Get it off yout chest and say it

What's your unpopular opinion?

>mgs was a shit series with wonky controls

Ok, mine is that you shouldn't forgive a company for trying to fuck you up the ass after they apologize for it. They showed their true colors, and just because they apologize doesn't mean they won't try to do it again.
So what if Microsoft undid the DRM on the Xbox One, they still tried to fuck you.
So what if EA got rid of their microtransactions in Battlefront 2, they still tried to fuck you.
Companies like these won't learn shit until they are six feet under.

whatever hot take will get me the most (you)'s

Mgs is the pinnacle of vidya and is perfect in every way

There should be more gay characters. Just not written by Bioware or Gearbox.

This. I'd still be careful. Of course it depends in which way they wanted to fuck you or who they wanted to fuck

Yakuza Dead Souls is nowhere near as bad as people say it is

It's like the main person behind these companies is some crazed hermit deep in some bunker somewhere constantly counting his money

Brawl is the best Smash because it's the most entertaining to play.
Competitive smashfags need to rethink their life choices.
If you need a special controller and TV type to play your game you should be shot.

Dark Souls II is a good game.

I really hate realistic and open world games, there is literally nothing wrong with a well made game being linear or having a unique art style.

Warcraft 2 and Starcraft ruined RTS. Warcraft 3 sealed the deal.

As in 3 completely ruined it?

System Shock aged quite well. Just not well enough for me to like it

Automata is a piss poor sequel of Nier filled with pretentious themes and characters nobody asked for. Combat is boring as shit and Platinums worst.

Yea, mainly the body blocking and focus on heros/abilitys

Spelunky is the best game ever made and video games are usually better when they try to be games instead of art.

I can play just as well with a ds4 as you can with a fightstick so shut up with your $200 paperweight

Witcher 3 has some of the best RPG quests I have ever had the pleasure to play. Unfortunately the combat is so fucking boring and easy it hurts.

but they are the best 2 rts ever made, what's wrong with them?

Every fucking company will try to fuck you up the ass if they're around long enough because and saying this as someone who enjoys capitalism capitalism also encourages you to be a giant fucking vicious asshole and do whatever it takes to profit. Remember when everyone was like "valve is so great, they're the nicest guys, i love them" and then they INVENTED the modern lootbox/microtransactions economy?

If a company can learn enough that it understands people aren't dumb enough to take being fucked in the ass and they continue to put out good content and undo it when they receive backlash, that's good enough for me.

I don't think your opinion is unpopular, I think mine is.


VNs are video games and it doesn't matter what people think, but there can be bad VNs like there are bad vidya games.

Its the copy catting afterwords solidifying that style of RTS as the main core.
Homeworld and Total annihilation's game-play gets me rock hard, I love projectile physics and ranged units missing shots in my RTS. You get a little of that in Wargame but it still feels off somehow.

>MGS1 is my favorite MGS
>Fallout 3 is a more enjoyable fallout game than 4
>Oblivion's mechanics are actually kind of miserable and the quests people talk up usually aren't good enough to make up for the awful vanilla gameplay
>Overwatch is one of the better shooters in recent memory and astoundingly well-tuned outside of competitive shenanigans that basically no games get right
>People that prefer expansions to cosmetic lootboxes in MP titles are fucking insane
>Weird gimmicks like Star Fox Zero's gyro cam and MGS2/3's mechanic of tying aiming and shooting to one pressure sensitive button are actually kind of neat
>Planetside 1 is one of the most mechanically interesting games ever made, chiefly because of the fact that nobody ever did anything with the ideas in it afterwards, not even Planetside 2

video games are a waste of time

1.Kojima did nothing wrong
2.Xenosaga was better than Xenogears and Xenoblade
3.The Persona franchise was a mistake
4.Fomito Ueda is a living god
5.Yasumi Matsuno is probably the most underrated game designer in japan
6.People love Nier but never played Drakengard 1&2 or even know what that is
7.Goichi Suda deserves more credit

now I feel much better

Splatoon and Splatoon 2 are the most important shooters of the past 20 years

So do you believe that entertainment is a waste of time? What is a better use of that personal time/time with friends?

Card games are a fucking joke. Doesn't matter if it's Yugioh, Shadowverse, HS, MtG. Nobody can balance these gacha shitfests if it meant they'd never have children.

Why mention drakengard 2 but not 3?

I unironically loved Spore, despite it being an epitome of lost potential

People who play control decks are pseudo-intellectuals who think like they're playing chess.

>see thumbnail
>immediately start laughing

because most people should know of 3

i like pubg and everyone on here shits on it because they dont have friends/dislike popular shit

I enjoyed mass effect 1
I enjoyed mass effect 2 even more
I enjoyed mass effect 3 fully
I thought the ending was not that bad, not great, but not that horrible. I was content with it.

I think fifa games are brainwash and utter sewer liquid.

Left-handed people are an oppressed minority in video games. I wrote a blog post about why I fucking hate video games because it appeals to the right-handed fantasy.

The Falcom games are extremely mediocre. Don't understand the praise they get.

I prefer playing fighting games with keyboard instead of a pad

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>People love Nier but never played Drakengard 1&2 or even know what that is

1 ya but 2 I wouldn't say matters as much. 2 is made by a lot of different people, Taro didn't even direct it.

I genuinely enjoy The Twin Snakes better than vanilla MGS1 save for the existence of the Tranquilizer and one or two cutscenes.

MGSV tried to nerf the tranq but it was useless because tranq is still the best knockout in the game and helmets are worthless once you realize shooting everyone in the legs works better anyways.

Maybe ubisoft had a say in this. I consider Drakengard still being Taros brand so I don't mind mentioning the 2.

This. There is almost nothing a stick can do that a pad can't, and there are games and sometimes specific characters where a pad is outright better due to the D-Pad. Unless you're old-school and raised on actual cabinets, are REALLY into plinking, or are using a fuckign Hitbox or something that actually does have some advantages, there's no reason to get a stick.

Horizon zero dawn=not good

RE4 was the worst of the numbered entries.

Entered this thread just to look for this.

Other M is an alright game.

Aside from some of the annoying shit like Gargoyles and the Iron Keep lava items, I agree

The Elder scrolls IV: Oblivion is the most over-rated game ever released, on any system.

It's a broken, shallow, glorified tech-demo with the worst writing in the series and an utter lack of anything resembling verisimilitude.


>B-but muh mods!

How many voice actors did that game have? 4? The fucking beggars would have a different actor for some lines.

Hyperdimension Neptunia was a mistake and a shit stain on the JRPG genre

Dangan Ronpa only has one good game, Sup Forums only spams threads because of the memes and waifu's not for the games own merits

Tactics control in Persona 3 is garbage, why wait to see if an AI companion will do a move you want them to do? Why not input the command yourself.

Wojak posting should be banned on site, it's a dead meme that's overstayed its welcome and should have died with all the other cancerous reaction images that spawned when Wojak was made.

At least mods allow you to make the NPCs look like people instead of potatoes with faces.

Competitive metas ruin otherwise good games.

Pretty much. They blew their whole VO budget on Picard.

Gen 4 is my favorite Pokemon generation even despite its slow speed.

Devil May Cry is a shit series founded on a bad idea.

Sinking over a thousand or two thousand hours into any esport competitive game like league or overwatch is sad and you should stop. Same with most roguelikes. Generally they're a waste of time

I know that and I still do that

Fallout New Vegas is ugly and the controls are god awful. I would play Fallout 3 or 4 over NV any day

Mods have nothing to do with the quality of a game. I'm sick of Bethesda coasting along on the effort of the legion of super talented hard working Modders and everyone giving them a free pass for their bullshit. Obsidian releases amazing, buggy as shit, unfinished masterworks and gets fucking crucified, but Beth gets a free pass.

Mods aren't official patches applied across the board, and shouldn't be treated as such. Yet everyone is running their own little idealized version of the game.

Fallout 3 is better than New Vegas.

Video games should have never gotten popular to the point where it's the norm to be playing them.

Borderlands is heaps better than Borderlands 2

There are no truly great 3D role playing games. The industry hit it's peak with Planescape: Torment and Fallout 2.

Turn based combat's the best thing to ever happen to RPGs. Fuck that "action" gameplay, games like Persona 5 and Darkest Dungeon prove TBC's still numéro 1.

The entire Borderlands series is garbage, a sloggy grindfest with an autistic sense of humour.

Every video game is a waste of time. As long as you enjoy playing the game, it's fine.

I am okay with games like Yakuza and Monster Hunter being the same shit every time because they are great every time. I don't let other series get away with it though.

Sure they hit their peak but both Morrowind and Gothic are great.
NV would be great if it weren't for the shitty map devoid of any interesting landmarks and GAMEBRYO.

And that's perfectly fine in my book. Don't fix something that isn't broken.

Yakuza is literally clunky combat and horrid amounts of QTE's and cutscenes. The games are overrated as fuck

>Fallout 3
Doesn't 3 control the same, but without Ironsight aiming? I don't get this part of your opinion.

I want to get good at fighting games, end up trying to be ok and learn basic shit, get discouraged because I am doing it by myself and then end up quitting.

the N64 was dogshit, the worst part was the 3 donged controller with that horrible joystick, then a close 2nd place are the shockingly bad games. The ONLY game I thought was fun was Goldeneye if we had 4 people to play, even if the shitty controller was a little frustrating. I was happy to have a friend get the N64 while I still had a SNES. Playing it at his house made me not want one, I was glad to just wait for the Playstation.
Also, all Zelda games are boring.

I humbly disagree, I think all those hours could be spent playing and appreciating better and more deserving games. Esport games are ruining the industry and people that feed them are hurting everyone else.

B-b-but muh honurburu sweaty dudes!!

You need a sparring partner.

I think Devil May Cry 1 is the best in the series. There is just way too dam much DMC3 circle-jerking around here, not near enough love for the first.

Microsoft should abandon the Xbox and just publish games.
The smash brother series isn’t that great.


First is okay, just meh

The PlayStation one,three, and four have bad game libraries that are incredibly shallow.

I will never get a sparring partner for any fighting game I am interested so I gave up on that.

The first is still a great, challenging action game. The biggest grievances are the underwater sections and some camera issues, many do not like the space harrier sequence and that's totally understandable. It's combat focus just isn't driven by combos. It's combat also is not "bad" by any means, the controls are tight as ever, and you still have a diverse array of moves. It's an action game with the best elements of Resident Evil's atmosphere.

Idk the controls are basically the same but NV just feels so foreign to me. I don't get it bit its so off putting to me

No Man's Sky is a good game


If it was a 1/4th of the price, sure.

..Ugh yeh... meme

I agree except for ps1, it has an enormous library and is heaven if one likes JRPGs. The only ps3 game I can think of off the top of my head that I really like is Demon's Souls.

So it's buyer's remorse then.

Games Todd Howard makes aren't that bad and I don't get why people despise them so much

No, you don't understand. Nobody can like that game. Legally.

I think Crash and other Playstation platformers are absolute rubbish and only Sonic Adventure and Mario 64 are worth playin.

doing what though

I agree. Amazing soundtrack and even better art

Buyer's remorse doesn't make you play a game for nearly 200 hours.

Morrowind is mechanically 2D. It's a great game but, this fact alone makes it suck too much to be a masterpiece. I haven't played Gothic yet but I hear that combat sucks.