Wake me up when consoles running [currently year] games at 60 fps is a standard

Wake me up when consoles running [currently year] games at 60 fps is a standard.

Get into your time machine and go back to 1985 - 1996. That's the only way you will ever see this.

No, Shaq.

Wake me up when you play games on your platform instead of worrying about others.

Was he right?


60fps was the standard starting with the NES and ending with the PSX (which technically came out 1995 but there were still SNES games being made until the end of 1996).

What about Star Fox?

What about suck my dick?

OP said standard, that's an exception.

Why does anybody give a shit about FPS above 30

You're gonna be sleeping for a while....

as they continue to push greater and greater graphics, hardware will be stretched further and further.
Unless they decide to stop with the 4k meme or stop graphics whoring so much 60fps will NEVER be standard

well ill be damned i've been gaming since atari and i never knew that.

Why does anyone give a shit about resolution above 720p?

>tfw 120/144hz TVs become the standard
>And games start doing 24fps standard since

Going past 640x480 was a mistake.

Of course he was right but there was one lesbian porno that Siri starred in that had a pretty cute love story.

I dunno, another good question. It looks good enough, focus on other shit than graphicjerking.

The NES and all the other 60 FPS consoles were extremely simple compared to today's games.

NES was specially designed to facilitate screenscrolling while maintaining 60fps. Look at platformers for other home consoles around the same time.

We'd be gaming with realtime raytracing instead of polygons if we kept at that.

That has literally nothing to do with resolution.

Anything below 60fps is unplayable, consolefag.

Enjoy your coma, OP

Yes it does? You raytrace per pixel on the screen. Lower resolution = less pixels to have to need to sample from.

i cant fucking believe shaq is dead

You want it so bad, create it yourself, faggot leech.

This game ran at 20 fps before it got its HD version, was it unplayable?

serves him right for believing earth is flat

That will never happen user. Even if they had the power to, devs would choose to go higher graphics & 30FPS because the normie casual gamer doesnt care about FPS but cares alot about pretty graphics.

it is kind of depressing that 60fps is still not standard on consoles. still.
a lot more games are running at 60 nowadays tho