Jake Paul is working with Rockstar

on GTA5 DLC.

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He's gained a bit of weight, hasn't he?

Yeah. How can people back Rockstar anymore? They've had only one game in the past 4 years and completely raped the online by adding p2w. RDR2 will be the biggest dissapointment of this gen. Screencap this.

why is this important?

Why do people hate this guy?


Not surprising. They gave a fucking no-name "rapper" his own radio station in the new expansion. They'll work with anyone on this tired old shit instead of their new projects. I have very low hopes for Red Dead.

Who is this guy and does he have AIDS?

>why do people hate a coked our teenager


iirc, some Vine e-celeb, and probably

*dabs on you*


This shit came out over four years ago. GIVE US NEW, ROCKSTAR. Stop stapling pages onto a book that everyone's finished reading.

This guy is so fucking ugly I don't get the forced meme of him. He's clearly being pushed by jewtube.

I hate pewdiepie too but at least that guy has 10/10 facial aesthetic and isn't a weird deformed mutt looking crooked nose block head like this cunt



So hes about as much as a nobody as all of us. Well, good luck with the AIDS, I suppose.


keemstar DLC when?

RDR2 is gonna be shit now.

it was gonna be horrible before it was even announced

Rockstar was doomed when Leslie Benzies left to go start his own studio

he's actually kinda handsome but yeah he's shit

P*wdiepie is a racist and a nazi

Kill yourself bigot.

I have only heard of this guy like a week or two ago, why is he blowing up suddenly?


The lowest of the low. Absolute proof that normies have shit taste. Also why would GTA be getting DLC now? It's been years since it came out.

How can people legit watch this guy’s videos?

How do people find them entertaining? It’s some nobody bragging about himself. How can millions of people sit through it? Legit question; i don’t understand the psyche of him or his fans

I don't really hate him, I just hate how he perpetuates that people who are famous can get away with a lot of illegal shit, mainly lying about sexual assault and not paying employees.

I mostly hate the kid retarded fanbase and their parents who let them do that shit.

>Frank Ocean



>Also why would GTA be getting DLC now? It's been years since it came out.
It's been getting DLC for all of those years user.


>The "I'm going bald" hairstyle

He didn't leave, the Houser brothers cut him off.

>No name
Just because you don't listen to the genre doesn't mean he's not popular with the GTA5 demographic

Frank Ocean doesn't even do rap.

Exactly. Rdr2 is certified trash without him

All of his fans are literal prepubescent kids. Can't recall where, but there's this video of a bunch of kids screaming his song lyrics outside of a building in protest or something like that.

That makes sense I guess


>frank ocean

Wrong website retard

Proof for either of these things where

Are we talking allegations or actual cases where he was found not guilty. Allegations have a bigger chance of riding his fame for attention.

it's real

I work for rockstar

Huh, that awful chin. This is apparently the guy that dabs and released the retarded song, Its Everyday Bro. You ok Rockstar?

It just got DLC yesterday


How they gonna do frank ocean dirty like that

He seriously is. He's only 20, kek

>Huh, that awful chin. This is apparently the guy that dabs and released the retarded song,
What value did you think this comment had?Vapid fucking retard.

>no name

I don't dislike the guy, but at the same time he has absolutely no appeal to me. Why do people like him?

Jesus christ

Jesus, I feel a hell of a lot better about my hair now.


It's because of his adderall addiction. There's another couple mil sub channel dude named Banks who went into rehab for it and now he has a fat bald spot he always covers

What shitty taste you have


Literally, not figuratively or metaphorically, but literally fucking who?

He's fuckin annoying and very successful for being so annoying. Like if you mixed pic related with jackass.
>Knocks over stack of paint cans
>Him and 9 other peckerwoods dab (in 2017) and "OOOOOOOHHHH" in unison

Looks like my hair and I’m 23 but it’s been like this since 17 so I think it just stopped


Benzies was responsible for focusing on GTAO though

But Frank Ocean is one of the best R&B (not even rap) artists in recent memory. Channel ORANGE and Blonde are modern classics.

Nah, he's not. Guys like Pewdiepie look much better than him.

>frank ocean
always listen to the opposite of what Sup Forums says

It was a noble idea before it got SHARKED

Because he's a moron

This faggot lived two towns away from me.
>Saw him come up to the large local shopping center
>He was vlogging himself every 30 seconds while being a fucking rude jackass.
I'm glad Commiefornia has to deal with him now.

>knowing this shit
>obsessing over shit you don't enjoy
Still a better love story than twilight xD

It's sad to know he's my age

He's an idiot enabled by tweenies, so he thinks he's chad supreme.

It's PD2 all over again

this is the epitome of male aesthetics. Truly we are disgusting creatures.

Because he got rich making videos acting like a retard for the amusement of children.

Alot of it is jealously since he's around the age of your average Sup Forumsirgin. While most people here are studying a bullshit degree or working a shitty job, Jake Paul is making a fortune looking into a camera, making funny faces and bragging about his extravagant wealth.

>Sourceless shitpost
>71 replies
Fucking retards. WTF RDR2 IS RUINED UGH

You're not important enough to be screencapped baka

What the hell is a Jake Paul?

Literally who
>>>/hollywood nobodies general/

ahh nice that will add to the gangster rapper hes trying to get out of jail with his children fanbase

Thought you meant flying lotus and I almost got angry

That nigga sucks dick

jake paul's merch sells like a god-church though

>we want the jake paul audience

People don't generally tend to buy or sell churches.