How is this game?

How is this game?

Bad game

Good game


this guy needs to git gud

fun enough till it gets grindy


>first 5-8 hours
Amazing game

>after first 5-8 hours
Mobile-tier boring grindfest.

Excellent early and mid game, really dragging and grinding late game.

Don't be a bitch and go torchless with moon rings and antiquarian. You'll be rolling in dough and trinkets

Not a grind fest


>Wahhh it's so grindy
git fuckin gud

It wouldn't feel tedious if it was actually challenging, though.

oh fuck off

How is it grind fest?

Very fun

But the tedium comes from the game failing to challenge you once you work into a successful routine.

Basicay yes. You can just continually farm veteran runs since champion ones are way too rng fest and not worth the effort and dd has a huge powerspike.

Shallow, repetitive, and really, really disappointing.

Watch a Let's Play to marvel at the scenery, character and monster designs, and Wayne June's narration, then go back to X-COM.

This, there seems to be a strange difficulty curve that spikes right when you hit a point at which you trivialize areas other than the dungeon itself. I think what they were trying to do was to make the dungeon seem extra intimidating by placing it at a difficulty level that dwarfs the others by killing crews that would do fine anywhere else, but the result is just grinding crews to bash your head against the wall until the deed is done.

I've beaten this game just so that I could criticize it. It's literally fucking garbage fire.

It's possible to make 100% optimum decisions and still get fucked into the dirt due to RNG. Especially in the later levels.

The only way to "play" this game is to farm a few guys up in levels and simply use new heros as fodder to get equipment for your main guys.

SUPER grindy and GAY to not invest in the people you play as.

Bad game

>The only way to "play" this game is to farm a few guys up in levels and simply use new heros as fodder to get equipment for your main guys.

This. Even on Stygian, you can still throw your throwaway parties at the level 0 wall just to farm gold/heirlooms, as long as you take care to retreat before any deaths. The death limit is the only thing that's harsh, and you have plenty of time to just throw weeks away on safely farming to build up your building progress. Total flaw in the game.

>possible to play 100% optimal and still get fucked by rng
Y-you mean l-l-like real life?

I'm surprised so many hate it

Fun, yet hard and unforgiving
A game not for casuals, like most of posters that populate Sup Forums

Probably because you can't do one consistent thing due to how RNG is. The game forces you to adapt to a bad situation that comes out of the blue, not a lot of people dig that. I thought it was fun.

>the hunger system

What were they thinking?

Its perfect except for the hunger system, which is unintuitive but not a huge deal. Don't get the DLC

psst nothign personel kiddo

Real life only has one true RNG moment, DD have many.

>Eat food.
>Walk down hall.
>Eat food.
>Go to next room.
>Everyone is starving.
The RNG really is total nonsense.

Do you only bring four food?

Grindy as F and very repetitive

>Implying the RNG is part of the game

I've got over 600 hours in this game and even I'm willing to admit the grind can be real and will certainly turn a lot of people off, but to say that the game's strengths don't outweigh that by a mile is an understatement. The Artstyle, mechanics, and classes are all very unique and I love how they all interact.

You can fix everything wrong with it with mods. There are even some extremely HQ class mods that aren't busted AF like the stupid titty monster classes or the billion occultist recolors.

Not him but the fact that the hunger checks happen randomly is bullshit. I’ve had 2 checks happen in like 4 tiles in between.


That's fair. It's yet to happen to me, but I get where you're coming from.

A lot of bad boss designs, RNG is awful.

It's can be fun but expect dozens of hours grinding the same content.

Why the fuck do these guys get stressed out so fuck so much

What is bad about the boss designs?

Kill the backline senpai

Hunger system is shit. I don't know any game that has a hunger system that is good

Stressful. Enjoyable but stressful

RNG and grind out the fucking ass.

still love it

What mods?

The only complaint I have is the "dodge" system. I feel like it's too much luck here or there. But honestly even with that blemish it's a great game, it can really make you invested in the game and it's actually pretty fun

I like the faster combat speed mod.

so basically this game is only good for people that would also enjoy korean MMORPGs?

It's one of the few games that with it huge flaws I can't help but still love it

The hag is a prime example, trying to deal with her mechanics does nothing but throw another person in the pot. So it's best to ignore the pot entirely and just thrash her.

The Collector is the same too, if you defeat his minions then he just respawns them on the next turn so it's best to just burn him down and ignore the mechanics, cross your fingers that no one decides to cover him.

Imagine, for a moment, that you are a knight. You have lived your life in the light of your Lord God. And you are blessed for it. Now, at the behest of your liege-lord, you must purge a ruin of cultits, heretics and worse. What's more they have powers that seemingly come from their defiance of your God. They are stronger for their evil. And these are but cannon fodder. You are an elite, yet they have the ear of their gods with so much as a whisper while you must clamor for the Lord's attention.
And then there are the things that are much, much worse than human cultists.
Tell me, would you be happy in such a situation?

Depends, how much do you like RNG?

Marvin Seo's class mods are extremely high quality and mesh extremely well with the game's aesthetic. There are seriously a ton of character rebalance mods that attempt to fix the horrendous balance among the vanilla classes, such as making leper not shit and making antiquarian more than a cover abuser. I'd recommend some variety of stacking inventory, faster animations, stuff like making journals worth bringing home, village rebalances that make building up your hamlet more rewarding, and some sort of mod that lets your wagon bring higher level heroes. A trinket rebalance would be really nice if you're seriously bothered by how FUCKED most trinkets are. Removing the level restrictions might be up your alley if you truly hate the grind, but breaks the game much like doing an unlimited stacking inventory does. Stuff like pitch black dungeon is pretty fun too, although only certain portions of it are truly great. There are a billion cosmetic mods that add new skins, more dungeon backrounds and so on that make the game look nicer.

A lot of the bosses are DPS checks if you can't deal with their mechanic. Collector is actually a joke if you know to only kill the highway men heads.

Their mechanics are not hard, nor are the DPS checks.

The point of them being badly designed bosses is that the mechanics really don't matter at all.

You cant prove me wrong

The mechanics matter for most of them I'd say. I'd love to see someone kill wilbur first or completely ignore the shambler's adds. Ignoring prophets rock drops leads to a really hard time and so on. Not all of them are bad, but I'd agree that most of the game is very poorly balanced.


As someone with a full time job, GF, gym time and other hobbies, games that take excessive grinding are just really difficult to spend time on.

There is only so much time in the days and weeks to play games and spending an additional 40 hours in DD grinding to endgame isn't really enjoyable.

The initial 10 hours are fucking stellar, the setting, tone, and even the gameplay are all really solid, but the permadeath is super punishing and frustrating and the grind to level up heroes is just disheartening.

Maybe radiant mode improves upon this and I might pick this up again on the Switch when that comes out.

It dumb

Did that one /vg/ guide get updated with the shieldbreaker? Mainly asking because my old pic folder got wiped and I'm not sure where to look since /dadg/ is ded right now

Fuck I forgot, realism ALWAYS = fun
thanks for reminding me user!

It's awful. Fuck things that are grindy AND punishing. Grind can be fun and punishment can be fun, but when you get punished by losing things you grinded hours for it's so unfun it hurts.

You guys should seriously never play roguelikes if you think this game is punishing.

>All these casuals


Fuck off , dungeons of dreadmore was not this bullshit

>dungeons of dredmor
That is probably the most casual roguelike you could have chosen.

Nope. The last one had the flagellant.

In a typical roguelike you only lose like 1-2 hours if you die, and that's usually only if you die near the end. In darkest dungeon you can lose, what, 3-4 hours of work on a character? More? It's been a while since I played it.

And this is all beyond the fact that in a typical roguelike you're spending most of your time playing with new mechanics, whereas in darkest dungeon you spend a lot of the time just using the mechanics you already know and grinding exp in a familiar dungeon. Darkest Dungeon might even discourage exploration of mechanics due to how punishing it can be to get something wrong.


>1-2 hours
What roguelikes are you talking about? Dying in DCSS can easily lose you 10 hours. Dying in -bands can be a 40+ hour loss, unless its something like Sil. -Hacks probably far less, but that is due to the exploitable nature of those particular games. Maybe brogue isn't much of a time loss, but I'm struggling to think of a roguelike where dying is a loss of only 1-2 hours unless you're some sort of speed demon.

Get a new hobby, faggot.

Oh I didn't know you were talking about the autismo "Rogue (1980)"-likes. Although DD is supposed to take over 40 hours to beat, and you can lose progress on characters you leveled from the start, I guess there are plenty of autismo roguelikes that are more punishing.

The most typical roguelikes are indeed those descended from rogue.


if you like crying and fear.

SJW garbage
I hope you like niggers, strong womyn and strong nigger womyn

I'm not sure if you're away but nowadays people often use the term roguelike to refer to BoI, FTL, Spelunky, etc. which all have very little to do with Rogue mechanically (beyond the permadeath aspect).

and ugly/disfigured man
yup this game is tumblr alright

Roguelite would be a more appropriate term. Roguelike was just a buzzword they co-opted to mean permadeath and sometimes procedural generation.

Well that sucks
Well mind posting the latest one then?


thanks m8

>Version with no eye and no hair
Finally an user gets it right.

The problem is that bad situation always means grind grind grind to recover and nothing else. When I run into the collector and a smooth run turns into a complete party wipe due to RNG bullshit, I don't feel excited or shocked, I feel tired. Because that was several hours of repetitive grinding taken from me and tossed out of the window so I can grind more. I have better things to do with my spare time.

>implying you can carry all that shit back

If Red Hook let you make the next DLC expansion or a sequel to DD, what things would you add or change?

only until The Flasher in Yellow finds you.


>everyone else lying down
>Occultist was skeletonized
poor fella

i see leper memes evern time i find a DD thread but in actually using him i fucking love him


*marks and arbalests you"

tch. nothin personnel kid

Good idea, poor execution.
The narrator is the only redeeming thing about it

>mfw I stunned him with Bounty Hunter and killed him before he could even summon his heads
Thanks for the free Trapezohedron, Micolash

The Collector is nothing but roadkill. He can't compare to the true horrors at all

My only suggestion would be no character DLC in the sequel because that shit is nigh impossible to balance. Shieldbreaker is pretty strong, not too gamebreaky but is too gimicky to seriously include. Whereas on the other hand, Flagellant just breaks the fucking game and is so strong and useful that the single reason not to bring him along is 'I have an abom with me'. Otherwise, you should have one for every party, and that's not great character design.