Why didn't anyone tell me how pretty this game was?

Why didn't anyone tell me how pretty this game was?

I own a high end rig but I think this may look better than even the witcher 3.

Are GG magicians?

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Yeah it looks pretty damn good, but it’s so god damn boring. Basically feels like a tech demo.

It's fun to play. I actually only recently purchased the game because I wrote it off as shitty western SJW bullshit. Turns out only two of those things are true.

>focus on graphics instead of making good game, even going so far as to ignore art design
>Are GG magicians?

Glad you enjoy it then, I couldn’t get myself to complete it because I got so bored. Feels like a Ubisoft open world game, except more boring but better looking.

>may look better than even the witcher 3

Horizon blows Witcher out of the fucking water starting with the fact that characters, trees and general geometry don't look like clay miniatures. Compare a forest from witcher to a forest of horizon. The trees on the latter are huge and actually believable, whereas on the former they look like imitations. Don't even get me started on the bright cartoon colors on witcher.

not him, but after playing botw, Horizon feels so sterile and boring in comparison (most open world games do now in comparison).

Witcher 3 was one of my favorite games of all time until I played botw. Then I returned to witcher 3 and it felt almost unplayable in comparison, the production values and the story being the only things that could keep me going.

>shit art direction
>lifeless environment
I guess beauty is suggestive after all.

Botw is literally just miles of empty grass.

>Witcher 3 was one of my favorite games of all time until I played botw.
Sounds like you have shit taste and need to play way more games.

>typical ubisoft openworld
>fun to play
only if you are retard


>the production values and the story being the only things that could keep me going.
Which is sadly what those games are made for.
Gameplay is really considered as secondary in those prods.


>dude look at all these totally unioque chests littering the map, they're actually worth opening btw

The fact that kojima is using the horizon engine for his next kino is very exciting

Seriously? You are still shilling this here?
You fags have been making the most obvious Horizon shill threads for weeks now. Do you still not understand that it isn't working?
Try shilling it on plebbit instead. They like mediocre open world sjw tranny games.

You sound upset

>it's literally empty
>show it's not
>nuh uh those don't count
Remove the chests if you want, it's still packed

Is that cum below her lip?

I am a bit annoyed.

With repetitive Korok Seeds that use the same eight or so puzzles repeated 900 times because they had no idea where you'd go and wanted everyone to have a general baseline for the things.

Everything else is fine, but using the chests as a way to say "Oh, it actually has stuff" when the chests either contain shitty weapons that break meaning there is no real reward, like 20 to 50 rupees, or a single material. Chests aren't rewarding in BotW because you never get anything good, even in Shrines it's a really really low chance for one to contain an armor piece and nearly all of them aren't unique to the shrines, they can just be bought in Tarrey Town.

Why can't people just like both games? They're both fun and enjoyable, why do we all have to fight?

>With repetitive Korok Seeds that use the same eight or so puzzles repeated 900 times because they had no idea where you'd go and wanted everyone to have a general baseline for the things.
Actually that map picture already has korok seeds removed

You know its just a shitposter trying to make people angry at the game right?

>Why can't people just like both games? They're both fun and enjoyable, why do we all have to fight?
Because that user literally made up stuff to shit on the game. If you do that do not expect good discussion

Also I disagree that the weapons breaking means it's not a real reward. I treat it like ammo or arrows, although it will run out, it is still a useful item and reward. But I think it varies from person to person

Personally I never saw weapons as a reward. I wanted weapons to mean something in BotW and only Savage Lynel stuff really feels like that because it lasts quite a while and you have to fight something tough to get it. The chests never came with anything good and if it did it would break incredibly fast. I'm one of those people who hates the system and thinks it brings the game down but dealt with it.

Chests, enemy camps, shrines, and seeds do not make the world feel any less empty

This may be too much nuance for you. You could fill the world with 500 more shrines and it would not feel any less empty.

HRZD shill fags should be gassed

So they don't count because you said so? I have to disagree with you here

Ah, I understand, although I don't fully agree

>read on Sup Forums that game is trash because it's really SJW and pandering
>decide to give it a try cuz got it for free
>there's a strong and realistic female lead
>no SJW shit to be found
>not amazing but pretty good
>really enjoyed myself

You guys are brainless manlets.

>This may be too much nuance for you
Mainly because it doesn't make any sense from my perspective, because I don't feel the same way as you do about shrines

shut its Shill we over this game any HRZD poster should be banned on sight its not a game its a joke just like your life


>m-muh Nintendo boogeyman is bullying me again MOMMM

you speak like a third grader

He prob is. His mommy is prob getting him a switch mario bundle for Christmas.

>a game where you spend the majority of it helping niggers

Yeah, nah. Waste of $60.

>basically a tech demo
Not true. It actually feels very complete, it's just an uninspired Ubisoft clone.


Tech demo is the new buzzword of the month, used against almost every game recently

desu Tech demo was a meme from the moment it was used for crysis

It can be pretty because there isn't much going on the engine

This 10x.

If it is. It is working.
But I honestly don't think it is.
I think it is a literal paid shill. It's been going on for weeks, if not months whith daily threads praising the graphics, pretending to be a random gamer who really liked the game etc. Then the first few post following will also agree with the OP.

OP here

I bought it because it's $20 this week on psn and I enjoyed it so I am talking about it. Others prob also just played it because of the discount.

You sound paranoid af faggot.

It's so goddamn generic though, they even got the assassin's creed towers
Really feel like i've already played the game several times already

This. The 89 really surprised me, Ubisoft games don't event get those scores anymore. Glad I borrowed it from a friend instead of buying it. Not bad, but all too familiar.

You've really haven't seen much current gen games if you think it looks good



Sup Forums will always have a shit taste in games


Did I miss something or was she really 6/7 years old in the prologue?

I HATE LE SHILLING unless it’s Nintendo I looove nintendo bing bing xD

>constant threads of BOTW being shit on

Yeah, why do you ask? Don't you know this is what kids look like now?

And a wahoo day to you my fellow gentlesir!

Don't know man even competent kid in weebshit are usually older

I think you believe what you want to believe, user.

Remember only to play it on the highest Difficulty if you want to have fun with Sneaking and Dodging.

Personally I like the sci fi setting. Most open world shit is fantasy or modern day. I like HZDs blend.

>returned to the witcher 3
that's the problem. Everything in the witcher 3 is terrible except the story. The only motivation to keep playing is to progress the story. If you lose interest in the story or already know it there is no point in playing further because it's the most boring rpg ever made. Only people who don't realize that simply haven't played other games.
