ITT: Horror done right

ITT: Horror done right

Before I get crucified here, let me clarify. Pic related is the extent of the FNAF reference I'm making. Seeing a nigga run at you in a game that had otherwise 0 motion was pretty fucking good. Although, if looked at as a solo piece, the first game was solid.

Other urls found in this thread:

>tfw yet ANOTHER FNAF is coming

you mean 6(pizzeria simulator) or another one?

I think Fatal Frame is probably the best horror game in regards to combat just because it has a little depth to it and a high risk/high reward aspect. You can play it safe and spend minutes chipping away at a ghost's health or you can take the risk to set up that perfect shot for combos and eliminate it in seconds.

And a preemptive fuck off to anyone who tells me combat has no place in horror, monsters are only scary when you can't fight back, blah, blah, blah. Show me a walking sim with stealth mechanics that don't completely suck before claiming that.

Another one.

>Horror done right
Silent Hill 2


Source? I'm just curious

is this pizzagate?

haha no

Ocean House Hotel level of Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines. Everything from the atmosphere to the sound cues perfectly unnerves you.

Can this game be played on gamepad?

>haha no
user its okay if you couldn't get through it from fear

have you got a mod on this at all?

Just the unofficial patch. Game is broken without it.


I played Resident Evil 4 before I'd ever played Resident Evil 1 and I have to say Resident Evil 1 does horror and atmosphere so much better.

Does everyone have to use the same fucking picture when they mention it

First picture on google.

Overrated as fuck. The game is great, but the way Sup Forums hypes that level is retarded. It played like an early access walking simulator.
>look, the guy just dissapeared
>suddenly you are in the basement, the laundry room throws shit at you
>the house is burning, get the cameo
It was a nice little level in a really good game, not 10/10 THIS IS HOW VIDYA HORROR SHOULD BE like you idiots claim.


>It was a nice little level in a really good game, not 10/10 THIS IS HOW VIDYA HORROR SHOULD BE like you idiots claim.

Agreed. A better example would be Griffith Park, the RUN FOR YOUR LIFE! level where you can actually die, not the glorified theme park ride.

For me, Hellblade fits in the horror genre. So I would say Hellblade. The voices were terrifying and unsettling and the story was gritty and emotional. But if you don't accept my opinion I would say Fatal Frame 2, because it's scary and also fun.

How should combat be done in horror games? I've heard that it's better to give little ammo and health and such to give a sense of dread, but I've also heard it's good to give lots of health and such so your mind can focus on the atmosphere and such instead if stressing about numbers.

I find hiding and "avoiding" enemies are not as much satisfying as shooting them down like Resident Evil. Hiding was my main problem with Alien Isolation was that I got tired of hiding from the Xenomorph over and over again.

Griffith Park isn't really horror though, it's just oh shit run away. It is good though. Or at least it is if you don't know how to kill the werewolf, since that obviously ruins it.

Yeah, but I'm comparing say Resident Evil where you manage ammo, and Silent Hill 2 where you get tons of ammo and health.

The way Silent Hill did it is best

fuck you Sup Forumstard take your false flag pedo bullshit someone else. Everyone knows Sup Forumstards made up pizzagate so people would stop paying attention to how all Sup Forums users are pedophiles. Fuck I hate Sup Forums, I just want all Sup Forums and the_donald users to fucking die

>Horror done right
-Silent Hill 1-4
-Resident Evil REmake
-Afraid Of Monsters: Director's Cut
-Cry Of Fear
-Fatal Frame 1-3
-Penumbra: Overture, and Black Plague
-Underhell: Chapter 1
-STALKER trilogy

>Hiding was my main problem with Alien Isolation was that I got tired of hiding from the Xenomorph over and over again.

You can actually use weapons to drive it away, the flamethrower in particular is very effective at this, you just can't kill it.

I can't remember the last time a game genuinely frightened me and didn't just rely on WOW LOOK AT THE ROBOT FOX RUN FAST!!!!!

Yeah, it wasn't enough to make me finish the game. I wanted to piece off that motherfucker the movies.


>that motherfucker

You really didn't get far, did you?

I quit, when they became multiple

Thanks for not being an bandwagoning dipshit and actually acknowledging and including SH4 in the list, user. It's a great fucking game.

Doki Doki literature club...

I have a PTSD from that shit...

Are you #literally_shaking right now?

That game was less horrifying than it was depressing desu.

meme game sux.

It really played all my strings... And yeah, maybe it was more sad then scary... but this kind of psychological horror works more on me then monsters or violence.

Silent Hill 4 is easily the scariest one

2 is comfy if anything

To everyone who doesn't like jumpscare-heavy horror games:

If you ignore the main storyline, mute the game during the dialogue scenes, and ignore the ending, Gone Home is pretty fun to play through. It has an occult sidestory that leads to hidden passages/rooms in the house that goes absolutely nowhere (because the writers decided teen drama was more interesting), but it's still worth playing to see it all. Plus, it's fun to explore an empty house during a storm in the first place. Someone should mod Gone Home and change the story to something more spooky.

>It has an occult sidestory that leads to hidden passages/rooms in the house that goes absolutely nowhere (because the writers decided teen drama was more interesting)

Ever heard of the The Turn of the Screw?

To be fair, I'm not saying that it was a bad game. I personally enjoyed it. It just wasn't really a horror game, at least in my book.

Sure, it was disturbing, or at least it tried to be what got me was how much I related to the mental distress of all the characters desu, and disturbing content is a cornerstone of horror, but just because something is disturbing doesn't make it horrifying. Disturbing content is something that can create tension in a work of horror, or elevate it, but in a real work of horror there's going to be a point where the the tension breaks and you feel fear.

I don't see that in Doki Doki

>Ever heard of the The Turn of the Screw?
It's a lovely story, isn't it? I watched a two man performance of it a few years back.

Or is there a game of the same name that I'm not aware of?

>How should combat be done in horror games?
it shouldn't exist
nothing desensitizes you from the horror faster

No, there can be a middle ground where it works. You could say the same thing about depriving people of agency. If you take away 100% of their agency then they're not going to care at all either, just the same as if you give them too much power.

Good horror gives you enough agency and power to be able to feel like you're just on the cusp of escaping the situation you've been placed in, only for it to pull them right back in with an obstacle they were just barley incapable of overcoming.

You can have a character that is capable of fighting back, even one who's capable of winning for a while, but you have to make absolutley sure that they know that they can't keep fighting forever. You have to make sure that they know that whatever is coming to get them will overcome them if they don't eventually turn tail and run, or hide, or get help.

>Or is there a game of the same name that I'm not aware of?

No, I'm talking about the book. I'm just seeing parallels between Gone Home and The Turn of the Screw in regards to it's supernatural aspect going nowhere and taking a back seat to the relationship drama. Except nobody ever complained about The Turn of the Screw. I never actually played Gone Home but the more I hear about it the more it sounds like the game is a genuine gothic horror and it seems most people don't know what gothic horror actually is and think it means Castlevania or something like that.

>horror done right
You're welcome to kys any time famperini

You are genuinely too stupid to understand horror

I could see that. I haven't played it myself but I have read and seen Turn of the Screw and I've talked to people who don't get it and get frustrated when people say that it's actually good.

Then again, there's also a very good chance that Gone Home is just straight up mediocre in general and I don't really think it's worth the $15 to see if it is or not.

I dunno, maybe I'll torrent it or something.

Nothing desensitizes me from horror more than playing tag with unkillable enemies or sitting in a fucking locker for 3 hours while they wander around. Ofcourse horror needs to give you ways to ward off enemies, dumdum.

then whatever trash tier game you were playing simply needs to space out the encounters and drown you in atmosphere before sending monsters to spook you

i actually cant enjoy horror games done this well, amnesia is the only example i have

I'm really not a fan of the Amnesia style. 9/10 it ends up being incredibly formulaic and once you put enough time into the game you learn the formula and the magic just vanishes completley without having to put some sort of twist into it, and there's only so much you can twist something before it ends up right back where it started.

Does the game work on modern PCs, or I have to resort to some woodoo magic?

I don't think it has native widescreen support but you can mostly fix that with patches or just live with black bars on the sides of your monitor. I don't know why people make out like 4:3 aspect ratio is literally unplayable, we used it for decades just fine.

>Jumpscares are inherently bad