This is exclusively for folks who were actually young gaming faggots back in the days of Vanilla who roleplayed

This is exclusively for folks who were actually young gaming faggots back in the days of Vanilla who roleplayed.

Now assuming Blizzard doesn't fuck up completely and Classic is actually worth a shit, I'm torn between whether rolling a Horde or Alliance. Alliance are agreed to be shit at PVP and not great at Raiding, but what Alliance did have in my time during vanilla was tons and tons of RP. Cities, Stormwind especially, was practically built with RP in mind, having tons of empty bars, crypts, cathedrals, and areas in general where you could have standard 'bar roleplay', or use it as a springboard for joining proper RP guilds with storylines and whathaveyou. Of course you also had whoreshire and endless ERP bullshit everywhere, but that's a natural symptom of a booming RP community.

Horde, on the other hand, were superior PVPers and Raiders with many more guilds that I saw. However, I didn't start playing Horde seriously until BC when the fucking bloodelves showed up, and the RP central became Silvermoon and associated areas. Without Silvermoon and the explosion of BE RPers, I'm curious what the scene was like/will be like should Classic take off. Did Horde have designated RP buildings and areas? What was the general attitude towards it?

Other urls found in this thread:

At the very least they will rename [The Nicker] and it will be irredeemably ruined.

I will not play such a farce

My nostalgia demands I give it a chance, but that's all it's getting. The minute I see dungeon queues, lootboxes, or any serious kinds of gamechanging 'QoL' things, I'm out.

Alliance is almost always the more heavily rped faction and with the return of classic they're most likely to be the the side with the "best" raiders as well. Almost every vanilla private server has alliance guilds as the leaders in raiding. Fear ward op.

Most Horde RP I've run into was usually centralized in the capital cities. With Org being the largest, followed by undercity. Other than that, RP was sporadic and less commonly found near the starting towns. There just really wasn't as large as a community for horde RP I found when compared to the alliance.

Back when I played retail you could see much of the same. Stormwind was always packed with people fucking around while most of the horde would congregate in silvermoon. Silvermoon was sparse compared to stormwind even on a good day.

It didn't seem to help that Org and Undercity just simply weren't built for RP like Stormwind and even Ironforge were to a degree. I don't remember either Under or Org having deliberately empty but fully furnished taverns, completely empty houses and buildings everywhere, etc.

I'll be joining Alliance for ERP. Sue me, there just flat out was not a decent ERP community hordeside before TBC.

There won't be any RP on classic.

Only freshers play Horde. Windfury is great until you pull aggro and lose all your buffs.

I genuinely don't understand the appeal of vanilla/classic. I started in Feb 2005 and really liked vanilla back when I played it, like a fucking ton.

But now? I don't get it. It's shit compared to WoW today. How come people can't see that?

I don't think this is the thread for you, mate.

>Horde have superior PvP and raiders
>In vanilla
>Being this wrong in a post crying about these young kinds on my lawn

Horde had all the best PVPers in vanilla, shitlord, in addition to Orcs having simply broken racials for PVP. All alliance had going for it was 'lol can't target me' gnomes and a free CC break.

no. nothing you just said is "agreed to"

Roll Alliance, it'll be the best of all worlds likely. All the raiders I've seen in privates stick to Alliance, Alliance will get the worthwhile RP and pvp, who knows.

That's because the appeal that it had has been washed away by time. People do not miss the game itself. They miss the experiences they had playing it. MMOs were relatively fresh back then and there were still secrets and other fun things to be found, all while interacting with a bunch of other people who were probably just as clueless as you are about the game.

Now people appreciate efficiency more than anything else. They want to get their shit and get out. I honestly wonder what people who aren't roleplayers get out of playing MMOs these days.

I only play them because I want to roleplay and have cool adventures myself.

>Shitty low playercount MMO
>Open a tavern/bar for RPers
>Run it 5 times a week for 3-4 hours a night
>Treat it like a buisness, have staffers and servers and greeters and barkeeps
>Seeing crowds everynight of people who just want to hang out in a virtual bar, chat with virtual people, and maybe find some party members to go on virtual adventures with

Best year of my life.

Most raiders are gonna play alli, blessing of salvation is too good to pass on

Which game?

>Not great at raiding


Think it was Exile side, but I honestly can't remember properly, it was at least 3 or more years ago now I think right when it released. There was custom housing and all sorts of RP related stuff you could draw on, made it fun as fuck to just hang out and help other people get their RP groove on.

Damn shame about Wildstar. I thought it had some of the best housing that I had ever seen.

Nah, vanilla is still actually good.
t. played private servers

Not sure if this is bait, but nu-WoW is all about the quick satisfaction dopamine, nothing feels especially dangerous; it has a totally different feel to it and to me isn't very entertaining

Second only to Rift I've seen. All the best systems give you a giant area, tons of small items, and the ability to position them like a proper level designer on an axis with rotate and clip commands. Give players enough different block pieces and the ability to place thousands of them in the world, and players will create shit like pic related from scratch.

>I genuinely don't understand the appeal of vanilla/classic.
who cares?? new wow players continue to have have their fun and old wow players have their fun and everyone is happy, that's all that matters. why is it suddenly wow where people ask these questions when d2 has been running for almost 20 years and 5 of those years right alongside d3? d2 and d3 coexist right alongside each other and so will new wow and old wow. it doesn't matter whichever one you think is better, we can argue about that all the live long day, the point everyone can pick out their flavor of fun and go crazy. it's not a competition.

there are plenty of huts that have no npcs in them in org

Implying they won't add that stuff after people spend 15 minutes running to the stone and another 10 waiting on someone else, while the rest of the group is afk in Org. I loved vanilla as much as anyone, but it belongs in the past and there is no chance nu-bliz doesnt cock it up.

This, Vanilla was tedious as fuck but at least everything had weight behind it. Fuck up in the catacombs in Darkshire? Get ready for a 10 minute run back to your corpse. Want to pass through timbermaw hold without getting buttraped by badnews bears? Get ready to grind rep for weeks. Things felt like proper achievements when you finally assembled a dungeon key or got your mount or hell walked from one end of the world to the other because EVERYTHING was dangerous, tedious and hard to do.

I don't play any of them regularly but tfw 14 MMOs currently installed

Damn that looks nice. I wonder why WoW hasn't jumped on the housing bandwagon yet. They have plenty of nice clutter and flavor pieces to make it potentially interesting.

Former wildstar player, shit was incredible. You had people building entire spaceships and stations, people creating whole towns, it was fantastic. Fucking curse the devs for making the game itself release no new content and have the slowest update schedule known to man.

Um sweatie :) 'faggots' isn't a trans friendly word so you're banned from playing classic.

It's not going to be the same. Not because blizzard will put in changes and fuck it up. But because we've changed as players. We're older, we're less shocked and amazed by all the shit that was great about old WoW. It's going to be the same game, with the same flaws and the same problems, but without the sense of amazement and wonder from before. Nothing will be special, it's will be like walking down a snow covered road after car after car turned the ground into a brown slushy.

I wish I liked roleplay so bad. But I genuinely don't see the appeal of it. Even less so when I go on /tg/ and try to understand people playing D&D or other forms of tabletop roleplay.

What DO you get out of it?

>alliance bad at raiding

nigger are you retarded, paladins were a godsend

Fa/tg/uy here. It's different for everyone, some people like the wish fulfillment, others like to be a part of the story the same way people play video games, others like to just become someone else and have a few bantz with some friends, and some like to live out their erotic fantasies around other people.

>and some like to live out their erotic fantasies around other people.

That's really disgusting. I hope I never meet people like this irl.

Classic is reserved for nostalgiafags and youngfags that want to experience vanilla after hearing the over-exaggerated stories of how great it was.

That was the most fun in classic, the overworld ment more than just an obstacle to getting to max level. You actually had to travel to get to places and didn't spend your time either in class halls or instances.

I roll played a psychopath, slaughtering low level alliance players and having half hour slug fests over black lotus in the arctic wastes. Was fun.

Generally its just the adult version of playing pretend.

You get a bunch of people together, you decide on some arbitrary standard rules for what is and isn't allowed, then you craft a persona that interacts with other personas. Typically the goal or 'fun' is just slamming your character against others and seeing the interaction. How would a noble but jaded knight speak with a wide-eyed idealistic youth off to join a war? How would a conservative woman trying to advance her station in the world interact with a literal whore who's fucked her way to the top of a powerbase? There's conflict around ideology, friendships and enemies, all the stuff that you'd find in real life but turned up to ridiculous extremes to highlight the parts of life you don't usually get to see.

Or I mean, you just want to fuck a gnome.

Shamans where better
82% of the guilds that cleared Naxx back in the day where Horde


in case you don't remember...

get fugged alliancucks

I always wished that attacking and killing faction leaders had some weight to it. It's not at all that difficult if you get enough people, other players have no real incentive to try and stop the opposing faction from killing their king, and the rewards are just a shitty mount.

D&D style roleplay is a bit different from MMO style roleplay I think. MMO style roleplay seems to be based more on social interactions than dice rolling and complicated rule books because good luck on getting a bunch of people to agree on a single set of rules.

That being said, if you join an rp specific guild they sometimes have their own rolling system for combat based events.

Wait.....I just realized we are getting Old Brill back!!!

People who inject their sexuality into everything are fucking cancerous and ERPers are turbo cancer.

>its shit compared to wow today

Wait, I just realized we are getting Old Brill back!!!

Most modern RP communities with any kind of structure actually have started managing to implement serverwide rules for this. Because of how prominent discords and forming websites for every game that shows up is, RP has turned a lot from being random groupings to a more organized affair of wanting people to sign their characters up so they can be kept track of.

At the very least, there'll be a simple universal dice system for solving fights, while individual guilds or events will go so far as to create entire character sheets with special abilities and modifiers for combat-focused D&D esque situations.

I always wished for an MMO that was essentially a giant LARP. I thought that maybe Albion was going to be that, but that ship sunk hard. I want people to take their role and their character seriously and find fun in making the world come alive, but it RP always falls apart when people just want to try hard and produce the most numbers as possible.

If Classic isn't shit and they have proper RP/PVP servers, you damn well better believe I'm making a rule to never drop character in /say or /yell and run every dungeon and quest as though I was in character, just for shits and giggles. You can meet some hilarious people and get into some shenanigans when other players realize you're just fucking around having a good time.

is wow classic just a containment server for wow oldfags to go die in so blizzard can fuck with the game without you guys criticizing everything?

There is a relatively small group of players that unironically think vanilla was better than retail.

Most of them will subscribe, level for a few hours and realize they don't want to waste three months to reach level 60.

That explains the weird HP numbers I occasionally see on people's RP add-ons like 10/12 HP and similar.

>there is a relatively small group of players who keep demanding this thing, better release an entirely separate version of our game so said small group will shut up

Sounds like something a company solely interested in making money would do.

>However, I didn't start playing Horde seriously until BC when the fucking bloodelves showed up, and the RP central became Silvermoon and associated areas. Without Silvermoon and the explosion of BE RPers, I'm curious what the scene was like/will be like should Classic take off. Did Horde have designated RP buildings and areas? What was the general attitude towards it?

I played on shadow concuile back in he day. RP was kinda spread out every where. The inn in brill was were deviants went, but outside that it was kinda event organized by guilds. I mean, every now and then I'd see something in UC or Org but not like every night.
>On horde rp sever
>Walk through troll rp guild meeting happening in org
>mon, mon, mon, ya, joo
fuck, I don't know how people could be in a guild that spoke literally all the time like that

huh, really jogs the noggin

really makes me think....

I found this picture the other day. Made me nostalgic as fuck. I will never have such a magical gaming experience as leveling my first character to 70 (started early TBC). I was looking on this map saying "ahhh" and "ohhh" out loud for like a minute straight.

Life was shit back then. Lived on a friend's couch and several other shit places but my laptop and WoW was always there with me. My life is shit

I'm kind of a tourist for MMOs, I don't go as far as "roleplaying" myself as someone else, but I do enjoy just exploring, see what's changed, and helping/griefing other players on a whim. I might indulge the efficiency mindset for a bit but only as far as the "let's get shit done" attitude lasts. Can't say I approve of what MMOs have slowly turned into, but I've had some opportunities to create stories of my own that I can look back on fondly. I've raided maybe twice in my time playing WoW in all iterations, it just never interested me beyond sightseeing. I've been playing OSRS for similar reasons, I never got to see everything when I was a kid, and going through Taverly's gates still felt as wondrous as it did around a decade ago.

Yeah from what I'm hearing, I'm thinking I'll suck it up and stick with Alliance.

>5K on a F2P server
>keyboard mashed names, everybody in the same place in DUROTAR
Yes, that's what I said. Small.

that was on zeth'cuck (elysium) on day one.

this is a different server, warmane, and these are number for right now, icecrown iswell over 12000 at peak every day

Heh, just had to find a guild horde side to RP with, I wouldn't throw it out if you had a character you wanted to play horde with. I never had a problem RPing or raiding my entire run which was vanilla to the very start of wotlk. Some of the better rpers I came across were horde.
>Undead with a rat living inside his head
>Was basically a very macabre Minsc and Boo dynamic

And the Orgi bank roof


>everybody in the same place in DUROTAR
Is it really that hard to figure out that it's from a new server opening?

Yes because waiting around at or in a dungeon is so much more fun.
WoW messed up a lot of things over time, but removing some tedious timesinks isn't one of them.
As a kid maybe it didn't matter, but as an adult you should see how much of a waste of time a lot of things in classic were.


>Spend 2 hours finding a healer for sunken temple
>All meet outside the maze
>Tank tells us he knows the way
>After 45 minutes it is clear he doesn't
>Find the door by pure luck
>Every troll NPC is shouting gibberish at us, but luckily the troll in the party is translating everything for us
>after two more hours of randomly running up and down halls we think we've cleared the dungeon but in reality we have no fucking idea
>Everyone friends each other afterwards, still talked to 2 of them up until I quit despite being in different guilds

I just want more experiences like that from mmos, I know classic wow won't have that because I already know everything there is to know about it, but fuck I want a new mmo that can do that to me.

>Yes because waiting around at or in a dungeon is so much more fun.
Because the alternative is flying mounts or teleporting to the dungeons which is fucking lame.
If you have no patience for anything then go to retail.


Datamining (and the expectancy of knowing datamined information) would make that difficult sadly.
>go into dungeon in a wotlk private server
>never played wotlk-era wow so somewhat excited
>some polish guy shits on me about not knowing the dungeon and that I should have read up on it beforehand
It contrasts very differently to something closer to your story, like the first time running the deadmines or anything else from that era. Information was really important to have and get, that's a given, but now it's an expectancy before you even enter. Not much different from jobs nowadays, and that's even sadder.

No one wants to really learn and explore anymore I guess. It's too bad, because like I implied, those were my absolute fondest memories from vanilla.

>Orcs having simply broken racials for PVP.

Undead were top notch too, will of the forsaken and the free heals on dead enemies was awesome.

Yes it is because that wouldn't fit my uninformed strawman

>They say I run the internet...
It's like this mentally ill tranny is wanting Sup Forums all up in "her" fake gash. Next Slaughter girl, more likely, albeit Slaughter is actually a girl.

>Now assuming Blizzard doesn't fuck up completely
That's a big fucking assumption

>Yes because waiting around at or in a dungeon is so much more fun.
It is fun, you instant-gratification Millennial garbage! You get to talk to people in your guild while you wait for others. Back then, you really need to build up that social aspect to make 40 people work together. Classic raids aren't your LFG commie loot welfare with minimal effort and people not giving a fuck about each other. It also instills discipline as you have to get there in time or you get replaced by someone nearby.

Besides, ADD faggots like you will probably get monetized in Classic anyways, with your instant teleports to dungeons for shekels. Impatient and lazy people like you deserve to be fleeced and treated like walking wallets. Now go fuck off to Legion, or Battle for Azeroth when it comes out, and never impose your faggy bullshit on Classic!

>did not play vanilla

Bruh, 3 months?

You can level in 6-10 days playtime easy.

And the levelling is the best part.

pretty much this they wont even make an rp server desu but play horde. all the popular streamers are going to go alliance and ganking them will be the greatest thing ever

Yeah, a game where you had to travel, communicate, coordinate, play carefully and methodically, work for your mount/gear/ect and felt like you were a part of a living breathing world... What shit. I just want to hit an instant queue button, hold W and spam my AoE spells while randomly getting legendaries. It's such a better game now!! You're so right! And who cares about leveling/low-level dungeons or duels/world pvp, because the game is (((balanced))) around (((end game content))) and (((3v3))), Activision assures us of that, so it must be true!!

Fuck outta here...

Yeah, Alliance had Paladin buffs and heals. They were the better raiding faction by far.

>Paladin buffs and heals

Shaman weren't better, Alliance was just the normie faction and Horde had all the experienced basement dwellers.

I had roleplayed too much in JustaChat by the time I got into WoW which was late Vanilla. I was still 13 but I just couldn't do it anymore. Instead I was a Rogue who would crash RP weddings and the likes. Does wedding crashing count as me also RPing? That was some good times. Nothing like watching people cyber in say then popping up and asking to join. I kinda felt like Ralph.

Did anyone let you join tho?

Once or twice people were into it but I'm an awkward fuck who'd just do something like "LOLOL FAGGOTS" and run off. I know I'm pathetic.

kill yourself you fucking fag, stop turning MMOs into single player games because you are lazy

Fuck Sunken Temple is such a ride on your first time through

Not a meme though. Blessing of salvation made tanking in raids easymode, buffs aren't affected by range like totems, holy specced paladins never run out of mana. Even putting pallies aside, Dwarf priests had fear ward.

I'd only play on a Vanilla server if they allowed all the new races + allied races to be also played, albeit capped to 60 like everyone else.

Maybe even allow the Monk, since it starts at 1.

Going too Vanilla would be kind of lame.

>free invites to random ERP
>sperg out and run away spilling spaghetti going LOLOL I TROLLED YOU

Jesus fucking christ user...

Speed running autists on private servers have proven over time alliance just had better tools.

blessings > totems

fear ward > other priest racials

Any tryhard minmaxing faggot in classic will roll alliance when classic comes. That isn't a good thing desu.

I know, user. I know. That's pretty much how it happened. Still good times.

The whole point is a legacy experience not a remaster or remake. Just don't bother and play BfA.

It is for raiding and PVP.

why would a race change the experience? racials?

It changes a lot. It's possibly more intrusive than adding a new class.

>racials that don't make sense in vanilla like a bonus to jewelcrafting
>race exclusive priest spells
>a couple new starting zones everyone can access
>nostalgiafags have to look at them and be reminded they're playing some weird modded vanilla
>lore (draenei and belf starting zones have a narrative explicitly set in TBC, worgen and goblins in Cata, etc.)

Oh right, and

>paladin and shaman no longer faction exclusive

This is subjective, but still a vital part of vanilla's identity.