tfw made a video on why Monika is the best girl but I can't watch it without cringing at myself

> tfw made a video on why Monika is the best girl but I can't watch it without cringing at myself

Other urls found in this thread:

>tfw i beat this game in september and stopped caring about it 2 days later
>tfw was never part of the fnaf-tier fanbase this game got

>bailing out early
Good lad.

You don't need to user her perfection speaks for itself

>Where did it all go wrong bros?
It got popular.

it was built to become popular. this was inevitable

It's official boys, this game is fnaf-tier now. Sucks that it was an okay game.

The problems is the fans that it attracted, is what I meant. Anything that gets popular nowadays seems to attract the worst kind of people from both sides.
It's a shame really, it doesn't deserve that kind of fate.

Remember that a fan base shouldn’t turn you off from liking a game you enjoyed

This is the best advertisement (for the other game that Team Salvado is working on) so far. But the underage fans will expect it to be free to play, so that sucks.

This is the fate of literally anything with "le sp00ky sicologikal horror" (or just flat out jumpscares), and/or heavy 4th wall breaking.

>Any discussion online is either met with degeneracy or complete hatred
It's really hard to talk about FNaF and Undertale here, even though on its own they are decent games.
You get people who absolutely obsess over it like GT and you get people who vehemently hate it even though they haven't even played it.

My friend keeps recommending me to this despite me not enjoying anime. Is it still worth playing?

>surprised the masses like baby's first VN


That 2018 secret must mean something.

same here. I knew steam release would kill it

if the creator has any business sense there will be a paid sequel yes

the entire first half plays out like a generic anime dating VN so unless you fast forward through that then no

Alright, thanks. I can safely ignore them then.


It was clear it'd come because he played it on his livestream thing. What does he say in the video, bros?

Is their new game coming out soon? That's what the dude in the video says near the end.

remember that DDLC is tech demo tier compared to other games in the genre

He slowly presents the idea that DDLC has hidden files and shit related to Salvato's next game like it's some deep conspiracy that he uncovered himself, and not something that has been known by everyone since before DDLC released, which it is.


nobody actually wants to sit through dozens of hours in VN, one part of DDLC's appeal is its length

>remember that DDLC is tech demo tier compared to other games in the genre
Would it kill you to just say something like "if you enjoyed DDLC, you might wanna try something else in the same vein"?

But DDLC would have been better if it let things develop more.

i did say that for a month after it came out
now that it's full normalfag tier i'm tired of hearing about it everywhere i go on the internet, but thought i'd post the chart anyway
i personally enjoyed kara no shoujo and alchemy meister a great deal

pls be gentle

It's not fnaf or undertale bad though right?

Everything in that list looks like it's trying to hard to be artsy and deep. I want a fun story about being a cool guy drowning in bitches and being a hero. That's what anime is for.

>FNAF is babby's first horror game
>DDLC is babby's first vn
I'm not sure why any of you are surprised.

literally rance, kamidori alchemy meister and several other games on that list

Fucking christ man, what were you thinking.

I admire your mustache.

hooo boiii, this shit right there
Is there anything else like it?

I just want to make funneh videos and figure I'll never get good without trying

>fuck dude, youtubers and streamers are such normalfags
>let just let me mention them every chance I get, oh and here's some direct links
>fuck it, I'll make my own thread
What's wrong with the world today?

This is exactly what happened to the original Five Nights at Freddys.

>e-celebs make threads about themselves pretending to make fun of themselves so they can get views from the Sup Forums crowd
it's that simple

Power to you bro, I id like my own channel too but I’m scared of people

>i did say that for a month after it came out
Some of you were being real polite about it before Steam release, yeah. You got good responses too, though the shitposters latched onto your (presumably) genuine responses and now it's Kimi something something over and over again in these threads. I like to think it's not actual VN fans anyhow.

Wish I could remember that shadow one the user who helped translate was recommending to us.

>i'm tired of hearing about it everywhere i go on the internet,
Understandable, but no reason to be all passive aggressive about it.

I guess it's a sentiment I can empathize with

Those first 12 seconds were actually painful, but I can't fault you for trying.
Try to spice it up a bit more in future videos or you might end up turning into a ginger version of pewdiepie. Like the mustache though.

Why did you steal PewDiePie's sense of humor?

I wish the mods did fucking anything, ever, besides deleting real discussion. There's at least 3 youtube threads up.

Stop and delete this while you still can

And I mean delete the video, not the post

Is Sup Forums mad that Matpat cucked them out of all the girls?

>Mario is a psychopath
>Mario is a communist
>therefore, communists are psychopaths
wtf I love Matpat now???


This was recommended to me a few days ago, I couldn't wait until it reached Sup Forums.

Anyone who says weebshit hasn't been invaded by normalfags is in deep denial.

Is it worse to be a fat virgin neckbeard who masturbates to chinese cartoons, or someone who wants to be seen as one?

But the masses don't know about steins;gate so how can they like it?

DDLC is imitation weebshit, it wasn't made by real Japs

thanks, I hope one day I make stuff I'm proud of and don't cringe at

if it's bad it's bad and I'll bear the shame

Out of all the people called that, you posted the shit one

Aiyoku no Eustia

>nobody actually wants to sit through dozens of hours in VN
Speak for yourself, buddy. Not everyone has the attention span of a fly, you know?

Then that's very fitting.

Game Theory dude, the one that the thread is about.

literally who?

Reminder that the creator himself said that everything related to Project Libitina are just Easter eggs and not related to the game itself. So this theory falls flat on it's ass in the first 5 minutes.

this is the average Sup Forums user.

I chuckled at the slow Monika overlay.

The guy who's ruining video games, one by one


Not everyone has the time to sit through hours of juvenile romance.

>tfw was friends with 4 girls in high school
>tfw each of them was just like the dokis except Yuri

i lasted about 5 seconds before i had to quit

>juvenile romance.
Stop reading trash that features juvenile romance, then.

I just didn't expect it to completely blow up the way it has after the Steam release. I expected it to be a cool, somewhat niche game that came and went, much like VA-11 Hall-A. Instead it ballooned in popularity and now I see it constantly. It has yet to stop growing.
It's often compared to KS, but this never happened to KS. KS was and still is niche in comparison.

I could go on about the type of fanbase it's fostered, the resurgence of shallow waifuism that has latched on to it and how its main audience is people who have never touched a VN in its life, but that's really here nor there. Maybe it will open up more people to the medium. That would be great. VNs are woefully underappreciated in the west.

Somehow I doubt it, though.

>having friends in high school

I'm an irooooooooooooooonic weeb!

senpai no kawaii desu xD

>I browse Sup Forums alongside retards like these

Like everything, normal-fags.

This, I never even went to highschool.





It's because of Monika's connection to Bitcoin - the more people that play DDLC, the higher Bitcoin's price goes.

This but unironically

What is a blockchain? Does this mean it's possible to extract monika.chr from bitcoin code?

>Somehow I doubt it, though.
Probably not, let's be honest. At the very least it seemed to pique a few user's interest in the genre though, and it has shown that Dan is capable of quality products if he puts his mind to it.
So hopefully those two points spring into something of value, at least.

>tfw no money to invest
>missed out on making loadsamoney from bitcoin and the EA crash

how deep does the rabbithole go?

>Doesn't understand the chinese cartoons meme

Whoever made this image reeks of newfag.

Eh, the only awkward bit is the intro.

Would chat with over being a fellow video-game playing anime watching fucking loser.
just monika

>So this theory falls flat on it's ass in the first 5 minutes.
so it's just like all his other videos

So this is the average DDLC fan and nu-Sup Forums fag

when matpat turned into a child that can't take criticism
the faggot just creates garbage content for children that play minecraft and FNAF

>There are people in this thread who don't want to have kinky knife sex with Yuri

Wasn't too bad, user. Don't let these fuckheads bring you down.

this is super cringy

PATRICIAN tastes my friend.
>Yuri will never use your pen as a sex toy
Why even go on?

>that thumbnail
I don't want to watch this because I can tell I'll cringe so hard I'll collapse in on myself and create a dimensional tear. But I'm going to make an educated guess and say it has to do with the Libitina easter egg that the dev has said is unrelated.

all he does is go through what happens in the game
but his theory is that monika is from a different game

>I was friends with the 3 worst girls
Nothing to be proud of.

>the dokis are from a different game
>tune in for part 2 because I want that sweet revenue :^)

Yuri is best but Sayori is fine too.

>the girls are from different games
My IQ just dropped several points