Ubisoft, EA and Bethesda are to video games what (((pop))) is to classical music

Ubisoft, EA and Bethesda are to video games what (((pop))) is to classical music

yaaas queen!

I want to play Jade's game.

Yeah, i suppose thats a pretty adept analogy

based VEAG

>Everyone else is sexist for hiring more men than women
>So we're going to specifically hire women based on their gender


And to literally congratulate people "to hire based on gender" is just plain sickening.

>its this fake image again
>its those same replies again
why do you keep making this thread?

What does this even mean? Where did this expression come from?

>Fuck, it's photo day and we only have one female, what do we do?
>I know, let's get Tayqeesha from maintenance, I mean she does work her ein the building right? Oh no blue shirt... quick somebody give her a sweater or something
>wait doesn't it look a little...white? western
>...Bring Jackie Ching from accounting in here, that will show them how progressive we are!

HAHAHHHAAHAHAHAHAHAAHH. No fucking wonder their games have dropped in quality so much in recent years.

That "endorsement" sounds very passive aggressive. Getting quite a bit of mixed signals here.

wow they even got rid of the black guy

I think it's the 2017 "you go girl/girl power" bullshit, only even more cringe.

>The best decisions are aways made with a diverse group of minds, not necessarily a talented or passionate one.

What did he mean by this

that one guy in the back that does all the real work

Really? I think VEAG is just being sexist and satire

> we’ll fight one extreme by going to the opposite extreme
everything wrong with everything

>we’ll fight one extreme

Didn't know a meritocracy was an "extreme"...

You can reverse search the image. It's the 5th result.

Have you played a Ubisoft game after 2010? They've all literally been shit

>The best decisions are always made with a diverse group of minds, not necessarily a talented or passionate one

I love how people can assert stupid shit like this nowadays with no expectation from anyone of having to argue why

That was a satire post

>classical music isn't that great
>modern composers are far superior

I have a management degree - 'diversity' is a seriously researched theory which is widely accepted.

Whilst not necessarily the idea of having 'token' persons, it does usually relate to the idea of covering bases. (For example, if you are operating in the Middle East, it's important to have a diverse workforce to ensure you can be culturally effective within that region of the world.)

grats u fell for liberal propaganda.

I never said I agreed with the theory - I'm saying 'there is research regarding this topic'. (In response to your suggestion that there isn't a 'why' argument.)

See, this is why you don't have a degree you illiterate dipshit. Reading isn't hard you illiterate.

>So many retards believe diversity is good because they were taught that in liberal colleges
>"Bu-but I'm different!"
No sweetie, you too fell for the propaganda and are like one of those stupid people who end up making shit like wolfenstein 2 and andromeda.

>seriously researched theory which is widely accepted.
That means fucking nothing in a field with no scientific rigor, and on a subject where not condoning the status quo opinion is a risk for your career.

He didn't say there's no why argument, but that people accept the idea without even asking for the why argument.

Alright, two points then I'm out.

First, I live in Australia. We don't have that American phenomenon where colleges are 'left' or 'right'. we just have universities. I'm not going to say there's no bias at all - but it's not some kind of propaganda war. (Since as a culture, Australia is WAY more central, as opposed to American where the left-right polarity is insane.)

Second, haha nice bait; but you know just as well as I do that you don't get to tell me what I believe. Fuck you. Call me when you actually develop a second brain cell babe.

Hmm today I met an actual brainwashed cuck.

>American phenomenon where colleges are 'left' or 'right'
That's wrong, though. American colleges are just left.

You could see in 2007 they had already gone to complete shit. I've love to see a 1997 photo.

But diversity is good. Nobody benefits from an echo chamber.

Forced diversity, on the other hand, does nothing but allow mediocrity to pass through on a technicality and ruin everything.

Don't forget Blizzard.

I don't listen to pop music but I don't want it banned. Why can't Sup Forums just ignore things they don't like?

Because the ((devs)) at companies like these are the sorts that want what Sup Forums likes stomped out of existence under the weight of whale-sized, transabled, Muslim trans"women" of color protagonists that smash the "patriarchy".

Well, at one point they were making good games because they actually cared about hiring good people for the job instead of "diversifying" their team.

Sexist incel

how is EA stopping you from playing games not made by them?

I recently got in to an argument with my friend about diversity hires. At my company they have a quota where they hire people not on skill, but on their race or gender. One month they'll hire all blacks, the next Mexicans etc. They all fuck up because they aren't qualified and end up causing more problems than anything. My friend thought it was a great idea
>"I don't see what's wrong with hiring people for diversity like that"
>Well when you hire someone because of race instead of skill, your company performance is obviously going to drop because they don't know what they're doing. You should look at qualifications and work history and hire the top performers to maximize efficiency and keep production and accidents to a minimum
>"Uhh that wouldn't be very diverse then lol"
Like what the fuck? Why is skin pigment and genitalia more important than overall performance. Any company that thinks like this needs to eat my butt

I work in "start-ups" and the tech industry in general as a dev.
What normally happens, I shit you not, is that a small group of, usually white, usually male, usually Americans / Canadians, get together and build the company.

The company, then, needs to hire HR due to regulations on number of employees as the business grows and those HR people decide to "diversify", caring only for diversity of look rather than diversity of opinion. Pajeet is hired as founding members / OG staff start leaving. Company stops innovating and starts buying up smaller companies, or the company goes into the shitter.

Every fucking time.

I could understand wanting a "diversity of minds", but that's never, ever what these people are actually talking about. They use the phrase "diversity of minds" but meanwhile talk about women and minority (and LGBTQ) quotas.

A diversity of minds isn't something that could be properly conveyed via a photograph, and yet those dumb statements (diversity is our strength etc) are always associated with a photo of a bunch of colored minorities and women.

what pop is to music