation" is a massive copout not only for the ending, but it's also a cheap way to excuse any insignificant glitches or inconsistencies that may exist in the game itself. They could've easily reframed the game's story without changing the meaning of the ending, but they didn't.