Merchants can refuse to sell to you items

>Merchants can refuse to sell to you items

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Memes aside, who was in the wrong here?

the bitchass warrior, the potion seller was straight up warning him he's not strong enough for his potions

Dude didn't realize the shopkeeper was postgame


you tell me

it's not the potion seller's job to tell him that.

>*tick tick tick*

If a guy comes and offers to pay you 500$ for shooting him, would you?
There's absolutely no legal exculpation for you. Not even a signed paper from him saying he agreed to it.

The potion seller already told him to go somewhere that sells weaker potions though.

>why respect knights, when my potions can do anything that you can?

fucking based potion seller

>player buys a vanilla item

The knight said he would go somewhere else to find potions, so he might have just died in the upcoming battle. I feel the potion seller could have saved his life if he were a little more sympathetic with a good lad who was just a bit misguided.

>random mook you kill turns out to have a family

He would have fucking DIED if he drank one of the Potion Seller's potions. What's so hard to understand.

You dont know that, maybe he was strong enough

Not saying to sell him a potion, but to get him on the right path to proper knighthood. Not just telling him to fuck off.
>this plays while potion seller & stupid-ass knight face off

>potion sellers should now also offer counseling services to knightlets

>Character never stops talking

The Potion Seller says that they're for the "strongest beings". It implies different kind of beings on this fantasy world, not just a test of strength, and also mentions dragons which confirms fantasy creatures. The potions may well have been for visibly distinct creatures like Idunno, high elves, demigods, centaur-dragon-bunny knights or something.
He doesn't care for knights. He only sells potions.

He's a potion seller. He sells potions. Expecting anything else from him in unreasonable.

He was warned, his potions were too strong

How does the potion seller expect to sustain a business when his potions are too strong for any but the strongest of beings? He should know to stock some weaker potions to increase his customer base.

>reeee give me your "strongest" potions
>no fuck off retard


>thread consensus is that potion seller was in the right
Why do you plebs fucking hate treading all over the freedoms of a good sir-knight?

>we will never get a Knight and the Potion Seller RPG

Someone seriously needs to make a mario and luigi style game starring them.

I love odd couple team ups.

the traveller says he wants only his strongest potions

There are plenty of lesser potion sellers. Potion Seller is interested in making only the strongest potions, of which he surely charges an enormous fee for. The strongest beings can easily afford it, since they are usually the champions of the realm.

They're probably super expensive potions. It's a lucrative commission business.
It's like saying "this guy that makes extremely fine gold watches should just make some cheaper ones on the side gosh". He doesn't need to. He probably doesn't want to. He may not even have the time to.

Probably because his strongest potions are worth millions, and he's getting good money selling just one once in a while.

Merchants have always had the ability to refuse service to anyone for any reason.

The warrior was underleveled but tried to find the biggest potion seller around, probably one of those "you can do anything" faggots. there should be better faction systems in games where certain merchants will refuse you service if you annoy their factions honestly, it would be an easy way to make the world feel more organic.

>pressing random options in morrowind persuasion menu
>eventually the npc just says "Don't talk to me"

It's the potion seller's job to sell potions. Excluding business because of the opinion that a customer isn't strong enough is just weakening his profit.

its a front.

>dude seriously this potion will kill you
>wahh give me the potion ;__;

He literally won't handle the effects of the potions.

It's a gunsmith's job to make and sell guns, but gun dealers can still refuse to sell a gun to a guy who talks about shooting up his school.

But the potion seller clarifies that all of his potions are too strong for the likes of the traveler. Don't get me wrong, I agree with the potion seller, but it just seems like it's a poor business model.

These potions that would kill a dragon, let alone a man, would demand an incredibly powerful individual. He may be a potion seller dedicated to only a handful of individuals, but at that point why would he keep a store front in which anybody can easily walk in and ask for his potions? Further, if his potions truly can kill all but the strongest of beings, the guards must have some responsibility to dissuade people from trying to buy his potions beyond just trusting the potion seller to turn people away.

Also, the analogy falls flat because weaker beings don't die when they put on fine gold watches.

>boss comes from another dimension
>mocks yours

The Knight is that faggot who looks up the strategy guide and finds the strongest weapon in-game really early, then complains that he's not high enough of a level to use it.

His job is to sell potions not to enable suicide.
Can't stay in business if people drop dead by using your products.

How long will it be before 400000000 guys?

Fucking no. Even if we assume it's perfectly morally right to kill him, 500 isn't nearly enough to risk being charged with murder.

>freedom of a customer to buy what he wants
>freedom of the seller to sell to whom he wants

Which is more important?

The analogy is for the business model which is the thing you were pointing out, genius. The whole "this will kill you" thing is on the side.

The Potion Seller doesn't need to be in a public store front really, he can just work from home and the Knight came knocking. Makes even more sense for him to be pissed and want him out that way.

Nonetheless he's a rascal.

>the guards must have some responsibility

No? Guards have no business interfering in legitimate business. The seller can refuse to sell to anyone for any reason, end of story, no matter how much the Knight's feelings get hurt. The Knight's head is in the clouds because he has delusions of grandeur and glory on the battlefield. Note that he doesn't ask for the strongest defensive potion or one that will make him faster or whatever, just a generic "your strongest potion." Meaning he probably overheard it at a travern and he's some upstart faggot who will rush off into battle and die a fool's errand.

Freedom of the seller. A customer can go and buy things elsewhere a shopkeeper can't run from customers.

>merchants are magically able to tell if you have any stolen items on you

>merchant forces you to consume items

Can someone give me a quick rundown

He was selling poisons. He just didn't correct the Knight because he thought his confusion was funny.