ITT: Objective Truths



>not a single mention of gameplay
I fucking hate normalfags

So you want a letdown?

It's obviously a joke image, you fucking twit.

Great bait mate, I'd rate it an 8.

well the gameplay is obviously about exploring a magical universe and punching Nazis, try to keep up

technically the exploration and punching nazis bits are both gameplay

Please don't tell me this was some top post on /r/gaming with 20k upvotes.

I might sound weird but I don't want my already low impression of that place to be even lower.

>facebook image
was this taken from "I FUCKING LOVE GAMING"?

that image is hilarious

I don't recall seeing it on Sup Forums


yeah like they suck and their dumb enough.....

unlike u and me right fellow channer??? gtfo dumb redditors your not welcome with us


>fallout 4s story telling
>not fallout 4s crafting

A failure, even as trollbait


>a completely failed indie prohect
>3 bethesda games

Who could be behind this post

>Fallout 4 story telling
F4 is literally just lost my son so I'm just gonna join a faction that doesnt change the ending of the game no matter what faction I chose. Not to mention bethesda cucked us when most of the "hundreds of hours of gameplay" was just building stupid bases.
Fucking normie get out

w-what are you referring to, user? it's just 4 REALLY GOOD games! you should totally buy at least 3 of them!


which reddit page did you grab this from so I can upvote it???

It's nice too know that making fun of reddit gets me seething replies.

No it isn't. Normies actually believe this.

>implying that you aren't one