Is this really a 10/10 game?

Is this really a 10/10 game?

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No but it’s still a really great game

It aged HARD

objectively 9, 10's are only subjective


its great but the controls suffered because the gamecube controller couldn't do normal fpses due to c-stick

The lack of a quick travel and back tracking hurt it a bit.

NO but it's sequel is

controls aren't comfy, fov is a little low, and the backtracking can be rough

but it's pretty fantastic overall. tied with or edges out Prime 2 as best 3D Metroid

I'd say it transitioned Metroid to 3D quite well, probably more like an 8/10 though. Having to manually crawl your ass from one side of the world to another is a hassle, but that's a problem I have with most of the Metroid games, including Super, so w/e.

Good thing it's a first person action adventure then and not fps.

I fucking loved the game when it came though. Really polished with its great menus, music and touches like your visor steaming up.

Building such a rich atmosphere and telling a story with no cutscenes was marvellous. Also because of the great level design and mapping I didn't feel like tedious backtracking at all to revisit areas with newly found upgrades. It was rewarding instead.

My one complaint would be that constant scanning could become a bit annoying but that's a nitpick.

It literally is a FPS you autist, you're in first person and you shoot it's a first person shooter


>Hurrrr-durrrrr what is sub-genres

Wojack didn't deserve this fate

>literal FPS
>with onboard autoaim lock on
ok m8 wotever you say, you wanka

Prime 2 is the worst in the series though.

I'd say so

I bought it was extremely excited to play it. I played it for 30 minutes and was serverely disappointed, it's just generic fps shit. Does it get better if I play further? Music is 10/10 though.

Unless you like to explore everything in a 3d platformer then no. 3 would be more of your cup of tea if that's the case.

It really is not a generic fps. Play further.

Probably only a 9/10.

How far in did you get? Shooting things is perhaps the least appealing part of Metroid Prime, exploring and getting new powerups is.

Absolutely a 10 out of 10. In the debate for best Nintendo game ever made.


It was the last good pre-quake fps

Yes, it's an FPS with a lock on, not the first of its kind

how so?

played it for the first time last year and it was great, fuck off

I thought it was 10/10 the first time a played it, However, replaying it now makes me realize that it fails in an important point that drastically reduces the enjoyment of the game. I could simply say that "it didn't age well" but that would fall a Little bit short, mostly because this problem has always been in the game but now that I can judge it with more knowlege and experience with a huge variety of games and genres I can finally see what the real problem of this game is.

My problem with this game is that, as a good metroidvania, you have to constantly revisit zones you already travelled, obviously, the problem is that the movement in the game is clunky... and slow, and you literally have no other way to travel around the environments. there's only one way to travel across the world and that only way is slow and clunky, just let that fact sink in, it complete ruines a good portion of the game for me.

What makes me realized this is how in BotW and Mario Odyssey, for instance, you have countless ways to traverse the enviroments, not only that but also you can do it from many different angles so to travel the environments in these games never gets old or tedious at any moment, this aspect also elevates the replayability of these games to the infinite, you could say those are very recent and notorios games so the comparision is unfair, which is true, However, I don't have to go as far as those games to prove my point. I can even use the 2d metroid games as an example, in those game you have the speed booster, which is a great and flexible addition to your moveset, that alone makes the whole game way more fun to travel, you also get the screw attack which also completely changes the way we travel across the enviroments, all of this considering that this games' base movement is not nearly as slow or clunky as prime's, Look at motherfucker SotN, each transformation of alucard gives you a different way to travel the zones and that makes the game just so much more fun. The list of examples could go on and on. Prime is a fantastic game in every single aspect, no doubt, but this simple mistake makes the game way more tedious and unfun to replay than what it should. That alone makes it drop some points for me, so no, it's not a 10/10 game, not even close.

I really hope they fix this issue with Metroid Prime 4 because I think this is a huge problem with the Prime series. They should not only improve the speed and general feel of the base movement mechanics but also add new ways to travel the envirements, in game like this where you have to constantly revisit the same places it would increase the enjoyment in %1000, they could also make the zones more open, I don't say the should go for an open world like BotW or even Odyssey, but a game like this would definitely benefit from open areas instead of simple hallways.

I bought it some time ago, haven't gotten past the lava level, I just dont feel it

Prime 3 and Hunters exist, user.

I prefer Prime 2. Dark World was a bit gimmicky, and I prefered how 1 did the beams, but the level design was more interconnected and made more thematic sense. The darker atmosphere reminded me of Super, too.

>there's only one way to travel across the world and that only way is slow and clunky
this is not a problem with Metroid Prime specifically it is a problem inherent to anything in first-person.

With 80% of the your personal space and vision completely obscured from you there is simply no way to create any movement option anything other than "run forward really fast i guess" while avoiding moving blindly into directions you can't see.

>hurr first person perspective is inherently too limiting to navigate
I bet you'd struggle to play a game like Thief The Dark Project.

Level design was the primary reason why I didn't enjoy Prime 1's backtracking. Each location was basically a linear point a to point b path or two, which made having to go through them again a bit of a chore. Its made even worse by the fact that Some areas only connect to one or two other areas, so you ended up having to backtrack through multiple linear areas several times in the game.
I felt Prime 2 made the slight improvement, by having a more spider-web like design to its areas, alongside having a hub area that connects to every other area, meaning you didnt have to travel as far when backtracking. Dark World unfortunately gave the illusion of more backtracking, though.

A 9 since no game is a 10. The game is not for everybody though some people just won't find enjoyment with it at all and that is fine.


It's pretty damn great at what it is, but the FPS Metroidvania combo has a lot more potential that needs to be explored.

It's a great game but certainly not for everyone. While I love it I can see why people would dislike it.

Wtf guys Minecraft is literally an FPS, you're in first person and can shoot stuff with a bow and arrow.

Are you absolutely mad?

>we want the halo audience: the game
>not worst

Sequel was better.

Prime 2 is just long and in some areas boring. That's the only issue I have with it.

3 is the most replayable game out of the trilogy what the fuck is with all the hate?

>and in some areas boring.
That's how I feel about Prime. The first 3-4 hours of that game are absolute snooze territory where Prime 2 with the dark world draining your health keeps you on edge and enemies that actually pose a moderate threat, and a world that's actually visually interesting fixed that problem.

No FPS with z-targeting and platforming can be a 10/10 no matter how good it is.
I'd say it's an 8 or 9

>black and purple rocks
>visually interesting

Better than the generic lava cave and chozo snooze factory.

>most replayable
>when it has the longest most obnoxiously linear intro mission out of the trilogy

so fucking tedious...

Not him but Prime 2 feels alot more consistent in its areas whereas prime 1 feels more videogamey with the whole forest like area leads to a fire area leading to an ice area thing

I disagree. Prime was very good about establishing the connectivity between different zones. For example the Impact Crater can be seen from Magmoor Caverns, Phazon Mines and Tallon Overworld and provides a frame of reference for traversing the world. Besides that, there are cases where you can observe locations gradually blending into each other like when entering Magmoor Caverns from Chozo Ruins or Tallon Overworld. The fact that there are so many paths between the areas, unlike Echoes where you're forced to use the hub world until very late in the game, makes the game world feel appropriately explorable too.
Metroid Prime 2 is much worse about arbitrarily dividing its world into video game levels. In terms of exploring a world with consistent geography and high connectivity, it doesn't come to the first game.