Your thoughts on him?

Your thoughts on him?

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One of the dumbest people alive




Is that the guy that got caught masturbating in front of children?



I pity him. His potential is held back by his retardation. If he could stop being a lazy piece of shit and treat his fans with some decency he might come across as a likeable person.

Until then, I enjoy the schadenfreude in watching him fuck up at vidya.


Delete this thread already

WOOOOOW how was I supposed to know to pay my taxes?

he got a new gf

>he doesn't give his Twitch Prime subscription to support Phil

so there was this atom bomb right........ and they wanted to see how powerful it was yeah so they put a man ole cover on it....... ole cover never seen again

stupid and bad at video games.
sometimes he is just frustratingly dumb instead of entertainingly dumb


Phil is legitimately one of the dumbest people that ive ever seen. Almost to the point that I pity him.

Reminds me of a co worker who failed a basic english and math test. It was made to see if you could understand super simple english sentence structure, for entrance into community college. Only really there so ESL students dont clog up their systems at the start of each semester. Shes not some immigrant either, just a really really dumb individual.

>play Warcraft 3
>loading screen says press any button
>press arrow key
>doesnt work

WOW, Phil was right all along

I sold him a camera shortly after SFIV launched.

I'm sorry, Sup Forums. It's my fault.

Also I looked into that group that routinely fucked with him until they sperged themselves out of existence. They were almost as bad as him, with some of them being worse. It takes a special kind of retard to dedicate hours of your time to skype hangout jerkoff sessions about a singular person and stream them under the guise of a 'podcast'.


i need that money i really do

He's better than spoony and pissed pablo.


I miss them just because it was a convenient repository of TIHYDPs and general going ons with Phil.

Yeah now I just get a new video every day reccomended on youtube with some stretched thumbnail of somebody hosting a section of his stream where he just complains for 20 minutes.

>"Help! I need thousands of dollars because of these taxes that have come up!"
>Phil PAID for his girlfriend to visit and still buys useless junk like $300 headphones for his channel

He HAS to be scamming at this point. Surely.

DSP sits on a goldmine but he is too retarded to capitalize on it. Being the most hated let's player out there is not a weakness, it's great potential. Potential he could use in a number of ways to become really successful. That's the curse of people that don't take any risks and have low IQ.

He's a great cook

I laughed when I saw his patreon goal is replaying MGS2 and 3 again.

is there really that much appeal about a guy who poorly plays games and rages at his own ineptitude?

I hope that he realizes nobody cares about him "redeeming" his playthrough of those games. They're so popular because it's fun to watch him genuinely fuck up.

If his Patrons are smart, they won't pledge to him anyway. He had a Super Mario Sunshine goal that was successful and now refuses to play it because of ad revenue.

I genuinely think he has an actual learning disability. That doesn't excuse his shitty attitude/personality doe.

>get paid $1250 to fuck up at Super Mario Sunshine for people
>"The bottom line is my finances are too tight, okay? *BRUUUUP* So I might eventually get around to it but right now I need to monetize my playthroughs to survive, okay? *SNORT* "

God damn, I would leap at the chance to play SMS for an easy 1k and I'd be thanking the financiers endlessly.

>people give a shit about dsp
Bravo faggots, what's next, hatefucking him?

There is more to DSP than that. He is fucking up for nearly a decade now. He still regularly provides top tier blunders. Everything adds up. From his best friends revealing what an asshole he is, him masturbating on cam, his ex leaving him etc.

The thing about DSP is that he reveals everything that is going on in his private life which is immensely retarded. If some troll is going to interfere with DSP's private life which happened numerous times you can be sure that DSP will talk about it to collect pity points.

That's what makes him so appealing to trolls. He will react 100% guaranteed to everything.


He's done this so many times that I don't understand how anyone supports him via Patreon anymore.

That was Boogie.

>DSP gets a new girlfriend (who looks to be another fangirl)
>"Man, wouldn't it be AWESOME if she had a job here and contributed income and we could do stuff together..."

That's literately what he said.

Stop playing BF and COD, they are super boring.

Unfunny retard, whose inability to adapt is dwarfed only by the losers who support and obsess over him

>Piece of shit that pretends people to pay his bills while he plays videogames
>My thoughts

Take a guess you piece of shit


Any info about his new gf?

He always preaches positivity when he is extremely negative almost all the time. He has absolutely no self control and gets entirely consumed by anger to the point where even the slightest trigger gets him high.

All we know she is another fan girl probably younger and she doesn't have a job.

It's a tranny

At this point it's either kids who don't know better, retarded fanboys who treat Phil as a character, equally retarded detractors who GIVE HIM MONEY just so they can continue to watch him fail, or a combination of the above.
Nobody in their right mind would give this man money to sit on his ass and play video games, only to have him express his gratitude by shitting on absolutely everyone who watches him under the assumption that they're all haters and trolls. He ignores and deflects valid criticisms with liberal use of bans, slinging dirt at people only when they can't return fire because he can't defend himself.

He seems legitimately bitter now. It's not even funny anymore.

Possibly in her early 20's and a fangirl. She couldn't afford to fly over to Washington, so Phil prioritized her plane tickets over paying his fucking debts.


Better pic.

He's not interesting and doesn't have any good Patreon goals either. I'd be willing to become a Patron of certain YouTubers I follow that offer special videos, live streams etc, but Phil offers nothing and even when people said they'd give him $100 a month, he said he won't add new goals.

patreon was a mistake

>only fan girls will fuck him


It's more than 90% of Sup Forumsirgns

Phil has the potential to be more than the shitter he is right now, but he is either unable or unwilling to learn from his mistakes. Bad attention is better than no attention, but it's not a great long-term strategy to treat your honest fans like trash.
Eventually the money well is going to dry up, and if he hasn't learned how to stop spending frivolously by then he's gonna be flipping burgers.

Does the worst shit and always gets away with it. Fuck him, i hope he slips on a banana peel and dies

he's a piece of shit

Dude hates playing games, hates his fanbase and yet the schmucks give him money.

>Eventually the money well is going to dry up, and if he hasn't learned how to stop spending frivolously by then he's gonna be flipping burgers.
That's his main problem. For example, his headphones broke and he automatically said he NEEDED the $300 ones, even though cheap ones would be fine. Another example is paying for his girlfriend (that he's seen 3 times) airline tickets which wouldn't be cheap, when he has serious problems right now. He shouldn't even be thinking about women right now.

>24 hours to finish Prey
How can people watch his streams live?

Knowing his luck he probably will.

>always in dire financial straits
>can afford to fly his gf across the country


>set a Patreon goal to play Super Mario Sunshine
>hit that goal and refuse to play the game
>people get upset over this and start calling out Phil on it
>be surprised and proceed to lambast and insult everyone who's calling him a liar and a thief

You can't make this shit up.

is he really that bad or does he pretend to be retarded?

DSP's ego refuses to let him harness his negative attention. He is a SERIOUS youtuber who provides QUALITY UNEDITED CONTENT, not a CHILDERN'S ENTERTAINER.

Wait, isn't that a pretty short game?

This gets to me. How can his fans or Patrons NOT feel ripped off by this? Any other YouTuber would be called out for this and rightfully so.

>thanks for the money, dummy

everyone who donates are cucks

Honestly he's just very lazy, inept (especially when it comes to technology) and has a fragile ego. The only thing he really excels at is getting money from his fans.

That's just it. It's very likely he's lying about his financial situation so he can continue to milk the cash cow.
He's been in dire financial straits for how long, now? And yet he continues to manage just fine, making expensive purchases of unnecessary luxuries.

You losers still obsessed with jelly by BASED DSP? lol

Yep he's stringing them along
Piece of shit

He has to be a conman or just very fucking lucky.

What gold mine is he sitting on? What's all of this "untapped potential" you imply he has?

Someone hacked him and confirmed he has shittons of money.

He isn't vidya, and you should stop making threads about him.

Reminder for others to report non-vidya threads.

it is vidya but the thread is shady as fuck cuz im p. sure dsp is here shilling himself

>He isn't vidya
just like AVGN, so
at least Phil is funny, unlike AVGN

Used to be entertaining before he became self aware in the sense that it was funny to watch him be genuinely stupid and bad at games. Now he is fully aware of what people think of him and tries to capitalize on it by "pretending" to be retarded sometimes thinking he's being hilarious but he's so obvious about it that it's just sad and the fun is no longer there. He also looks up guides in anything he does blind and is horrible at hiding it too.

he is a true piece of shit


Publicity. How maybe people out there are streaming into the void without a single viewer? The guy has enough viewership to make him notable.

Hell the retard even made brand new empty youtube channel and somehow got a million view video on it. His response? Cash in the ad money and go on a weeklong "staycation" and let the channel wither and die because making more videos is too hard.

Playing the hardest games on the highest difficulty settings.

Phil's got a new GF?
I doubt she's hotter than Pandalee.
>TFW you thought pandalee was annoying at first but then grew on you
>Her snarky attitude turned out to grounding and when she complimented it was meant as one, not just to be polite
>She knew she was sexy and flaunted it

Too bad all her photos are gone from twitter and no one archived them.

dsp skips all the girlfriend dating content and skips ahead to the live in maid levels

How did he get a girlfriend when he is literally sitting at home doing nothing but playing video games and bitching on twitter?

Anyone who believes he's in any kind of financial trouble is fucking retarded.

Being semi-famous just gives you infinite girlfriends. Its not rocket science

pandalee was an ugly annoying cunt
be eceleb, say you have no gf, now you have a new one

I can believe it. A lot of people are in bad financial situations because they're spending what little money they have incredibly frivolously, or paying with credit when they can't afford to pay it off.

I'm so glad I live in a country with no credit score system so I don't need to think of having a credit card.

>A lot of people are in bad financial situations
which Phil isn't

its entertaining to watch this is how you dont plays etc. but hes a real piece of shit

pics/proofs plz

Literally who? Did I lose something funny drama?

You're in for a treat.
only this so far, can't find the threads in archive