Why do people give money to people for nothing in return?

Why do people give money to people for nothing in return?

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Why do you pay taxes then?

>what is charity

infrastructure and public works

Why do you care how faggots waste their own money?

The worst is when they donate to literal millionaires like the big ones.

>nothing in return
Entertainment is nothing to you?



who gives a shit?

Because you will be jailed for tax evasion if you don’t pay taxes

Thanks for paying for my free entertainment btw

Do you pay for shit like netflix? That's the same thing faggot.

>taxation is theft

So the roads I drive on aren't privatized.
So the telephones that feed my house internet and power aren't always crumbling away.
So hospitals, clinics, and other medical care facilities have the medicine needed to care for those that are ill.

>le taxes amirite XD

>for nothing in return
She says "thank you for the 200 dollar donation minecraftgamer69" duuuh

i don't pay for netflix

>communism has never been tried


>No one gives them money
>they stop streaming

You gay niggas better stop watching soulless bimbos on twitch and start hanging out with cool boys s.m.h.

>i'm a child

This is more in line of charity or 'tipping' for entertainment. You're expected to pay taxes in exchange for living in whatever country and for public services.

streams are free to watch. that money has nothing to do with the entertainment unless your idea of entertainment is to have some 'meme' be read by your favorite.

I don't know. But why do you worry about it? Just fucking let it go and you'll be happier.

>stop hanging out with girls, hang out with boys.

You're gay.

The government doesn't do any of these though? They just play middle man and pay others to do it.

Because I'm being extorted by my government.

Taxation is theft.

Because people do not value neither their time or money.

Also beta cucks must be purged from this earth.

Streams are free to watch, but a donation increases the chances of more free streaming being delivered, both to you and everyone else.

speak for your country

Why do people pay for TV?

There ain't nothing gay about hanging out with some twitch bros while wondering how big his dick is. You're just looking out for them like an anonymous friend. Besides, they actually have fun playing the game. I watch only one female streamer and that's because she follows the same fun design, and she hangs out with the cool boys I wish to kiss in a completely straight way.

All big streamers are already set for life, heck even the medium streamers already earn something like 10x the average income in their respective countries.

because it's forced by taxes in some countries

>i constantly expect things in return for everything I do

You're not going to make it far OP

Who the fuck pays for TV any more? There's nothing worth watching on any channel or streaming service. Nothing. Don't waste your money.

My point is. Take netflix, put it in your post instead of twich, ask the same thing, realise that you are wrong.


Also, you're paying for the "chance" of otherwise free entertainment?

Could you be anymore of a cuck?

Vulnerable but ultimately stupid beta people who spend their money on this shit I would say at least it isn't gambling but it's almost sadder in some ways. The thots just sit there with their fannies almost hanging out their panties and that's it.

They would still stop streaming if they suddenly made no money from it. Big streamers dont like playing shit like pubg all day, they do it because it makes money

Literally mindcucked soyboy
I bet you play mobile games too

So have them stop streaming, fuck should I care? They're all boring trash anyways, they stream for the money not for content, as you said yourself.

Because there's a lot of genuine eugenics candidates out there. The vast majority of people have always been this pathetic throughout history

What I don't understand is why watch people play when you could be playing it yourself.
I can understand watching gameplay vids to see what it's like, sort of like a demo.
Watching people play games is so boring.

Because I can't play vidya at work.

I treat twitch like a radio show or podcasts. It works if the person is charismatic enough.

>paying for radio

>Friend is sure about some broad he met on the internet who lives states away.
>She's willing to move to him and he of course would be paying for travel and expenses because he makes loads of money and barely spends it.
I'm 90% sure this is going to end in her favor and him more depressed than he usually is. Some people just can't help but learn the hard way.

People are mentally handicapped.


>pay hundreds a year on games
>pay nothing and watch it for free with a community

Nice one, faggot LOL


>people defending donating to steamers
>using streamers as replacement friends
Just play the game yourself you pathetic piece of shit

Entertainment. They receive entertainment in return.

Given that if you're not a shitty friend, you'll buy a beer/pizza to your friends every now and then. And sometimes they will do the same thing for you.

Given today's society where people don't really have friends to socialize, that's the closest they'll get to a friendship.

pathetic sympathy is what artists live off of.
and you all secretly want love that you feed into it.

Some people are shit at games.
Some people get too bored just playing a game.
Twitch/Youtube allow you to "experience" the game without having to actually spend the time trying to get gud, and also you can pick your flavor of personality(ies) for commentary as it goes.
I'm not saying it's not sad, that's just what it is.

>So hospitals, clinics, and other medical care facilities have the medicine needed to care for those that are ill.

Not for americans

i support my favorite broadcaster (really the only one i watch on twitch) because i like his show and want to contribute to its growth and continuation.
will have subbed for 40 months next month.