What are some good beach-themed games?

What are some good beach-themed games?

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M*ds will move this thread to Sup Forums

Jfc dat dfc

Imagine how much better that'd look without the retarded anime face.

>wanting 3dpd face

Top tier loli user, good job

Literally looks like she's wearing one of those huge theme park heads.

I want to smooch that loli tummy.

>There are people from facebook ITT that don't understand moe

cartoon cartoon summer resort

Shit tier big-headed midget loli.

Maybe try facebook user

>fapped to Murata's art just the other day
Guess I'm a lolicon now.

new rustle? artist if not. eyes too big to be him

Shit eater user.


glad you've seen the light

You can stay

You go and stay go

Bad taste
>b-back to facebook
Loving every laugh famalamadindong.
Thats better.

Explain how your taste isn't worse than garbage.

>tfw no 12 year old gf

>facebook-tier normalfag taste
I'm sure the picture you prefer would get much more upboats

Not into gray alien-looking lolis my friend.
Since when do facebook users and redditors like loli?

He's right though, the face is a major detractor in this case. The picture would be much better with a more detailed face.

Lolicon on lolicon bullying is verboten! As long as you like lewd loli, lolicons should stick together!

People into this and moe tend to be hostile, look at /jp/.

If you don't like big eyes you might as well choke on dicks, user.

That's the worst thing I have seen in ages.

/jp/ is pretty inclusive as long as you don't ever, EVER greenpost

No bully

>this is not considered pedo crap


>beasty is no beasty because its not real

>That's the worst thing I have seen in ages.
Well there is no cure for shit taste sadly.

>tfw I always get nervous when these pictures get posted because I know what image sets they're traced from

Stop bullying other lolicons and start bullying this fag Fuck you

I've alerted the fbi, your ass is grass.

It's not even just ugly like 3d, it's stuck in the uncanny valley. I pity you if you get off to that shit.

blow it out your ass.

Little girls belong to fat old Jewish men. Don't waste your time, anons. The field has already been played.

what the fuck?

As long as lolicons argue amongst themselves the normalfags will win

I want to see you explaining your love for little children even if they are drawn to other people who arent pedos themselves

We need to purge the bad lolicons so only the strongest thrive.

And I want to see you kill yourself, but we don't always get what we want.

>facebook fags can't understand hiding powerlevels
I talk about Sopranos with my coworkers. Then I come home and marathon Cardcaptor Sakura with my pants down. The two personalities don't need to mix

>stuck in the uncanny valley
lmaoing at your life if these really trigger your uncanny valley response

Jesus Christ, look at those artifacts. Here's a not shit version of that picture.


I've been too long on Sup Forums.

Haven't seen this copypasta in ages. Made me feel happy inside, thanks fampai.

>im the one who needs to kill himself and not the degenerate pedo

You can ignore the ugly 3d face as much as you want, but that is the main key to uncanny valley.

Hnnnng my god his are the best.

yeah, now you're getting it.

You should kill yourself because you spend all your time on a lolicon website while "hating" lolicon

These are def traced from photos and then have an anime head put on top

>i use lolicon that sounds less pedo

I can't abide shit taste, no fan of shadman or any other shit quality artist is any brother of mine. I am not saying that Novcel is a bad artist, he just could draw faces better IMO.

Are you really saying a more detailed face is worse than the face in OP's picture? I'm laughing all the way to the giggle bank.

It really does.

So you spend all your time on a pedo website?

>everyone who uses this site is a pedo
What is this garbage?

I would barely call it okay in the context of 2d, but compared to what you posted? Definitely.

>If you aren't a pedophile you are a facebook using normalfag
>nvm that loli threads get deleted on every board even if they are on topic once a mod notices it
>nvm that pedos are hated all over Sup Forums and they are only tolerated in one thread on Sup Forums that the mods doesn't even give a shit if it's get flooded with spam
>nvm that everyone on Earth hates them more than anything and even criminals rip them apart just because they are pedos

This rabbit is for sex

Mods always delete LOL threads, but they've been a part of Sup Forums for years.
/l/ threads get deleted, but you better believe you're gonna keep seeing them for years

What are you even trying to argue? The mere existence of those who would oppose it doesn't mean anything.

That's a cute picture, do you have the original?

You are blind then. You are probably the type of fag to say your favorite shitty anime style artist is better than Bouguereau.

You don't have to be pedo, but if you're triggered by lolis on Sup Forums you should get the fuck out my man.

>I've been too long on Sup Forums.
m8, I've been here for a long time too.
Hell, I've been fapping to loli since I could pop a boner.
I still haven't gone as far down the rabbit hole as you.

>Mods always delete LOL threads
Only if they are flooded with non vidya shit newfag. If you want to creepy piece of shit then do it on 8gag. That's where your degenerate kind belongs.

I don't have any scans of them, sorry.

Criminals rip apart actual pedophiles, not people who jerk off to cartoons.

>triggered by lolis

Where the fuck do you think you are?

I know you're mad, but you really only have two options, get used to loli (it's not going anywhere) or go to facebook

lol threads are against the rules newboi


>degenerate kind
I bet you're from Sup Forums

Are you dumb enough to think normalfag niggers like Tyrone are going to debate the semantics of 2d vs 3d with you when they hear you got put in slammer for "kiddie porn' before they shiv you? No seriously show me any evidence from actual testimonials of people put in for loli hentai to back this up.

Not him and I'm not familiar with the sets he's talking about but have you never ever seen actual CP?
Not even once?
I mean if you have been to Sup Forums during the World Cup you should know what i'm talking about

100 replies pls.

More like this, please.

Its not traced. Range Murata is just a really good artist.

Except no one has ever gone to jail for watching loli?

>Are you dumb enough to think normalfag niggers like Tyrone are going to debate the semantics of 2d vs 3d with you
Alright serious question, do you think normalfag niggers aren't also fucking little girls?
Have you ever even set foot in the inner city? You think all those pregnant 12 year olds just pop up out of thin air?
Everyone who's been on Sup Forums for more than a few months has seen actual CP, I'm talking about searching for imagesets and the like.

I can like and respect technique and hard work, but if that alone makes you feel actually attracted to it you are mentally ill.

of Usalia?

I bet that's just what he nervously claims while the popos breath down his neck.