What are some games that weren't seen as "big" on release...

What are some games that weren't seen as "big" on release, but are now retroactively recognized as milestones in the industry?

For example, no one in 2009 could have imagined that Dragon Age: Origins would be the last great fantasy WRPG.


Confirmed for illiterate, I expected better from a New Vegas fanboy.

are you retarded?

Name one.


DAO was mediocre

How did you manage to make a post where every single word is wrong?

DA:O was huge on release.
It is not considered a "milestone."
It is not the "last great fantasy WRPG."

This is some serious revisionist history here.
A hugely renowned studio made a completely mediocre cookie-cutter RPG that pushed no boundaries and morons like you ate up the insane marketing behind it, and now you're trying to spin it like some weird underdog story?
What the fuck is wrong with you?

>mediocre cookie-cutter RPG blows everything from the past decade out of the water
Really made me think.

But user, Bioware hired women with colored hair, thus all of their past games are retroactively bad and were in fact never good to begin with.
Are you new to Sup Forums?

DA:O is really not that great and was lucky it was riding on the coattails of the success of KOTOR and Mass Effect.

>For example, no one in 2009 could have imagined that Dragon Age: Origins would be the last great fantasy WRPG.
How new are you?

cool story bra

It's a fucking western version of a shitty, linear, pain in the ass, WORDSWORDSWORDSWORDS bad gameplay JRPG. Nothing about it is good.

The only good RPGs are the story-light CRPG dungeon crawls and similar of the 80s/early 90s.

Same, but for New Vegas. It has been seven years without a good Bethesda™ open world game but it doesn't feel like that. I have cousins who go to school who are younger than that, goddamn.

Fuck Sup Forums, DA:O was great. Its a shame nothing can be called good unless it's bing bing wahoo or new vegas

>Dragon Age: Origins
I hate you retards who think a mediocre RPG during an RPG draught is somehow good or great.


10 years without a quality game isn't a drought, it's a dead genre.

I actually cried when I found out Morrigan named her kid Kieran. Since when I played through DAO; I named my human noble warden Keira. for me in a way; it’s kind of like Morrigan named her son after Her, it was kind of emotional since my warden and Morrigan became BFFs too and hearing her talk to my inquisitor about my warden with such fondness was just a hit to the feels. I actually had to stop playing for a couple of hours until I calmed down.

I'm gonna poop in your hair

We've had better RPGs following the release of DA:O, and a few years prior as well.

>trying to discuss bioware video games on /polv/

do you have yourself?

this is one of those bioware confessions caps isn't it

Sounds like a tumbelor confession. Pic related is the only good one that was ever written.

This desu!!
I looked
And I loooooove this game...
*smirks and begins farting*

you're an idiot, had DA:O gigantic hype

A solid 5.
I remember beating it 2wice

>2-3 clones of Baldur's Gate with forced diversity
RPGniggers everyone

I find that a lot of the unsung hero parts of DA:O are the non-Awakening expansions and stories. Take Leliana's Song for example. Short, unique, lots of fun, and didn't outstay its welcome. The Darkspawn Chronicles were also really good, but never get any mention. How great was it to lead an army of Darkspawn and have your Troll smashing Alistair into a paste while your Shrieks and Hurlock Emissaries pull apart Morrigan and company?

Skyrim and Fallout 4 had hype too but won't be even a footnote in the industry's history.

Fantasy also Fallout New Vegas sucks as badly as any bethesda Fallout or Elder Scrolls

Ive tried several times to get into it because the praise that this board gives it is immense. Is as ass to play as every other Gamebyro abomination to come out of Bethesda. Fuck this game.

>Skyrim won't even be a footnote in the industry's history.
>Not remembered
Normies think Skyrim was the first game of the series. It's their first and most loved RPG for like 70 percent of them. A shitload of plebs are still hoping for a "Skyrim 2".
In conclusion, you are wrong, and a faggot.

To my surprise the Darkspawn Chronicles actually got poorly received.

When I finally went to play it I had an AWESOME time, it was such a unique twist on the formula. They made controlling all the types of darkspawn genuinely very fun.

lol that's hilarious

>unironically getting hairplugs or wearing a wig

it was good. but not the 'last great fantasy WRPG'. pillars of eternity is better than DA:O, in my opinion.

DA:O is a game that had a fucking guy in game telling you to buy the dlc. that alone should be unforgivable.

Nah, Considering EA bought them midway through development we should consider ourselves INSANELY lucky that the guy telling you to get Wardens Keep was the extent of what the fucked up.

Divinity 2 came out this year though.

Why does neo-Sup Forums had Dragon Age: Origins? Because they don't like the follow up games?

So was the sex with your mom faggot

People like it, so they hate it.
There are unironically people on Sup Forums who defend battlefront 2 now because it is the more popular opinion to hate it.

>Why does neo-Sup Forums had Dragon Age: Origins?

>the last great fantasy WRPG.
I understand you mean that in the sense of how DA:O plays, but still user stop being obtuse

>Witcher series
>Divinity Original Sin 2

>There are unironically people on Sup Forums who defend battlefront 2 now because it is the more popular opinion to hate it.

you are falling for a meme.

People "liking" Battlefront 2 is a meme. You are falling for bait and outing yourself as a if you can't even spot simple bait like this, which has been around since ages.

>Reddit spacing
hahaha pffffff

>falls for cheap bait
>le reddit spacing xD

UAHAHA please stop omg

This. All of the locations in the game sucked ass.


Nu Sup Forums doesn't understand WHY we hate Bioware, or when it started.
So they think they're fitting in by vehemently hating Origins when in reality Sup Forumsirgins suddenly disliking Origins sticks out as something weird.


Yes, we, believe it or not, some time before you started browsing this board, it wasn't just a cesspit of contrarianism. There were games and companies Sup Forums nearly universally recognized to be good or bad.

I actually semi disliked dragon age origins at the start of the game. It slowly got better. Wasn't amazing by any means but I started to like it more as time went on because there hasn't been a rpg of it's style better in years. It's actually quite sad.

>new vegas is now fantasy
Thanks for the enlightenment user

I mean I guess it might as well be considering some of the retarded shit that happens

I played all the DLC except Awakening, and can't remember anything except parts of the Shale campaign. Though I can't remember much of the original game either, so it's probably because I played it so long ago, I should do a replay.

It's worth a replay, especially since you missed some of the best content in the game in the form of Awakening.