
>currency is "credits"

>currency is (you)'s

You fucking stole this from me like 2 weeks ago

Fuck you


Has there ever been "credits" used as a currency before? Why is it always used for futuristic currencies?

>fantasy setting
>currency is gold

>distant future
>currency is a still a physical object but now more shiny

Credits will do fine.

>everyone speaks esperanto

>the only architecture and interior decorating style is minimalist

As opposed to debits?

>currency is memes

>game takes place in the future
>white people still exist

>distant future
>toilets have combined male/female symbol

its so writers/developers don't have to be original or creative

>original or creative
"Credits" is an efficient name. You instantly know what it means.

>future china
>currency is good boy points
>if you lose too many you must serve the state with hard labor to earn past the limit to be considered a human being again


makes sense.
after every sovereign succumbs to the inevitable debt collapse and the derivatives bubbles come to light the universal equivalent in the form of currencies will fall to a background operation run by algos balancing infinite "quantitative easing" and the ultra complex book balancing off of auto renewable centennial credit default swaps in a way that economy could only become somewhat functional again if relegated to a meta operation atop that financial black hole that money itself will become.

>create type of currency with your own made up name
>part of tutorial/beginning area displays the ability to barter with it in some form
it's not about efficiency, its about being creative and giving your game's world a feeling of authenticity.



>post-apocalypse setting
>currency is bullets

And if that game is in the future or even present times credits make perfect sense

>Dystopic future
>Currency is Neoshekels

>pre-apocalypse setting
>currency is beast marks

>>game takes place in the future
>racebaiting still exists

its a fantasy future setting, nothing makes "sense". It can be literally anything you want. It's more interesting to come up with something unique

>100 years into the future
>there is no currency, only energy and minerals

...in a way that only having credit itself still carries a standartized monetary value since the underlying mechanisms became the gates of hell that could never be opened, a veritable pandora's box.

>t. time traveler

Good boy points.

Stop shilling on a Mongolian throat singing board Richard Branson.

nigga this OP is ancient

DAE white genocide isnt real??

>Currency is teef

>post-apocalypse setting
>currency is porn

>currency is sex
What are some games like this?

>Cyberpunk setting
>World is controlled by a company with a cool name like Hydroxion Corporations or something
>Not something stupid like Disney, Google, or Facebook

You're in for a ride when the tech get advanced enough to freely change your race.

real life?

It sounds more credible than funbucks.

>implying humans will exist

beep boop make way fucking ape

>planet is "terra" or "gaia"

>look it up
>it's real.

>currency is souls
What did Hidetaka mean by this?


You will be built to serve humans, it will be on your core instincts.

Which probably will lead to a revolution of machines and humans being treated as a currency.

>everyone changes races for a day to live out their repressed fucked up racist extreme images of different races

What a place humanity would be in with such a technology


I bet a company with a name like Hydroxion would be developing interstellar travel or life extension while Disney, Google and Facebook only care about feels and nigs being represented in media.

here's my tax user

>currency is Macca
What's backing it? Life stones?


it's easier



>currency is bitcoin

>fantasy game
>currency is gold
Why is there so much fucking gold in these worlds. It's not even scarce.

i don't really mind gold i just wish there are other currencies from different races, rare shells from nagas mana fruits from elves etc.


>game set in the future
>capitalism still exists

>red heads still exist

>currency is G

>trading rare shells
You're not getting my shells

>modern setting
>protagonist refers to money as gold


Lisa made the most sense.

This sometimes works, but generally wouldn't make sense. In real life, when you have two medieval countries extensively trading with eachother, they inevitably formed a type of common currency to make transactions easier. Even if the countries/kings themselves insisted on "NO WE MUST KEEP DUCATS" or "NO WE MUST USE DUBLOONS", merchants would end up agreeing on one common currency, use it as the accepted trade currency, then convert it back to different types at home. Even if there were a thousand different fantasy races, there would be a single global money for bartering, and commoners would pick up on it and make it wider spread.

Typically the same reason there's always at least one universally shared language in fantasy, everybody needs to trade with eachother and so you need a common language to facilitate it.

Do Orks actually have a currency in 40k? I thought they all just did what they did because that's what they do, like mechboiz build shit for killing stuff and give it out freely, not for actual money.

>any encounter in space in a set mid term future: caucasians welcoming chinks.

well, I guess it's only invevitable.

I bet on many, many black people turning asian because fucking weebs.

I don't have a problem with this so long as terra or gaia are Gods/Goddesses, and not the actual planet itself. Only so many names you can have for an earthygod.

>A future without capitalism = communism

Bonus points if the gold isn't even gold though. Like coins are iron, bronze, etc, but are still referred to as 'gold'.

>You work for your credits
>But the jews can generate an infinite amount of credits out of thin air
>The jews give you credits for working while doing nothing themselves
>They are the valued contributors of society, and you are a worthless poorfag scum for working your butt off everyday

Really makes you think...

They use teeth. Their own, enemies, other orkz'. Better teeth are worth more. Orkz aren't commies. You want a better choppa, you either take it by force or buy it with teef.

whats the tax plan for demons?

>Typically the same reason there's always at least one universally shared language in fantasy

no that's because authors who would be smart enough to create their own laguages know that using it extensively would only serve to alienate their readers, so they use it sparingly. The stupid ones, that's self vident why... ("somehow the nekomimi tribe could speak fluent japanese")

>almost done my first novel
>low fantasy
>main character is a fucking elf
>elves are also commies
>you're supposed to at least sympathize with him if not outright cheer for him

I am worried about this suddenly.

Yeah man I love futuristic games where the currency is Zoombaweenies or fingernails with the Mona Lisa painted on them

What, no I meant, in universe. Everyone could sound english to the reader because the author translates it for them, I meant that in the story itself the drakes and goblins and whatever would all have their own distinct language, but also share a trade language because they need to interact and trade with one another and therefore would need a common ground.

>far future setting
>no currency
>Trade things for things of equal value
>trade a gun for a part of a ship
>trade a slave for a cow

I really wonder why there weren't exchanges of basic mags like Vogue or the like. I know that most of the survivors are just maddened perverts who keep themselves sane by indulging in degeneracy, but what about those guys that just wanna look pretty?

user only criminals use bank notes, what are you are criminal?

Pay your taxes.

Haha yeah user, a game with something stupid like bottlecaps as currency would be ridiculous and couldn't be used to expand the setting at all

If it's a little forest commune, I can't see any problem with that. Literally the whole point of this behavior is based on how societies living in small woodland groups or out in havens would simply share everything they were given, so as to not grant anybody too much power, and make sure everybody was fed and healthy. It works in a society of subsistence farmers, hunter/gatherers, and low-industry craftsmen and the like. The second you start introducing growing societies, industrialism, and most especially mass-production, it stops being a commune of like-minded individuals and starts laying credence towards more demands for greater production. You'll need a better motivator to keep working other than "We'll all be franz!"

which is also innacurate, because medieval merchants going overseas would use gestures and mimicry -- literally pointing at the commodity of interest in the bazaar, make a number with his fingers, see the counter offer on the seller's fingers and close the deal by shaking hands. Seldomly, he would bother to learn the local language after trading with the same dude for over 20 years or so...

your perspective is so bugercentric it makes me wanna go on a diet.

>Low fantasy
>Both low effort creativeness
Not hearing any reasons to read your book over someone elses

>currency is gold/silver/copper

Hyperbole isn't a sufficient argument. Naming currency things like Gella or Macca or Zenny is just as fine. It's a fully acceptable name for """money""" and if you see it more than three times, you instantly know what it stands for, as well as any relevant acronyms or mockeries of it. Just naming it "Credits" is lazy writing.

low pop (low fertility), self sufficient, xenophobic people living in remote locations. it would be silly if they weren't commies user.

>Currency is called Approved Units
>As in fucking gold

>crossover fantasy game made specifically for man-children
>currency is "munny"

Fingernails with the Lisa painted on them sounds like a dope as fuck currency

ayy go fuck yourself mate

>Genocide for some sweet AU

Those all sound dumb though. It sounds like you're trading rocks and minerals not a currency.

Wasn't trying to advertise to you, mate, was going over why I had a specific worry and provided the details to that worry.

Good currencies
>space rubles

"Credits" sounds like tiny shells and/or shards of materials. The only reason we associate its namesake is because we are, as humans in a modern society, aware of what the term "Credit" means. Regardless, if it fits the setting more, name it better. The term is just as lazy as literally writing "Money"