Which one will drop out of the console wars come the next few generations?

Which one will drop out of the console wars come the next few generations?

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Sony, because they don't have the money to play the long game.

Remember all those posts saying that the ps4 wouldn't exist during the ps3 years? It's just like old times.

>forgetting that Sony was a multi-billion dollar company long before they made Playstation

I'd say likely XBone because they have really poor international sales and lack exclusives to keep them afloat. Plus Microsoft makes really poor decisions.

None of them.

Switch will be dead and Nintendo declares bankrupcy. They go 3rd party and Sony takes their pity and puts Mario in 4k and 60fps
Nobody buys is because Mario is gay

All of them
Mobile will replace consoles
PC is where real gamers will flock

All of them. Atari will be king of the living room by 2020. But I don't seem to have my Atari disco dance gif and would appreciate it if someone spoonfed me

>next few generations
Sony captured lightning in a bottle with the Playstation brand, but their other consumer electronics divisions hemorrhage money. It'll get to a point where they might need to sell some of their old IPs to stay above water if they fuck up a console generation.

Rage all you want, Sonybro, but BotW and Odyssey are HARD printing money for Nintendo. Plus they dominate the handheld market and have a massive handhold on the mobile market, to boot. They're doing just peachy.

general electronics arent profitable for sony anymore and its getting to where gaming is the only thing returning money

No its xbox stupid. Microsoft can't even feign interest in the system and their interest in xbox's brand for the future is dim. Any other answer is pure fanboyism.

You do know they also have a very successful production division that makes major films, TV and music, right?

>Atari will be king of the living room by 2020
No it won't.

Handheld is a dying market that's going to be replaced by mobile

>have a massive handhold on the mobile market
Even if their games are selling well, I think this thread is about hardware, not software

>successful production division
Yeah, like 10-15 years ago. It's not enough of an ROI to keep consumer electronics from bleeding them dry. What intellectual property they have will likely keep the lights on for a while if they sell it.

As it stands currently the Xbox brand is in danger of being a short distant memory. Microsoft has said that they will pour more money into the brand but I honestly dont think they can salvage it.

Sony is still leaking money but the PS4 has turned them a profit so its not going

Nintendo had a bad console but have bounced back incredibly well and are now laying a foundation for new and current fans.

Microsoft if just because they have nothing to win from it over just shipping W10 "gaming edition" machines

And even their shittiest console still returned a profit, albeit marginal. Nintendo is a master at hedging their bets and having an escape plan for bad turn outs.

>laying a foundation for new and current fans.
There's no evidence that anyone besides drones are buying the Switch

Lots of people said Sony couldn't salvage their brand after the PS3, so it's entirely possible for MS to salvage the Xbox brand. We won't know if it's possible until E3 though.

>no platform to represent yellow

Fuck this gay earth

You forgot this.

>he already forgot about the Ouya

Sony really should just downsize and become a gaming only company.

>>forgetting that Sony was a multi-billion dollar company long before they made Playstation

And now every division is failing except for games and insurance.

How long can they survive, really?

At least Microsoft has a monopoly on business software and services with Windows, Office, Azure, etc.
And Nintendo has billions in the bank because they're super conservative.
Sony's just leaking, constantly.

They literally just said that they're kicking their first party game up. They've bought/opened a few studios, and the Scorpio dev kit they sent out this year will finally get to be used.

Thank you

>kicking first party games up
Yeah, because who else is excited for Halo: Halos Haloing Halos X? Remember that scales game they had? Oh, wait, that's dead. So are the Banjo, Perfect Dark and Conker franchises after they bought and gutted Rare.

Say what you will about Microsoft, but they will keep coming back like the T800.
>OG Xbox most powerful system of the generation, but doesn't get enough 3rd party support
>360 becomes the 3rd party platform of choice, while remaining powerful
>One stumbles because of Matrick, but is now the most powerful console again
All they need now is invest in more 1st party studios (which they've already confirmed), and they're golden.
That's literally the only thing Playstation has over Xbox at this point.

>There's no evidence that anyone besides drones are buying the Switch
Wheres this evidence proving this then ? numbers talk bullshit walks , And they are laying a foundation they're changing the way the company works with third parties and how the people perceive them. Not to mention the next generation of the Switch will be a Tiny hybrid beast. capable of running most games especially with today's graphic's tech with their diminishing returns there will be very little separating console's in the future.

Honestly I'am sure its possible but First party game doesn't mean shit with the Ips they have.

>Handheld is a dying market that's going to be replaced by mobile
You were saying this 6 years ago

All of them. Moving forward everything will be a unified form factor that will be universal among mobile devices and conventional PCs.

Maybe they'll still continue to develop some kind of gimmicky machine with unique features, but ultimately it will be equivalent to have gone third party as everything will be compatible.

Of course I'm talking about a 20+ years time frame. But I guess that fits the "within the next few generations" criteria with no problem.

their movie studio is draining them dry.

Microsoft is putting billions now into gaming Xbox is making Windows money, their building and buying game studios, and their already working on a next-gen Xbox, like Nintendo, the Microsoft Game Studio and the Xbox brand and console are fine. Sony, on the other hand, come next-gen will have a weaker console than Microsoft, will no have BC to the PS1, PS2, PS3, and maybe even the PS4, may even be weaker than the Xbox One X, will have a worst online service to the Xbox, will keep making cinematic experiences, may pull a Xbox One and make the VR an integral part of the PS5, will probably try to make the PS5 similar to the Switch but with no BC to the Vita or PSP and no games worth getting. Sony will also continue to not have crossplay with the Xbox or Switch. Sony is going to waste all their money on bullshit like Sega and go the way of Sega.


Microsoft is already salvaging the brand.

hopefully the shitposters

Forgot to mention, Sony will also screw themselves over by pushing more for microtransactions which will probably be as bad as EA, Activision, and Ubisoft.

Nintendo would make the most sense. They can sell consoles at a profit, but their games and original IPs are their selling point. But MS at this rate would die out first. The Windows platform across gaming console, pc, and phones isn't panning out. And now all of their exclusives are cross platform with PC. They should do everything in their power to buy Nintendo.

People like to forget that ps3 sold more than the 360.

This projecting is so retarded.

-i can see xbox just being re-branded as entry level gaming pcs. with windows 10 being more restrictive, they're almost there.
-nintendo will go 3rd party. they're already putting games on phones and experimenting with games on other hardware in china. switch hardware is ass.

sony with no "console" competition at all is going to be fucking awkward.

>switch hardware is ass.
I don't see how this correlates with becoming third party considering people are still buying it

It hurts when it's true.

How fucking retarded are you? It's been reported multiple times that Microsoft execs want to axe the Xbox division. Stop being a fanboy dipshit.

More people play in handheld mode

>they're already putting games on phones and experimenting with games on other hardware
I hope you do realize Sony is doing the same thing right?

>muh most powerful system
Literally irrelevant. If you want power you just buy a PC.
When picking a console the game library should be the deciding factor, in that regard Microsoft has been consistently the weakest out of the three manufacturers.

>switch hardware is ass
its literally the only console worth getting if you only consider hardware.Ps4, and xbox offer nothing the switch doesn't.

Forgot to mention that Sony will most likely just go full mobile after the PlayStation brand fails.

People like to forget how Sony sells oodles more in Japan and barely beat out the 360 despite that.

>just buy a PC.
people that game in their living rooms with pcs are faggots though

Yeah and all those exces got the boot and no longer work at Microsoft, this is reality and your reality is the end of the PlayStation brand.
You might as well give up on this Xbox is dead storyline you guys came up with face facts, you've already lost.

They would make a fuckton more money if they were to go multiplat entirely.

its already confirmed to be xbox, microsoft said they wont be making another console after this


PS4 and Xbox offer a demonstrably better experience in anything multiplatform. What sucks is there will eventually be a time where third party developers for Switch just don't want to develop for it anymore due to the weak hardware -- The only things that will come over would be indie stuff.

Nice joke


That literally goes for any system. Thats why we have gens user.

>what is a controller

Xbox isn't going anywhere as long as MS wants to make all the boxes you use. That, and it's easy for them when everything you own runs some form of their software.

That said, they did get BTFO in the mobile phone industry so they just make software like Office and arrow launcher there. The Xbox brand already accounts for a lot of profit, so it's worth making a console.

You honestly convinced me with this post. Good job.

>handheld is a dying market

Maybe this is why they’re using the Switch as a hybrid console, to have the novelty of console games on the go.

this meme can eat a dick, to use a pc for games and media in the living room you need both kb+m and a controller, and the steam controller is hot garbage

people saying Sony are ass hurt faggots, yall forgot that it was an actual corporation before producing vidya games unlike the other two

Nintendo will focus on mobile gaming, the Switch is their test in this.

>(sony) was an actual corporation before producing vidya games unlike the other two
>implying microsoft wasnt a corporation
nigga u gay


Do you even remember the PS4/Xbone launch? One of the biggest reasons PS4 won was because
>muh 1080p/60fps
>xbone only does 900p!!

Power and games are literally the only things that matter.

Their test was Pokemon Go, actually. Nintendo knows they would fucking print money in the mobile industry -- They just choose to do things their own way.

Naw dude, I'm an Xbro and am willing to admit that Sony won because MS shot themselves in the foot out of the gate with the Kinect and the game licensing debacle. Well, that and the price.

Nintendo didn't make Go, Gamefreak and Google did

Microsoft, no doubt about it.
>Microsoft has things to fall back on when Xbox goes south
>Xbone sales aren't too hot

>Sony can't ditch the Playstation because it's their most profitable thing and they can't afford to lose it

>Nintendo is hardly even in the competition anymore, they've been doing their own thing for years and they'll probably go through a cycle of "success -> failure -> success -> failure" until the sun explodes

nah most of the people saying sony are pretty moch pointing out how because of the fact its an actual corporation and they completely fucking forgot the fact they don't only make games the rest of their shit is a god damn dumpster fire and they really need to either get a handle on all their other shit, sell all their other non gaming shit off, or simply die in the dumpster fire of their own choosing. It's not that sony doesn't make good games, far from it, hell they are winning the god damn console war this gen hands down, but their electronics division will destroy the shit out of them in the end.

Yup, both Microsoft and Nintendo did, glad they finally got their priorities straight, Sony is in trouble next gen.

>It's not that sony doesn't make good games
But they don't make good games.

If xbone was more powerful or had better games, the price wouldn't have been an issue. All the "no second hand games" whining has already been forgottren

This. Sony can't afford to bow out, but they're the only one that would potentially leave gaming for a financial reason.

economically they are clearly making games and shit people want, so they are good games in the eyes of the public.
doesn't change the fact their other shit is still strangling them to death because sony is hilariously incompetent when it comes to their other divisions. Gaming is probably whats keeping them alive on life support right now and the second a halfways competent console comes into play to eat playstations profits thats the end of sony as a company.

>Halo: Halos Haloing Halos X?
I'd buy it

The no second hand games thing was a fresh wound at launch still. It HAS been mostly forgotten, but in 2013 this and the price (due to the Kinect) fucked them over so bad. Even if it did have killer games at launch, it wouldn't have made much of a difference.

Economically they're only making money from multiplats since their games are shit, you're right about everything else though.

>spend $1500 on a gamming pc that only you can enjoy

>spend $500 on a console that plugs into your massive 4k tv that everyone you live with can get some value out of.

When you move out of your parents basement you'll discover this.

and this is exactly why the fuck people like the switch because you can get both worlds considering its half a fucking handheld.

pc fags btfo

No, my dude. Even fucking PA made this clear.

I don't see any reason to believe any of the three will stop making game consoles any time soon. They all seem to be doing well enough.

the Oscars

The Xbox is committing financial suicide with their recent decisions

This is true i plan on getting a switch at christmas so i've something to do on work trips during down time if there's nothing else on.


the thing is microsoft is in the exact opposite position as sony, all their other shit is doing hilariously well, so they can keep up this shit till the world ends as long as people keep paying for shitty windows OS's, which is practically a monopoly around the world. Until their lawyers finally fail them and the anti-monopoly laws finally proceed to hand them their asses on a plate, they are literally rock god damn solid on doing whatever the fuck they want to do.

>Cancelling most of their hyped up exclusives like Scalebound
>focusing on "MUH GRAPHIX" rather than quality games
>Marketing the aspects of how it affects your tv rather than the games it has

gee, I dunno bro

>a Sup Forumsirgin with no business acumen that can't see past "muh gaymes"
You do realize that MS fucking prints money in the software world, and the Xbox brand is still profitable despite "losing" this generation?

this isn't about microsoft as a whole, this is about how they're putting down a perfectly good system. I do agree microsoft as a company is doing fine, but the Xbox is not. Its like they're purposefully breaking their own racing horse's leg just to bank on its insurance.

Those are frivolous reasons and I don't think that many people cared too much for Scalebound after it's last showing. MS released their new console the way Sony should have with the Pro. MS had loads of games ready to go for launch and continued to release more updates to this day. Sony left their customers out to dry and if you're not interested in VR you're doubly screwed.

XBox if anyone. Sony will continue to be successful, I don't know if it is marketing or or whatever but the PS brand is more popular than Xbox, and those two directly compete on the hardware and branding front for the "gamer" audience. Nintendo does some alternative console shit that doesn't really exist in the same space as the others. The wii was a family thing with a motion gimmick, wii u tried to be handheld, and the switch is the hybrid gimmick the wii u wanted to be. Nintendo will put stuff out and nips will buy it even if they don't go gangbusters overseas, and they are still stocked up with wii money.

see I dont give a shit if I can play DVD's or Blu rays on it (Which by the way the playstation has been doing for 3 fucking generations). the purpose of a console VIDEO GAMING CONSOLE is to PLAY VIDEO GAMES.