In what order should i okay Zero time dilemma?

In what order should i okay Zero time dilemma?


A n y

play in chronological order
ztd > 999 > vlr

same as anything else ever
Release order


Literally this
Has there ever been a reason to not play in release order besides maybe "oh skip that entry" or "play the updated rerelease"

I don't mean Zero escape but ztd.

Just fucking wing it, that game is pure meme factor

If you're talking about the fragments, just pick whatever you feel like. Just remember to go back and do every choice possible. And I mean every choice, there's a couple that don't have obvious branches.

first play nothing and then stop

this, you fucking retard. always release order.


ZTD is my biggest gaming dissapointment of all time, lads.

Yes, I have played and enjoyed a lot of the shitty VNs that everyone in here say are completely better than it like Umineko and Remember 11, but still nothing has ever beaten 999 and VLR as the best stories ever told, let alone in vidya.

It still hurts so much, hold me ZEfags.

Here i was believing an 18 year old should know how to read.

It doesn't really matter. Even if you played each fragment in chronological order it wouldn't make much difference. Each scene doesn't really transition into the next and everything gets really intertwined anyway in the later part of the game

Best girl.

someone should replace you in localizing games then.

Thank you for your service

Fuck youI liked it

This is now a Pre-ztd Zero Escape meme thread

It's better than DV3, at least.

Why is Akane such a cunt?