*gives the Pope a Steam code of Undertale*

*gives the Pope a Steam code of Undertale*

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I liked his early videos

is there a e-celeb more full of himself than him?

>handpicked to represented entire community of people
>give pope undertale as your gift to represent said community
>pope condemns all gamers the next day

>pope condemns all gamers the next day
wait, really? sauce



Me too

Except Undertale is good you raging sperg

>Undertale is good
he never said it was bad you autistic slug

Not a game

The topic was pacifism and you made that last part up, very poorly might I add

Those damn Disney cartoons from the 90s and early 2000s must be to blame for this fur faggotry

How did such an autist get to meet the pope?

he was fine until FNAF happened then he started shoving his face in everywhere and becoming so full of himself that even when a developer tells him hes wrong hes like "nah fuck you ill just pull more shit out of my ass instead"
everything from is link dead in MM and before was actually decent and the first few FNAF videos but now he just thinks hes the best and everything he says is right

>but now he just thinks hes the best and everything he says is right
No he doesn't you moron. He just caters to his fan base.

>so full of himself that even when a developer tells him hes wrong hes like "nah fuck you ill just pull more shit out of my ass instead"
So, he's the kraut and tea of vidya?

My favorite part of his videos is when ignores stuff in the games that go against his theories.

>have a terrible addiction to youtube drama
>this fucking guy always popping up
>try to watch his sans ness video
>cant watch the video for more than 30 seconds due to his obnoxious ass ear raping voice

I dont think im missing out on much, but I legit dont understand how someone can watch a 20-30 minute video of this guy talking. He just sounds so awful.

This game was shit lol I killed the goat bitch and got bored of killing the same monsters over and over in random encounters

t. The Pope

If I was going to give the pope a game. I'd probably give him either Dawn of War or E.Y.E Divine Cybermancy.
I think he'd get a kick of out it.

Watch this and tell me he and his girl don't look like they're going to explode and murder a bunch of people.

Fuck that
Give the old man a grand strategy game
Victoria 2 should do it
sit back and watch as Pope simulates conquering the world

Pull up the video of all the things people were giving him. Some people gave him a surfboard, expensive shoes, and some other shit you'll never see him use. It's just the thought of the gift and the reasoning.


Are those fucking fries?

If I had to give the Pope a game as representation of what games are or can be I honestly would send something like Dark Souls 1 or Vagrant Story.

i would give him murder dog iv

The other retards gave a weed tree and a book about themselves to the pope. What Matt did is not a big deal.

>Dark Souls 1
Kill yourself. That game is garbage.

>a Steam code
Wait what? That can't be real can it? That's ridiculous.
I mean even if you were to have the already pretty ridiculous idea to donate games to the pope himself. At least make sure it's a DRM and hassle free copy.

I wouldn't expect the pope to have a steam account. Though he might understand how to run an executable.

It's one of the few examples were the story is actually told through the environment and the gameplay instead of cutscenes, that's what makes it interesting.

Dude Sex is also a strong contender.

>I wouldn't expect the pope to have a steam account.

I wouldn't have expected Kim Jong un to have a steam account either but there you go. Log in to Modern Warfare 3 and watch as you get noscoped by some laggy fuck named xxxsatankiller316xxx

The only logical choice was NES SMB. Honestly, not that hard. Kinda selfish going for Undertale. Maybe he was hoping Toby would let him suck his dick.

>Action Series
It's clearly a platformer, though. You're not even required to defeat enemies.

>not giving him SMT Nocturne

>Giving the Pope something that clearly goes against YHVH
I don't want him to send the Spanish Inquisition after me, user.

>Not a grand strategy game where the Pope himself ruthlessly conquers the entire Europe

>not giving the Pope some poop
Haha! Poopy Pope! :D

Your opinion on the game may vary, but things like Gwyn are well done and are worth experiencing.

>not giving him a catholic bear with a note that reads "now do your part"

dragonquest was better
t.the pope

Good Pope.

Pope doing lets plays when?

He's always been like that. Despite ending videos with "That's just a theory," he always tried to make them seem undeniable, never actually considering glaring holes in any of his theories or methods to make sure so. I think a great example is when he said "Wario is ten feet tall" to prove one of his more outlandish theories because of his "system of measuring heights" in Brawl. Pretty much any character with an actually confirmed height in Brawl like Solid Snake easily makes the point moot, since Snake is taller than Wario, yet only 5'11. I guess some differences now are his newer videos typically starting with "THE TRUTH" or "THE SCIENCE BEHIND," he still ignores things and gets things wrong despite having more people work on his videos now, and his videos are much more blatant in how clickbait they are. Otherwise, nothing much has changed.

dose the pope even play steam? what games dose he even play?

at least is a game that the pope could play with super easy mechanic.
you give a real game to him, and wouldnt be able to play it...
granted he isnt going to play anything anyway.

Why didn't he just buy him the disc?

What is even a Pope's everyday life even? Does he just sit in a room, read holy scriptures and pray all day?

Shit I'd pay to watch the Pope livestream games all day long.

Give the pope DOOM

Was platformer a commonly used word back then?

please don't do a DDLC video

Not really, a few more clones had to pop up for that to happen.

Giving the Pope Undertale wasn't just disappointing because it was Undertale.

Him actually caving into a video-game that (while good or bad) was a FOTM phase and he gave that to the Pope. Out of ALL the video-games that have ever been, all of the classics, the cunt looked at Undertale and even with deliberation thought "Yep. This represents the medium."

Fucking idiot.

It's just like when NASA chose their first song to be played on the surface MARS via the space rover. They could have picked David Bowie's 'life on mars'. They could have even copped out with 'what a wonderful world'. But they chose WILL.I.AM. fucking WILL.I.AM.

That's pretty much what this cock-knob did.

I seriously fucking hate this guy giving the Pope a Steam key on a piece of paper. The guy is like 90 years old and has never used a computer in his fucking life and you want him to install Steam and Undertale by himself? You couldn't have just given him a USB with the game on a flash drive? Yes I know he's incredibly busy and will actually never play it but come the fuck on, if I was 90 years old and given a piece of paper with a bunch of letters and numbers on it I'd be totally fucking lost

I think it's funny people still cry about it. Who gives a shit what the pope thinks?

watch Young Pope, user


>yfw Voyager's first song on the vinyl is Johnny B Goode

Does he even write the scripts anymore? I'm pretty sure I've heard some Youtubers say they freelanced writing episodes of game theory.

>Gives worst pope worst romhack

Undertale is an instant classic that will be remembered for decades to come and theres nothing you can do about it

its like im watching one of his videos


Because the Pope is Shepard to 1.2 billion Catholic adherents. I don't think anyone gave a shit about the Catholic doctrine when cobbling together, they simply wanted to "achieve" two things:

>Increase the world's awareness of video-games
>Solidify the delusion that gamer "culture" is a real culture

I don't agree with it either, but we're living in an age were people identify with fucking video-games as if it makes up their entire constitution as a human being. Disgusting, I know. But what can ya do?

>and you want him to install Steam and Undertale by himself?

not really it was symbolic, not any less retarded but now you're just being disingenuous

I feel kind of bad for him
Every time he tries to do something cool for the game he loves, he gets shit on in some way, shape, or form
A lot of his videos feel like he isnt trying anymore, but atleast its not as bad as hogmanlolz

we share a board with people who think this.

what's wrong with er legs


heh, you think thats bad google korean chicks. looks like they have little skulls that never fully formed as knees

meant to quote you not me

I can personally confirm the Pope didn't like Comix Zone

>stream snipe the pope
>get excommunicated

this guy gets it

Some people identify with movies and music as the thing they care about the most. It's not really any different for video games. Nerd culture is a real thing, I'd say gamers are a subset.

this guy gets it

>the Pope is Shepard
Now that is quite something. Dammit, Shepard.