Hanzo shit his pants

hanzo shit his pants

Don't tell me this is real....

just opened 2 boxes through leveling + that yeti shit game and got 2 legendaries

>two nose studs

yes, it's the skin based off the comic you've been waiting for

>the game is still unbalanced as fuck
>devs release a shitty event with le epic cosmetic items but no balance changes

Yeah, I am offically done with this fucking retarded cashgrab of an """"""""""e-sports""""""""""" game

took you long enough

They do it on purpose. Notifice that every balance patch that helped a hero also came with another change to fuck over another hero. They purposely fuck up the game so they can keep their balance and QA team employed. For well over a year Bastion, Mei, Hanzo, and Genji have had bugs that are just now being acknowledged. Literally everyone and their mothers wanted Ana's nade nerfed during 3x tank meta, but the retards nerfed her damage instead. They do this shit on purpose.

They arent /that/ bad but yeah.

That hair is a travesty

I think it's time for them to bite the bullet and add attributes to skins and whatever to at least try artificially balancing the game. Give bigger bonuses to underperforming classes and whatnot

>still no mercy christmas skin
fucking really blizzard. she's an angel, it's not even hard.

All the new skins except for ana's are meh at best

I like undercuts, but what the fuck is that beard

What the fuck

It's a fashion trend called japanese streetwear.

The artists are not the game designers.

They do their job, and their skins/maps are released when they're ready. The game designers try to balance the game, and release those changes when they are also ready. like, shit all over the balance all you want, but complaining about the art team doing their job is kind of fucked.

>game is still unblanced
hasn't been this balanced in its lifespan, git gud bronze shitter

don't tell me it's in style to sag your pants like you shit yourself

It is. They are quite comfy sportswear, though I wouldn't do sports in them personally.

You can find out the answer yourself without even going outside. Go visit /fa/.

it's not in style, it's a style that's current. there's a difference.

Thank god this trend never blew up.

speaking of japanese fashion, are shorts ok? i don't like wearing pants because i have autism and don't like having fabric brush against my shins

Its not sagging though, the sweatpants are just a bit lowered. You don't really lower the pants yourself, that's how they've been designed

>Not playing hots

Sup Forums, you surprised me.

Hype beasts are a thing appearantly

He looks good. What's the big deal?

not to mention the autobans from player reports

>le get out of jailcard for free junkrat mine
>without a mercy you are still at a disadvantage
>Symmetra, Torb, Bastion and Mei are fucking useless
>they literally added a character that does not require aim at ALL
>Doomfist was nerfed to death and has been in this state for 3 months
>in 1.5 years the devs released 5 heroes and 4 maps

Retarded blizzshill


This guy is clearly homeless.

that's one snappy dressing hobo

looks like the protagonist of a B-List Chinese action movie

>winter event
>Hanzo walks like a penguin

chinese hobo JC Denton, in da fwesh


Not their fault that Overwatch fans are so TOXIC that they have to allocate resources to combating toxicity rather than focusing on development.

Racists, bigots, white people and girl fetishists are the worst.

The piercing ruins it

>Sombra gets the only good skin
>but she's still so shit that you will get banned for playing her

good job blizzard

Thats a chinese hobo though.

that chin

>character gets a good skin
>have to play overwatch

Such a shame.


You have to be brain damaged to think that the Mercy meta is anywhere near acceptable



The best thing Blizzard could do for Overwatch is to delete the official forums from existence. Failing that, they should never fucking ever take advice proffered on that shitfactory seriously.

>mfw people actually believe this

they literally released nerfs and buffs along side every single update they have ever released. Doomfist and mei got buffs with the winter event and winstons had his leap fixed with stairs. the PTR is up literally every time with only a few days inbetween of downtime. They have balance updates like 5x more often that content updates. Stop posting fake news ree.

this skin is so faggy

It’s because of his metal legs, I assume

It's literally OK when the Japanese do it.

>Sombra gets the only good skin
>Junkrat skin exists
Uhh sorry, Sweetie

>bastion is so useless that the pros use him
Confirmed for not playing the game

>they literally added a character that does not require aim at ALL
Just like half of the previous cast. Good morning sweetie, you're not playing an FPS it's a first-person MOBA.