Which game is better worth my time? League of Legends or Dota 2?

Which game is better worth my time? League of Legends or Dota 2?

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>Which game is better worth my time?
Considering LoL takes 5000+ hours to unlock all the content that Dota gives you from the first time you boot the game, Dota

Neither, they're both just black holes where both time and your smile go to die.

this, if you're not playing with a 5 stack of friends don't bother, the game is nothing but nonstop bitching from the day you start to when you're getting matched against pros

I got to the point where every other match I was up against some NA "pro player" like bsj and HUEHUE stars before I realized it was fucking pointless

neither. they both are absolute fucking trash

you have a hope of playing lol with other people from real life, and also get flamed because it's utter dumpsterfire trash

dota is somewhat less trash but even more of a blackhole of time so it evens out


League has better mechanics and systems and is updated more. Dota has a higher barrier to entry and everyone who plays it are condescending as fuck if you are new. Stick to league.

>League has better mechanics
Oh boy, this should be good
Let's hear it


League has rammus. So I say league


>New solid rune system
>New champs more often
>No mechanic bloating like denial so teams can focus more on action and ganks
>Item builds offer variety and allow you to play champion in many unique ways to suit your style or even viable troll builds for fun

League is honestly superior.

LoL has Aoi Yuuki so that one

league has more focus on individual mechanics and """"""""""skill"""""""""", dota has a lot more depth but is more about strategy and knowing how to apply your strengths

if you like getting gud and dumpstering people / fucking with SICK OUTPLAY children with more straight forward shit and watching them get mad, go for league. if you want a strategy game where you'll always be improving and learning more go dota

if you don't have several other friends to play with, don't play either game. never play the games without a full team of FRIENDS.

Heroes of the Storm

>*ganks u 100-0 no counterplay from invis*
>*goes immune to all magic so your team can't save you*
nuthin personnel
>*tps out*

>I'm a gigantic fucking moron baby.

League has better characters for porn

>memes something with no idea what you are talking about.

What strand you smoking?


>No mechanic bloating like denial so teams can focus more on action and ganks
You can't say this when Dota's lane phase is shorter and the games lower gold dependency design and higher base damages encourages more early game roaming and ganking.

>Item builds offer variety and allow you to play champion in many unique ways to suit your style or even viable troll builds for fun
Dota's building is a lot more freeform than LoL's, because it doesn't revolve around stat scales and there are far more active utility items that constantly see viable play.

Why do retards try to talk about games they know nothing about?
I seriously hope I'm just falling for bait here

League is way more casual, so you'd waste less time to get good at at. Dota is hard to get into but it actually has competent game design.

Here's what it comes down to mmkay.

Dota is better, but the skill floor is much higher, and you pretty much require a stack for it to be enjoyable

Because league is much more arcady and simple and forgiving, the above mentioned is not as important.

Ergo, it depends on your situation.

dotas boring and lol is too cancer

Depends on which your friends preferred.

These guys got the right idea.

Also DotA is way better and more rewarding as a game, but you have to pretty much tryhard all the time to get something from it and you won't necessarily have a good time doing so.

>New solid rune system
To make up for the lack of meaningful active and utility items. Due to the fact that people buy items purely for what gives the more cost-efficient stats since Champ skill scale with stats.
>New champs more often
That's true. You know what's also true? The heavy homogenization of the characters. Many times it boils down to 'Why would I play X when Y is just a stronger version of it?'. Look at pick/ban rates in pro play, it took the implementation of 10-ban system for league to break the 40-50% play rate of their entire roster. Dota may not bring new heroes as often, but they all fill a particular niche, which is why Dota's pick/ban rates have been +95% at ANY given tournament. Educate yourself some more

The most important factor is which one do your friends play. Both of these games are way more fun when you can play with people you know in real life. If you don't have any real life friends who play them I can't recommend either, go fap to porn or something instead.

every time I see this picture shit gets moved around

Obviously you don't know leagues actives or your idea of them is outdated.

You also have never experienced early game roam because you either watch plebs play or something.
Secondly, the item utility uses are only done in medium- high level play because nubs can't wrap their mind around the idea of buttons outside of qwer.
That being said, dota matches usually last between 25-45 mins depending on how evenly matched things are. This match length is also roughly the same length as league. Funny how that works isn't it? Raw numbers and facts telling you that you are wrong? Have you even played both games passed nub level or are you just basing things on bias?

The characters are complicated in league, so are the items and the techniques. This is up to the player. Simple players might force farming to pace out the match because they have end-game strength. Characters that scale better early game will rush ganks and fights to try and close a game out in the first 25 mins. This is all dependent on player skill.

Characters like Lee Sin and Azir in league have a pretty high skill cap and engaging skill uses. Skill shots in DoTA and fight mechanics are simple. Arguably the hardest champ to learn in dota 2 is meepo. Watch his techniques by pro players on youtube. Then immediately after watch a lee sin or azir pro on league of legends. Tell me there is not more complication to playstyle in league.

>You also have never experienced early game roam because you either watch plebs play or something.
I watch pro play, everyone just dicks around in their lane trying to outfarm their mirrored forced meta opponent. LoL is so light on roaming they have to force a pure jungler role as the dedicated ganker.

>Secondly, the item utility uses are only done in medium- high level play because nubs can't wrap their mind around the idea of buttons outside of qwer.
A. that's wrong, and B. it wouldn't matter anyways because the point is the game supports more utility and build creativity when both are played properly.

>That being said, dota matches usually last between 25-45 mins depending on how evenly matched things are. This match length is also roughly the same length as league.
What's your point?

>Raw numbers and facts telling you that you are wrong?
What fucking numbers?

>Arguably the hardest champ to learn in dota 2 is meepo. Watch his techniques by pro players on youtube. Then immediately after watch a lee sin or azir pro on league of legends. Tell me there is not more complication to playstyle in league.
Go watch high level play on Visage, Puck, and 9-slot Tinker and then tell me there is more complication to playstyle in league.

LoL's mechanical depth caps on stuff that's comparable to Puck, and then it doesn't even have any actual unit micro.

>so are the items

>league doesn't have micro

That's because that kind of play isn't fun and an RTS genre exists outside of Moba.

Riot knows it'd be a waste of time to make something like that. People only play that niche shit because it rewards if you fill the skill ceiling, not because it's fun or interesting.

It's a wasteful mechanic design that no one actually enjoys learning.

Like I said, meaningful. Is there any item in League, besides Locket and Redemption, that can impact a team fight and the general scope of the entire game?. QSS is basically adc only, you only get a mikael's if the ADC is a stubborn retard that refuses to buy QSS, Banner and ZZ rot are a meme in their current states, Edge of night and Zonya are mostly for self defense purposes and so on and so on.
Ask yourself, outside of locket and redeption, when was the last time that you said or heard someone say 'wow, that item activation was a complete game changer'.

>moving the goalposts away from mechanical skill cap
>I don't like it so it's bad


gargoyle stoneplate
face of the mountain
any of the sight items like sightstone

also ad assassins and bruisers use mercurial scimitar/qss too

Why are Dota fanboys such buttplugs?

Neither. I've played massive amounts of both, they're a waste of time and sanity. Play Battlerite instead.

Randuins Omen
ZZrot is actually good and used a lot.

>gargoyle stoneplate
just makes you tankier, no utility

>face of the mountain

not as meaningful when everyone in your team can place wards

Gargoyle literally makes you unkillable for the duration, which allows for massive plays if you are a cc tank with good lockdown.
Synergy > the mechanics on their own.

dota 2 easily by miles

Brawl is to melee what dota 2 is to league.

Dota is slow and boring mechanics with no mobility or crazy play potential.

League is high mobility high action.

>gargoyle stoneplate
tanks buy it mainly for the 40/40-80/80, active last for a mere 4 seconds and your team have to be retards to be focusing a tank (unless they are taunted of course). It's active part doesn't affect the general scope of the game lke I mentioned.
>face of the mountain
Locket lite, It gets a pass I guess
....you really didn't read my post huh?
>sight stone items
thought it was common sense why this doesn't need to be mentioned, they are wards, theyr are mandatory.

Please go back and read my post, this time finish it.

the problem here is that the item alone doesnt provide utility, its just a stat boost.

It wouldnt be considered a utility item if you were to purchase it on a adc, while Redemption would still hold some relevance in the same scenario.

None of them.

>uphill miss chance
>creep stacking/pulling
>TP's are a purchaseable consumable and not a innate game mechanic like Fortify
>obnoxious insecure community who spends more time hating on LoL rather than playing their own game
>only gets an update every 5 months causing the game to practically die between massive patches then resurrect temporarily

3/6 good try

Ah, Sceptre!
Wich hero is your favorite when using it?


the one that has characters you like


too bad he is currently a meme

>buying grinding for heroes vidya game vs vidya game that takes a year to figure out

Pick your poison.

Dota 2 EASILY.

>all characters are free
>actual balance - every hero is considered viable
>heroes are way more unique
>actual diversity - not every game is 1-1-2 with a jungler
>more itemization and active items as well
>multiple unit control
>all players in dota are much more stronger than their LoL counterparts

For instance a support in LoL is basically a babysitter or healslut who's purpose is to exist for their carry. But a support in Dota actually gets
>free time
>abilities which have much more impact and can even win the game

>main rubick
>current meta doesn't like big, high cooldown ult

God fucking dammit.

As an engineer, I can say for certainty that to quantify these two games' value will yield too extremely tiny numbers. For the sake of simplicity, I'll say neither are worth it.

bet if you quantified my dick it'd yield extremely large numbers

I see a lot of criticism towards League here but very little towards Dota.

What are your main complaints about dota, lolbabs ?

>The game I don't like is more popular. Therefore I will blindly believe it is terrible and inferior.

Sup Forums in a nutshell. Dota 2 players in a nutshell.

Maybe after an inverse function.

Dota 2 is outdated and never gets updates.
Mechanically clunky controls and movesets. Underwhelming 5/10

League is the better and more balanced MOBA game. Even the Koreas prefer it over Dota because of it's highly competitive structure, and is simply the superior esport.

you have to be retarded to think all heroes being p2w doesn't automatically make it inferior

>Dota 2 is outdated and never gets updates.

Shit got a huge patch a month or so ago


>worth your time
OP I think you're confused

If dota is better than League, why is dota dying while league is getting bigger?

I think that the dota 2 UI and menus are so fucking cluttered with shit it makes it a chore to even queue for a game.

because you faggots always ALWAYS come up with some diluted reason you think LoL is better and consistently get shut out by facts alone.

The creator literally stole every asset for league from DOTA

he's a faggot, you're a faggot

be ashamed

>Dota 2 is outdated and never gets updates.
I would like to debunk this.
Dota is also notorious for gamebreaking bugfixes within 2 hours on plebbit.

You can compare the amount of patches for yourself.
Also the idea claiming Dota 2 is outdated is laughable when it's received an engine update with Reborn, has literally no loading screens and when LoL came out in... 2009?

You can get them for free, just have to play the damn game. Like a new player needs overloaded with 150 champs anyways. I own them all and never spent a dime.

>5000 hours to play full game
>or 0
Dota 2, baby.

When was the last time LoL released any game stats?

>pressing PLAY DOTA is a chore

>have to put in 2k hours to get out of 2k mmr
haha nice game

that and the fucking turn rates are the main reason I dont play the game.

I actually think Dota2 is a decent game but its a very acquired taste that you only tend to enjoy if youve played past MOBA's or Dota2 was your first

You'll have to be more spefic on what you consider clunky. If you're talking about the turn rates i think its a completely fine mechanic, since it punishes bad positioning.

A random Dota 2 top play of the week is far more interesting and complex than LoL top play in a tourney.

Since I suck ass at both and even the more casual LoL
League has nicer people and less faggot foreigners shitting up the chat. Still full of dickhead teenagers. Also more of a chance of coming back after feeding because you suck ass
Dota 2 has less jungle shittery and there's more variety in each map compared to league

>turn rates
I will never understand why people say this is a negative thing. It's what allows melee and ranged carries to successfully coexist. It adds a layer of balance and decision making in every stage of the game when it comes to ranged combat. And I fucking hate these games.

no turn rate only works if your game is arcade oriented like heroes of the storm

>2k hours for leave 2k
>he uses his learning account for his actual rankings

>TP's are a purchaseable consumable and not a innate game mechanic like Fortify
why the fuck would you want this

His point isn't that it's bad, it's that it's an acquired taste. Good as it is for game design, it makes going from league to Dota a nightmare.

Obviously Dota 2.

League is just copy paste 'champs'.

The developers even stated they 'balance' the game around the lowest common denominator.

Even without Turn rates ANOTHER big reason i forgot to list is the foreigner problem

nearly everytime I boot up Dota2 to test out a new patch I get JAJAJAJAJ's running it down mid.

Chinese,Peruvians,BR's and Russians have completely taken over and its NOT fucking fun to play with these people.

Valve cant even Regionlock them out either cuz then the game would die. It fucking sucks

>a summoner spell that costs 50 gold (1 creep) with 1/5 of the cooldown and can also be used by anyone on the team


you do realize dota has soft region lock right

Turn rate is also a balancing factors in a shit ton of games, including RTS.

meant for

Or I could play the other game and not have to wait potentially months to play a character I want
Imagine actually having your head this far up your ass and defending a 3000+ hour unlock system

I've seen it used in ARPGs as well. Obviously not as big a balancing factor but it's nice to see in them.

so my team actually helps me when im getting dived by 4 people?

TP's costing money actually makes a lot of people not wanna buy them.

you might not remember but a long time ago TP's and wards in Dota2 were like double the price they are now until IceFrog realized that having such key game items locked behind a gold wall was stupid.

oh also

I hate how supporting in Dota2 leaves you literally broke until you get the GP5 mastery

it 1000% does not

>live in Texas
>get Pinoys from Asia with 150ms on my team
yeah no