Dubs decides what i put on this

dubs decides what i put on this

commie mommy

All lower caps.

if 00 you put an overwatch logo on it

Not in this thread.





Your penis


if 1 then its a NAMBLA logo






my peanus weanus



78 says you put jeff kaplans face on it and rename the sign "buy my game"

check these dubs


Sir Semen du Cunterville

reroll again

cursed thread no dubs to be found

if possible add a name tag to it too saying DOOM

I fucked the Duck Hunt Dog

well i guess i failed




I heard you're a racist now Father

Whatever stupid meme shit you want because it's almost 2000 fucking 18 and the only people still playing this husk of a game are 12 year old furry third worlders.

>t. spy main

can you even get 00s anymore? Not sure if it was removed or not, let's check


biggest ballsack you can find on the internet

epic fail


engrave sonybro on your sign


Overwatch logo


There's less than a 1% chance of this many people failing to get Dubs. Congrats OP

If 9 then this.




how new can you get

Sup Forums doesn't have dubs you retard weeaboo, the only thing it has is 00



>dubs on Sup Forums


only 48 replies as of this post with 91 possible last 2 post numbers and only 1 of which is dubs


A picture of the sign you have OP

Pornhub logo



cmon gamers it cant be that hard

you may not like it, but I think it's funny.

Is this actually a thing that differs per board? I use to frequent /vp/ and Sup Forums more but is this actually different?


based engie poster


Marth from Fire Emblem










Just checking, you can still roll a 00 on Sup Forums right?
If so, post this




Sup Forums doesnt have dubs to prevent threads like this from shitting up the board
although its preferable to what currently shits up on the board..


Your penis

I wonder if you'd ever get in trouble for that. I hear that reporting people in TF2 does nothing, so something overtly against the rules should be a good test to see if Valve will do anything about it if somebody snitches on you.

lets see if i get these dubs my broskis

it really does nothing.
you'd probably have to threaten valve themselves for them to take notice.

Hardcore porn/Guro sprays have been a thing for 10 years, Valve doesn't give a fuck unless you are actually cheating.




sprays don't exist anymore


What are you talking about, you can still use sprays on community serv- Oh, right. I mean, I guess you can still see them if you have them in your cache.


>I guess you can still see them if you have them in your cache.
there are some old ass meme sprays that people still use, at first it surprised me until i realized it was just the cache


>still no 00

you're gonna like this

you can still get 00. mods just shifted the probabilities of dubs/trips/etc down an order of magnitude
