Videogames are art

>videogames are art

The thing I liked doing was dousing them in gasoline, burning them, and then just before they died, putting them out with piss. They got up after that and you had a disgusting skinless thing running around.

funnily enough there's literal piss and shit "art" pushed by those talentless fucks that will say shit like "videogames are not art". Postal 2 overall easily beats them in originiality. these fuckers wish they had half-the talent of running with scissors.

>art is art

there are women literally spraying shit, piss, and even period blood on a sheet of paper OUTSIDE NAKED IN PUBLIC
if that's perceived to be art then i don't know what this is

Me too.
I also tried to make people vomit by pissing on them, then time a decapitation just right so vomit came out of the neck-hole instead of blood.


>not posting the girl shitting on the ground as art


If this is art, then video games can be art.


xD Haha

is that peanut butter?



no, that's (((modern art))), which is designed to destroy the beauty of real art

>"I know what you're probably thinkin' but the funny thing is, I don't even like video games."

90% of everything is shit. 90% of video games are shit from an artistic point of view, 90% of video games are shit from a "game" point of view, and those two don't necessarily overlap.

That doesn't invalidate video games being art, it just means the specific video game makes for shit art.



That's actually pretty great

They're only art in the modern sense where everything is art. There will never be a Beethoven's Ninth or a Great Gatsby of gaming. Videogames are basically the equivalent of Piss Christ.

>girl shitting on the ground as art

gonna need you to elaborate

>still repeating this lie
Games are games. Only idiots who fall into the GRAFIX/STORY/MUSIC/etc OVER GAMEPLAY modern gaming trap can believe in the delusion that games are in any way art.

What is art is debatable, but video games are an art form, it's a fact.



They are art because Icycalm exists and made them such with his first genuine metric of criticism for the form.



Lots of art is shit.

>Great Gatsby of gaming.
GG is overrated as fuck.

You're retarded.

what game?

Fallout 4 isn't it? I'm actually interested in this game now.

May I say that the Postal Dude is /ourguy/?

Dammit, Todd. You're really tempting me.

great gatsby is literally about a cuck. I couldn't even get myself to read the entire thing in high school because it was so bad.
Though I actually got good grades for it because the american education system has to account for dumb people and I learned much from discussions held in class about it. I'm sure countries with good education wouldn't even have that shit book in their libraries.

just going to leave this here

greetings from r/art

>tripfag painstakingly carves unfinished dragon tail put next to self-fellatio statue.png

change this to ovens and rollercoasters and I'd buy 10 copies

metroid prime echoes is better than boring ass classical music and shitty cuckism novels

zelda was named after fitzgerald's girl though who is supposedly the inspiration behind daisy

Looks incredibly uncomfortable.

>One is a sad nerd's expression of his pathetic life
>The other is an expression of humanity's obsession with sexual gratification

One is closer to being art than the other

It makes me really uneasy to look at it

that's why it's art

If he's talking about what I think he's talking about, she doesn't shit on the ground, she just shoves Spagetti-o's up her vagina and then pushes them out onto the ground in front of a crowd of people.

It's art if you get off to feeling uneasy. If not, it's just annoying.

t. 15 year old

are horror movies art?

>great fagsby

have you ever studied music theory?

most of classical music was just fifths and minor chords


also focusing on one girl like gatsby did is creepy