Nintendo predictions for next year

>Nintendo predictions for next year

He's thinking that next year will see Mario maker 2 and smash 4 switch as major releases with the launch of the online service costing $30 a year with virtual console(nes, SNES, N64, and GC) becoming introduced with it getting another price spike for games.

He also thinks Mario Odyssey will get holiday themes dlcs at the end of next year with it, again, being Nintendo's main hook for the holidays.

What do you guys think?

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I think you should stop posting e-celebs on Sup Forums

>this muppet faggot is being spammed on Sup Forums every single fucking day

are you getting paid to do this?

I think he's wrong, VC is a no brainer. So nothing special, quit shilling your channel.

It's Arlo shilling his youtube channel, gotta make that yt money somehow

Of all the faggot youtubers to speed up their voice, why is Arlo the one that DOESN'T do it? He's a fucking muppet, yet you can tell just from his voice that he's fat, wears graphic tees, goes to cons, has a neckbeard, wears a baseball hat, and wears glasses. What's the point in hiding behind the avatar if everyone can tell what you look like?

It's the first picture of him when you Google Arlo btw

predictable excuse OP

I feel like you can't DLC Mario Odyssey in any meaningful way, there's like 800+ moons in the game and you can buy your way to the full 999 so whats the point of adding new worlds unless they up the number? They could add costume DLC but thats it.

One of the worst Nintendo dickriders of all time. 0/10 OP, sincerely fuck you for posting this garbage

Next year will be the Year of the Port and the Great Game Drought.

btfo lol

They could release nothing next year and it would still be better than where PS4 was at that point in its life

why is cookie monster a youtuber.

>there are people on v that listen to a muppet

>the face of a nintendo-centric channel is a colorful puppet
Can't make this shit up.

I think you're arlo, you were interesting for a day and your gimmick wore thin. Your narrative is bullshit and you'd take the N dick anyday. Fuck off already cunt.


I like Arlo but these e-celeb threads need to stop.

It's $20 per year, not $30.