No Survivors

No Survivors

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Why is CD so great?

so cyberpunk 2077 isn't dead?

It's kind of their marketing persona at this point

They use cheap eastern european slaves to make games for their hardcore dedicated fans

>they say nice things on twitter
>meanwhile the actual developers slave away for years in their coding mines

How can something be dead if it never lived in the first place.
>Announced 5 years ago
>Claimed to come out in 2019
>We haven't even seen a single ingame frame yet
>The only thing we have is a list of supposed features and a cgi-teaser

It hasn't even started development yet.

>pay your employees less than a vodka bottle a month
>not greedy

Witcher 3 was developed on the quiet though, they don't like long open development since they don't profit from trawling around games shows and bringing in journalists.

>cyberpork 2077 doesn't have loot boxes
>because there is no game for them to be in

Meanwhile some of the people ITT will be actually live in 2077

To be fair if it's claimed to be out in 2019, there's still enough time to show stuff. I'd rather have them do some truthful previews than some vertical slice bullshit. But it's not like they won't promise too much anyway, same happened with TW3.

>getting excited for vaporware

The average pay in Poland is two potatos per month, so it's okay.

To be honest, would be pretty cool for them to just be like "it's done now, go buy it" with absolutely zero marketing or previews. The internet would explode, everyone would hear about it anyway, they have the company rep that people would buy it with no reviews. The ultimate "fuck the modern video game industry" release.

We can probably trust them not to go predatory with their DLC, t hey've built up enough goodwill to sustain proper business practices
I'm insanely worried about the game itself though. Not even because of the internal problems, but becaue they're probably gonna go for a EVEN BIGGER THAN W3 open world that's completely tacked on just like last time.

Is this game going through development hell or is that just Todd shilling?

God they became cocky,i miss old CD Projekt who made great rpgs like Witcher 1,then they became the new Bethesda and everybody suck their dick now.

The only studio that might do that is Valve

TW3's open world was fucking awful though

>fuck the modern video game industry" release.
Yeah CDProjekt definitely hates the modern vidya industry. They definitely can't be bothered with modern vidya trends like a pointlessly huge open world littered with copypasted content.

>Polacks earn basically nothing in their own country.
>they invest other EU countries and work below minimum wages like contruction and cleaning jobs taking jobs
Polacks are the mexicans of europe.

I don't think so. Valve are seen as bad guys who haven't released a good game in forever, these days.

CDproject are in their prime rock star era, while Valve are like Metallica in the 2000's when nobody liked their music and everyone thought they were a bunch of assholes

Are you really saying W3 isn't a great RPG?

>well paid developers & loot-boxes/lots of expensive DLC
>developer slaves & great cheap games with lots of free stuff
choose one, someone has to pay the bills

>there's not enough money being made with a $60 game selling millions of copies to pay devs properly!
Gee I wonder who might be behind this post

>can't speak proper English
>calls other mexicans

Jose, please...

Shame they can't still make a good game.

>Valve are seen as bad guys
Good lord my man. Gabe has meme adoration status among casuals. This is the equivalent of saying "Trump will never win, all my liberal friends say so"

You forgot to mention the Napster thing, which was why people thought they were assholes and which in part made bands that came later hate on Lars Ulrich even more, e.g. Sunn O))) with "FWTBT (I dream of Lars Ulrich being thrown out the window instead of my mystikal master Cliff Burton).

Give it ten years and they will be as greedy as the rest. It always eventually happens

How much is "properly"?

Depends on the job and their degree. Some retarded code monkey out of high school will probably shit themselves over 15k € a year

It only takes a very rudimentary understanding of the topic to know the people doing the actual coding don't swim in money


Its definitely not user,game has too many flaws like the combat system,the fact that the open world is just a big empty mass of land,the terribly written story and god that final boss...

Same with every Slav country

It's just the programmers are fags. Living in Poland is cheap as fuck and they probably get enough money for work, thing is, they think that because Witcher games got mainstream they deserve western payments. Not to say our government is bunch of faggots and steal half of our income, I think thy get around 1500 € and just bitch why it's not more. And this kind of money is unattainable in Poland for normal Janusz.

I felt like it didn't need mentioning. Valve having not released any games in years combined with the absolute failure state of the steam store being flooded with indie trash is the literal equivalent of the napster thing.

I bet you hypocritical faggots are wearing clothes RIGHT now (at least I hope you're wearing clothes) made in china/india with child slave labor.

>terribly written story
I guess we'll have to agree to disagree there
I loved the writing and that they stuck to focusing on it instead of going for fetch quest bullshit
They'll have to find a better alternative than finding everything with your magic senses though, that got grating by the 100th hour
>combat system
it's fine user. Go play some & slash instead, you sillyhead. Claiming it needs a perfect combat system to be a great RPG opens up a whole can of worms about classic cRPGs
>open world is just a big empty mass of land
I agree, I'm sick and tired of the modern open world meme. Luckily you can just straight-up ignore it since all the actual worthwhile content is tied to quests

Acknowledging a thing and being completely bent on not supporting it are two very different things, autismo

PR talk that you people swallow so easily


You realize that there's still 2 years that they can finish it in before they break their 2019 statement?

Sure, but remember that there are people where who weren't even born when that happened.

You mean one year and one month

You think all the big studios don't treat their devs like slaves? Crunchtime in big studios is 2 months of literal hell.

Are you this fucking stupid to not get how 2019 has 12 months? Just how dumb is the education system where you live?
They can release it on the 30th of December 2019 and that's still a 2019 release.

So they easily have 24 months.

2019 is whole year user, and it's always better to release on Christmas.


>Not to say our government is bunch of faggots and steal half of our income
I never understood complaining about taxes

It's not a hard concept to grasp.
You don't have to support the way of thinking, but to not understand it at all?

CD Projekt Red removed my Ukrainian copy of Witcher 3 that i bought with a proxy, had to complain to support to get it back.

What is it with Sup Forums that causes obsessed retards to spam the same fucking tweet weeks later?

When you pay social security and taxes for your whole life and get nothing from it you might get mad, especially if goverment spends money stupidly. Our last government was on good way to fix budget after eight years and now our leading party made one social help project that ruined whole budget for next few decades.

I don't.
every company does it because they only want to make money (nothing wrong with that, that's why they are making GAMES in the first place) but it's just the whole EBIN DIS CUMPANI IS GUD END CARES OF DE BLEIERS :D :D XD that makes me angry

Slavs are just subhumans in general, poor, dumb, the only thing they have are pretty women.

>Claimed to come out in 2019
By who?
If it's not coming from CD Project themselves why even bother?

>Believing anything Colonel Corporate Cancer says
Wave goodbye to your cash and say hello to buyers remorse. Also you're a faggot, wait for game release and player reviews then think about getting the game. Why is this so hard for people?

>work below minimum wages
>like construction
user, Construction pays well in America. The people who exploit foreign workers are scumbags, but it does pay well.

TW3 is shit

Witcher 3's open world was just for immersion and added nothing to the game. It was a mistake to have it in a game that was still at its core a narrative-heavy story.


im a cd projekt fanboy now

Oh yeah, I agree. CDprojekt is currently an OK dev that kinda oversold Witcher 3 but overall it wasn't that far from what they promised(don't really care about graphics but some of the cut storylines and quest chains did ruffle). And even tho I'm content with their products I still wouldn't preorder, no dev has that much integrity.

Minute they fuck up they go into the same bin as everyone else.

So how long before they turn? it happens to everyone eventually, even Valve and Rockstar.

Where do you live? Because the state I live in pays more in federal taxes than we get back. You're damn right I'm salty about giving more than I get in addition to the fact that government will always be less efficient than private enterprise about actually fixing shit because no competition and the way budgets re handled in the first place.

Rockstar is owned by take-two and are not the masterminds behind shark cards. Valve are just lazy

>Leave greed to others

>it's free

Good programmers are a rare commodity and they define the payment standard, not the common indian shitter.

Business men cannot differentiate and thus pay them the same with the only difference being level of experience.

Also, its just a shit job. If they wouldnt pay you well, you wouldnt do it. At 1500€ there's a million better jobs to have that dont eat away at your life. There's a reason high tech companies give their employees luxurious conditions. Most programmers burn out by their 40's. Being at a high tech company for more than 5 years is like a professional eternity.

People that arent part of a high tech industry shouldnt be talking about what the paygrade should be.

So is Hearthstone.

>polack thinks hes an ukranian

So whats the problem? You're complaining a TCG is played like a TCG?

It's because they're in fucking Poland and CDPR just wants to make good single player games, The Witcher series never interested me but I can see CP2077 becoming a masterpiece if they work hard enough, sacrifices have to be made when developing wholesome vidya.

Go play through Witcher 1 and tell me that Witcher 3 is a better RPG.

>we leave greed to others
Fucking shills CDPR are jews just like the rest, and as an added bonus they underpay and mistreat their employees.

He's right, have you seen the insides of some of these offices? EA would be a wonderful place to work. Same for BioWare, Valve, Riot, DE, etc.

And you're a retard. CDPR are notorious slave drivers.

>subhumans won ww2 and launches the first man into space

How can krauts and anglos even compete?

It's on par
I love all Witcher games

CDPR btfo

Witcher 3 world sucks fucking baaaaalls

Casuals loved metallica like that back in the day too, his analogy is actually pretty on point.

nice offices perhaps but the people you'd work with will drive you insane

Why won't it let me bing bing?! I WANT TO BING BING WAHOO!!

Forza games are built up well, but its a racing game. Trying to then fill the map with actual characters, good combat, and stuff to do is harder than it seems. Microsoft really need a big IP.
Never forgive after they decided to not release mod tools for Witcher 3. Top tier Polish jew shit.

They had it for Witcher 2, but no one wants to do anything with a hub/chapter based game. For a full open world game, people would have done tons of shit

Lmao nice strawman you moronic console nigger
Witcher 3 has a Ubisoft tier dogshit open world full of fuck all, preset spawns and bland fucking landscapes
Shit nigger, bland open world's full of preset shit, that's revolutionary!
Fucking dumb console playing nigger

>They use
They are*

Thats why theyre getting devs from Rockstar and Ninja Theory

>getting code monkeys
They didn't call out names or positions, they got people who did some work. Said studios have hundreds of people. This shit happens all the time.
The pinnacle of action combat, that is what comes to mind when thinking of Enslaved, Hellblade and DmC: Devil May Cry

Fair but that's subjective.

...That's not applicable here at all.

>preset spawns and bland fucking landscapes
>dumb console playing nigger

t. Mongoloid gothic 3 player.

t. Witcher playing stupid console nigger

>be liberal fucktard fresh out of college with vidy gem diversity and design degree
>have absolutely zero clue what makes a game good
>"witcher sold good, I'll get huge bux if I work here"
>"What? You have to actually work to make a game good and have passion in your profession?
>"Fuck that I ather go to EA make a shitty game and don't give a fuck about the outcome I'll get paid anyway lol"

I have a feeling that they actually pay very good by polak standards.

>They didn't call out names or positions

But they did.

>born in 1980
If something else doesnt claim me first i might live until the 2050's, '60s tops. If only i lived in the countryside i couldve lived until 120 like my grumpy great grandfather.

I'm pretty sure if a programmer's only goal is to make big bucks, he's gonna stay way the fuck away from the vidya industry