Under Night In-birth

That other obscure anime fighter that isn't Arcana Heart

So when's this actually coming out?

In the west? February 9th
Fuck Aksys

Password is vee

jesus that's a long way away
back to sfv I go

nice thread you cucks. cant even get but 2 posters lmao

dead game so now how about you finally fuck off to /vg/ where you belong

character design is much better in this game though.


I can't wait. I really hope someone has the patience to babysit and make threads for that game too.

Already up on that end if you didn't notice

What sin have I committed to bear this lag

I get paid tomorrow. Retail life sucks.

might be time for training room.

>5 frames of lag
>I'm not allowed to press a single button that isn't holding back from across the screen
The lag is just making this worse.

you ever try getting good instead of bitching about lag every fucking thread? jesus christ

Not when there were days when we used to get 2 frames

to be fair, it is quite annoying to deal with.

Seems lag is the go to.

Altar probably wasn't the best choice in hindsight

Fight me cunt, I don't see you in the lobby

I dare to say that training room actually helped

I'm attributing all of that to lag, sorry.

I felt an improvement.

At least my Hyde game is getting better

I'm just glad my hands don't seem so retarded so far.

Hey hippie what is hydes bnb again?

2A > 2B > 2C > 236~A > 66C 236~B
You can use any version of 236 that isn't EX and you can either do the B follow up for the fireball again after the first one or just go immediately for the rekka after the 66C lands.

Right, thank you

Why do you do this merk? Why don't you just end it?

On his end, I'm fairly certain you can confirm off the j2C, or whichever air normal he laughs like a cunt with. I've seen that 2C work wonders for Byak.

To teach you punishes. You can't learn how to deal with annoying things if no one uses them against you.

I hate doing 623 motions so much

This sounds like an excuse so you don't have to try.

To be fair, he really doesn't in my matches.

Well if your not punishing my move spam, then no, I don't really have to try.

I'll keep that in mind.

Twas the nature of fighting. Use what works, then the enemy learns to stop the one-trick-pony, and then another trick shows up, and then once again it figured out.
Then it comes to a point where there's so many options to you and you work with whatever seems best for the situation.

Sunlight is Hyde's best color

It's reminding me of something, just can't say what.
And nah, he's got so many good colors.

Nope. You were thinking of Santana.

damn x, your defense is really shaping up. I really had to work for that one.

I want to impregnate Yuzu

Dropping in for a while then back to bed


Gotta do all her mission modes then win a tourney with her first

If I can't trust 4 bar connections, I sure as hell can't risk 1

Ok, I guess.

>That other obscure anime fighter that isn't Arcana Heart
what about nb+?

Gimmie someone to play on my next go around.

I get the impression that was more popular than UNI

My arcade has it so I wouldn't call it THAT obscure.

Also fuck my stick. Merk can attest to the bi-polarness of some directions deciding not to work

Probably was. It had Saber, Heart, and Homura from SK. Hell, Sonico too. Even if a good chunk of the people had no idea about more than half the cast aside from Muramasa and Saya, I assume it's absolute strangeness garnered some attention.
It was probably accepted in the same vein as Dengeki Bunko

It's existence predates UNI, at least in the west. Also it has characters from other videogames and big anime tiddies. I think it has a larger casual following. Before UNIEL completly stopped getting hosted at tourneys, I'm pretty sure it was pulling bigger numbers.

Why is UNI so niche? What's wrong with it?

One game has guest characters from Fate, Senran Kagura and Sonico. UNI[st] has guest characters from Melty and Blitzcampf. It makes sense why it's unpopular.

Isn't melty blood niche as hell too? I can see why the BB to that games GG wouldn't turn many heads.

Nothing really. It's a new IP from a company that wasn't really known outside of small niche circles. They also don't really promote this game all that much, especially not internationally. It's also especially difficult for people to pick it over an increasingly large pool of fighting games to play.

Maybe Kenichiro can get into touch with FB and get Yumi to guest in UNI.

Same reason why you never see Chaos Code threads. Breaking out with a completely new face, even with all the recycled Melty Blood elements, in a genre that's got long-time fans to established franchises from decades ago is pretty tough to do. Blazblue had it ever so slightly easier because it predated a bunch of anime games that spawned throughout the past decade and UNI was caught up in the wave.
And as this guy said, FB hardly seems to care. Part of me likes to think they said screw it to the whole "wanting a broader appeal" and just stuck to marketing the series to the people who were already into it.
Why her of all people. UNI is about to get its own ice wizard sooner or later.

Another day another 30 second Merk round

I'd unironically want to see how Filia would translate to this game.

Hey, that must mean he respects you enough to take you seriously.

Avoid Altar and Abandoned School Building, there's way too many background effects going on there.
Aside from that one joke sprite they made of her I suppose.

Carmine is already an ice wizard, but Yumi could bring her own flare. Also Yumi is the most popular SK.

How can you tell? When he blows your asshole out? Or when he spams moves at you?

Screw popularity, bring someone who might make for an interesting fighter. Out of the enormous cast at least ONE person brings something interesting to the table, right?

Need's more teleport mixups.

Yumi could be interesting though. She has parries, a range ice crystal and she uses fans/ ice sword.


they all have more or less the same face, body and design. I would rather a skullgirls or some other established fighting character over sameface titty ninjas.

Maybe something that won't interfere with future roster additions already.

I honestly can't think of anyone else.

Holy hell enkidu controls like lead ass

I'd rather get blown out. At least then I have the illusion that he has to try against me.

If you haven't gotten down reverse beats, I wouldn't recommend Enkidu at all.

I'd want daidouji but she would be another fist fighter.
Off the top of my head, shiki, haruka, yagyu and mirai could be interesting, but I don't know who's a potential candidate for future under night games so I don't know how much overlap they'd create.

But 'muh easy to play'

Reverse Beat isn't hard

So far we've got Ice Mage and Twin Gun Nun in the pipelines. Maybe a trap-based necromancer too.

Nice, this game needs a trap. Does he have a flesh fang?

I know, that's why I used the image.

Not that sort of trap, you faggot.
And good christ, keep the trapfaggots away and lock them in a box.

You know goddamn well what he meant.

Will his VA be a female seiyuu?

I'm a sucker for twin guns, which one is that?

The last of Orie's friends

A trap would save this game.
Inori Minase

Damn, not being able to play this one is gonna hurt

PLEASE fuck off



>nu bridget
>droves of trap memers lock eyes on this game for a month
>threads upon threads for under night, lorefag works in overtime
>Sup Forums hates it and the night is finally banished to /vg/
>next trap appears and this one is forgotten, leaving maybe 10 people forever bumping a useless /vg/ thread
>and nobody will still play the game

Be cool

Is this you, Icey?
The exact fate I try to avoid.

> can't get punishes because parry
The worst fighting game meme. Wish they'ed stop putting them in games and add counters instead.

Fuck off


I swear I have the worst timing ever. I could always magically try to poke at the exact moment my window closes and get counter hit.

That's it. That's the straw that broke the camel's back. I give up with you.

You forgot the feel.

Mika and Wagner had files way back since UNIEL's console release. Kaguya and Ice Mage were found in [st]'s files.

Is this what betrayal feels like?

Time to practice unblockable tech just for a witchhunt