Portable Emulation

is this the best hand held emulation machine?

I'm looking for something with physical controls and can play at least up to PS1/N64. I'm leaning towards the nvidia shield since I can also stream my steam games to it when I'm home.

A hacked VITA is pretty decent. It can play PS1/PSP titles via Adrenaline and it has a port of Retroarch.

PSP or a phone with a console controller

All the shield devices work really well for PS1 and N64 emulation. Controller mapping is difficult for the Nintendo, well with the emu I was running anyway

I'm a current owner of the shield tv.

how difficult is it to hack the vita?
I have a 2DS and thought I could hack it for emulation but its a lot of work and it runs shitty

Vita native Snes emus suck though.

if you are so dense that cant hack the 2ds i dont think that you can hack the vita. go pay somebody to do it for you.

did you even read the post? I'm saying its not worth to hack the 2DS/3DS since it runs terribly and requires purchase of more stuff. If its the same case for the VITA, i'd rather just buy the shield

>its not worth to hack the 2DS/3DS since it runs terribly and requires purchase of more stuff
>you only need a micro sd (the 2ds/3ds already comes bundle with 4gb one)
>a pc with micro sd reader.
>5 minutes of your life

>requires chinese flashcart
>or hardmod
>get silky smooth 10 FPS
for the 3rd time, not worth it.

>is this the best hand held emulation machine?

>almost 2018
>not owning a smartphone and a clip bt controller

Anyone have experience with this?

Buy a cheap windows tablet, get a good gaming controller or just use a controller from the big three.

Not only can you play most emulators you can play older PC games, indie games and probably new ones if you tweak them down a bit.

I have one. It's pretty good but putting roms on it is a nightmare. It has a rom search app but putting roms on there yourself is difficult. Doesn't help that some of the instructions are in engrish.

Good but flawed basically.

Oh and I forgot to mention the slow download speeds. It's ok for genesis era games but downloading dreamcast games takes a while and I don't know why.

use a laptop and an Xbox controller, problem solved

>Not only can you play most emulators you can play older PC games, indie games and probably new ones if you tweak them down a bit.
can't the shield do this as well? Also I specifically want it hand held so tablet+controller is too big

how is it a nightmare? I assumed you just connect it to ur PC or put in a SD card

>hand held

You assumed wrong.

Old windows/PC Games. I don't think shield can do that. Shield is already

> tablet+controller is too big
Well, shield is the same. Just a bit smaller.


It also plays some pc games on minimum settings.

You're welcome.

The shield portable is great for emulation, but I feel like the controls are not the most comfortable.

>have Razer phone and Xbox controller

I'm set. Even streaming from my computer while I'm away from home has been super smooth and nice.