Kingdom Hearts will NEVER reach this level of feels

Kingdom Hearts will NEVER reach this level of feels.

What's with the forced memes this week?

Ironic shitposting aside, I fucking wept with Roxas's prologue and the ending to 358/2 Days.

Anything involving Roxas is incredibly well made compared to the rest of the story in general, it's weird.
I wish Shiro Amano wrote for the series proper.

I hate Kingdom Hearts because it's a bunch of silly cartoon characters being forced into a "serious" absurd story that varies from okay to cringeworthy

Do rabbits even have claws??

yes they do
fucking burger education

watership down

That movie is fucking brutal

Where can I read this comic? Non FA please.


Is this the abortion comic?

Unironically played through KH1 and 2 earlier this year and cried during the endings of both games. Anybody who doesn't like Kingdom Hearts is simply a brainlet and doesn't understand the games.

It's on da, actually.



PUBG reference?

Somebody post the gif

it's a meme you dip

Holy shit, that's a blast from the past.

>t. emotional babby

I don't get it but it still makes me laugh.

>artist puts hours, days, maybe weeks of effort on this shitty comic
>it becomes a meme and a widespread joke within minutes of it posting

Kids are on holiday break so they gotta get with the cool kids on Sup Forums and post all the hip new memes they saw on facebook.
Every fucking year this place gets worse.