Why'd you hate it?

So why did you hate this game Sup Forums? Because I loved it but I also want to know where this game went wrong and see if they cold fix it if ninja theory ever got a sequel.

I loved it. Its a great game.

Loved it. Tho it was slightly over the top vulgar IMO

True but I feel it added a bit to the charm

It's the antithesis to what makes Devil May Cry fun, characters sucked, Vergil fight was shit.

I thought the story was really boring, the characters trite and the areas were lame. Red/Blue weapon distinctions were no fun either.
Vergil fight was kinda cool, Mundus was a huge letdown though. Not a fan of Combichrist either.

Come to think of it, I have no idea why I like it.



you don't hate retarded children

it's an alright game by itself, from a studio who are oblivious and illiterate on how action should be done (still are!)

Shitposting aside, how about you come talk about a real Devil May Cry game instead.


>shilling your dead thread

knee-jerk reaction of the fanbase was that it was an uncalled for reboot and the unappealing new look of dante
Leaving story related stuff aside. Veterans started to hit the lab and the conclusion was that the game lost a lot of its skill ceiling since they 'streamlined' and removed some mechanics/tech. It's overvall a dream for new comers since you can do cool stuff pretty easily, but for veterans the game lost a lot of its replayability after lowering the skill bar.

It's still a pretty solid game. Just not a good game for people that expected combat as good as 3 or 4.

Never got around to playing it and I don't trust remasters, is the xbox 360 version any good?

Yeah, just keep shitposting retard. How's it feel to have lost all enjoyment in everything?

Ask in the other thread my man, i'm not bymping this cancer.

God damn conservatives FUCK!

cause there was no virgilosaurs

Too easy. Inb4 Sup Forums say DmC has never been hard, but not as easy as this.

>implying the characters weren't always cringy af

>"I'm not bymping this cancer"
>bumps this cancer

But he was just doin god's work

Haha nice try retard, check the page count at this post. All the info you need.

This was the true crime it committed

>measures worth via page count

I have an entire thread dedicated to helping anons get into the first DMC, answering any questions as they occur. What the fuck have you done user? Hop into DMC threads, pretending DMC2 is actually any good? Typing FUCK YOU over and over, cause it requires no effort whatsoever as opposed to actually discussing games? Don't make me laugh user. You are as pathetic as they come.

Good job you got people to enjoy the first game

play 1, 3, and 4 and find out for yourself.

>Inb4 Sup Forums say DmC has never been hard
you can't inb4 your own post and yes "DmC" has never been hard.

>why did I hate it

It was a reboot I never wanted. I loved every DMC except 2. Just like every other typical DMC fan. I didn't even care about backtracking in DMC4. I thought I was at the final boss, and then the game handed me Dante back to trybit all again the Dante way.

I can say a few good things about DMC. It had decent visuals. The news caster was a pretty cool boss (if only visually).

I didn't care for most other characters. I'm no expert, but to me, the combat mechanics felt not as tight as 4 or even 3. Mundus as a boss was WEAK SAUCE. Shit design all the way around. The Vorgil boss screamed "I'm as cool as the end of DMC3 right?". No. Not at all.

I wanted a DMC5. When I saw the trailers, I assumed that it was gonna be an origin story for Dante, instead of a poorly written fan fiction where Dante is now half angel too.

Virgil was probably the weakest part of the game, because they tried to make it a big reveal that he was evil all along even though anyone could see it coming. Fuck DMC Virgil

Why do you keep posting DmC threads? My main gripes are unlikeable characters, lame boss fights, way too much platforming the combat is slower and doesn't feel as satisfying, mostly awful enemy design and to top it off a stupid story. Definitive Edition made the game considerably more enjoyable for me.
P.S. Vergil Fedora, Vergilmobile and two dodge buttons were all things that blew me away with how stupid it was

I legit did not know this game was posted about so much

I hoped to god this made it in. How did this meme even start anyway?

Didn't hate it, loved it. Best soundtrack and level design with enjoyable combat, I don't use combo videos to fill the lack of validation in my life so I can enjoy DmC alongside DMC1/3/4

>Vergil fedora
>Texas abortion
>Bigger dick
>Getting eaten by Mundus like a fag
>hurr durr I'm evil now
>Vergil out-edged his edgy side
DmC Vergil is so bad he's fun as fucl

Oh man, I'm glad I'm still around to repost a lot of this shit

You forgot.

>*Teleports* behind you




It's like they try to make his boss fight as shit as possible
>DMC3 Vergil teleport above you and divekick/helm breaker
>DmC Vergil do so but with 10 seconds of telegraph and the camera even immediately pans to him pausing in mid-air
>DMC3 Vergil shoots swords, prior to that he do his usual shit with a ring of swords around him that stunlock and instakill you if you touch them
>DmC Vergil do but stand 1 hour to charge them up so you can literally walk up to his face and destroy them briskly


You're pathetic and people laugh at you in DMC threads for a reason

a fake leak

What I can't forgive about DmC is how they fucked up Vergil so bad. He went from a lovable edgelord to a fedora faggot. Later that fedora faggot turned into an even bigger edgelord by copying Bleach. Fuck this game

Haha, as if being laughed at by literal retards is very threatening at all.

Hey shills, whoever you are, just tell crapcom all is forgiven if they don't use the new Dante. I mean everyone can see the market demand is still there, you just can't have your old audience and your.... new one. (Whatever the fuck it is.)

It changed the gameplay vastly and when fans complained, they didn't fix shit, they even mocked people who defended the previous games

>new one. (Whatever the fuck it is.)
I still wonder this. Who are the DmCfags?

demo was atrocious.

Final product looked just as bad

Don't forget

>Vergil so euphoric he believes that he's smarter than everyone else so he should be ruler of the world

I really like it, no kidding

Can't we just enjoy the artworks?




I did like those painted-like cutscenes. They almost reminded me of OG Thief's in style.


It wasn't as good as the old games, like, at all. They butchered Dante's character, even going as low as mocking the fans in the process and then dumbed down the combat. Not mention the stupid use of language and edgy shit, namely the over abundance of "FUCK YOU!" and abortion nonsense.

Clearly a tribute to the painting "David with the Head of Goliath" by Caravaggio

The artist, Talexi, (Alessandro Taini) is so fucking talented.

not really

it's pretty blatant, dude

not seeing it



>This is what Trish would look like, had she appeared in the DmC universe
Fiery red-head, eh?

A really cute scene

It's badass, why do you think it sucks?

Do the changes in DE actually make the game more enjoyable, or it's still not good enough

it's better

It's better but it's still not worth playing

It's pretty ok. I think it would be better if the demon weapons weren't outright superior to the angel ones.

The demon ones are very powerful but slow, the angelic weapons are very good for crowd control

It was in the "beat once then never touch again" tier of action games like God of War and Korra. It lacks the compelling magic of better action games. What's really bad is DMC usually tried new things to push action gaming but DmC pulled back instead of pushing forward so it can appeal to an entirely different more casual demographic.

an HD collection outsold it, make of that what you will