>10 year time skip
>just give everyone beards and call it a day
why are they so lazy?

Other urls found in this thread:


10 years of development in modern society is exactly that

And 10 years of development in modern society is also apparently a shit game lol

Tabata is too busy hanging out with his Afrofaggot buddy

Cause it's cool

imagine having to fix some impossible fever dream of a big name that bailed out cause he cant make games for shit/fraud.
You are now forced to try and save this but you full well know you cant keep the promises made by the other idiot and therefore you will always be hated and will be called the reason why 15 is shit.. and not the other cunt that is actually responsible..
Now see how motivated you are.

Punished Tabata, a game director shouldered with an impossible burden

imagine having to ruin some promising dream game of a big name that was forcefully removed from his baby cause he spent years working on his vision and building a brand new engine with a team of just 5 people.
You are now forced to try hide and destroy the original essence of the game, discrediting the people who've poured their hearts and souls into it, and just label the remnants of the game as your own creation, you full well know you cant keep the promises made by the true visionary and therefore you will always be hated and will be called the reason why 15 is shit.. and not the other guy who had the actual potential to make one of the best games ever made..
Really makes you wonder.

Even worse.. They simply just stick elder noctis head on his teenage body. When you first play as elder noctis it looks disproportionate as fuck. Laziness at its best.

This is exactly why the FF fanbase is the worst on Sup Forums

its funny cause its true



>Tabata started with mobile games
>And then handheld games
>Suddenly he's told to finish FF fucking XV and given some unfinished assets made from Nomura dicking around for several years

yep nomura is the one that messed up but tabata has to take the fall.. imagine what that does to your motivation if you have to work on this shit for 5 years.

>make a really impressive action rpg that pushed the limits of the handheld hardware at the time.
>everyone loses their shit
>someone else ports the game many years later to modern hardware and barely gives it a facelift
>everyone wonders why it's not so impressive

Tabata made Type-0 which was just as bad and had the exact same issues as XV where it feels like entire chunks of the story are missing so it ends up feeling disjointed and making no sense.

Tabata is just a hack. Face it.

It's not really missing, they decided to hide details and just tells you during the 2nd playthrough and in the encyclopedia.

>imagine what that does to your motivation if you have to work on this shit for 5 years.

it makes you lazy, if this interview about the combat system is to be believed

Do either of you actually have any idea of what you're talking about

so many shit in this game felt like an afterthought and now the game is like an early access game where they keep adding shit to distract you from the fact that the actual core gameplay is boring as fuck

>exactly two characters grow a beard and one keeps his
Why so easily triggered? Is that your best criticism of this game? They get beards? Well, I guess Noctis already had his in Luna. :^)

more idea than you evidently

So has anyone beat Noctis yet in the dlc?
Also what did you think of Ardyn teabagging you at the start of his boss fight?

But they all actually looked older. Well except Prompto, he look like he just grew a small patch

I'm sure you already knew that tabata wanted to work on xv and that he wasn't forced onto it like being claimed
I'm sure you know the entire disaster that is the crystal tools engine and the consequences that came out of that
But please, tell me what you think happened

I heard some user say yesterday that Ardyn takes forever to beat, but he actually dies really fast. I feel cheated.

>Ten year time-skip
>World is overrun with fuckin daemons.
>Night is literally forever.
>Safe havens are far and few inbetween.
>"They all just grew breads nothing changed lol"
FFXV was shit but at least call it shit for the right reasons fag.

Has all the DLC actually made FFXV feel like a cohesive experience or does it still feel like you're playing an obviously unfinished story?

He what now?

It still isn't finished, there's more dlc coming

feels more complete than before but you have to access the DLC chapters from the main menu instead of them being integrated into the story.

I mean, Noctis got a new model.

But yeah, everyone else is lazy as fuck. It's just a slight hair adjustment and a bit of a beard. At least give them new outfits. Shouldn't be THAT hard.

Oh, geez. Hopefully this will be changed when they release the Complete Edition in 2019.

It was such a shit game. I haven't played it since I the Carnival, but I'm not willing to give it another go, no matter how much they add on later. Either its a shit game, or I paid full price for an unfinished game. Neither possibility is a good thing.

Their face textures changed at least. Prompto's nose also got smashed in at one point because it's broken after the timeskip.

Thought you were talking about FF12 at first

yeah ever since X this was a SE pattern but never expressed as much as with 15.

skip to 7:40

yeah i actually do and tabata said that for the fans and pr not because its the truth, crystal tools engine being shit isnt exactly news to anyone since ff13.
Why do you think people love that se switched to ue4? Your info is not that special dude.

Why do FF fags always love to point their finger at one guy? Usually fanbases blame the dev team or the company or higher ups management which is actually the problem with Square.
Tabata and Nomura have their problems but they're not solely the problem when something doesn't work.
Crystals tools ruined FFXIII and XIV 1.0 at the time and otehr teams had to help out and Square themself said it delayed other games by multiple years, then they pulled off Nomura to focuse on KH and told some other guy to make a frankenstein mosnter game with a new engine and now they're already making the same mistakes again, already putting Nomura on another game as a director which he didn't even know while he's already working on multiple other ones.
Square's management has been shit since the PS2 days and Wada stepping down changed non of it

>tabata said that for the fans
>tabata is the only that said that
>Tetsuya Nomura: The reason why we bringed Tabata-san into the team is because he always said to me that it wanted to join the Final Fantasy XV project. I asked him in the team, his vitality and mentality are always very motivated and very high.
>not because its the truth
But it is. Tabata wanted to join and so when type-0 finished he was brought in to direct. Stop making excuses up

Gladio and Prompto DLC are basicly just filler and mgiht as well not exist and Ignis is actually somewhat important but that makes it even worse that people have to pay for it. The story itself is still somewhat fundamentally flawed. And as long as we don't get a good prolouge in Insomnia and the invasion itself and escape from Insomnia whcih leads into the broke down car scene i won't give a shit about the kingdom.
SE has no idea what they're doing with XV, but they'll keep going because idiots will buy infinite DLC

again thats what he is claiming for the simple reason that saying ANYTHING else would be automatically bad pr. I mean naive much?!

>Those two actually didn't mean it. Who cares if they worked together on multiple projects while versus was in development, even being dir. and co. dir. on a kh game. Tabata wanting to work on versus was a big lie, I'm right and you're wrong
Oh you're shitposting, never mind

I've yet to spend a penny more on the game than the preorder. In hindsight I really wish I rented it, but I had no idea that I could be "done" with a FF game within a few days.

Why do you type like a 14 year old girl

>Noctis got a new model.
Really? When did that happen? What did they change?


>why are they so lazy?
Square Enix.

I must admit Ch1 of Ep Iggy (They're called chapters for whatever reason)
was pleasantly surprising. Altissia is rather big, and outside of the map borders there are no invisible walls at all. There's a lot of verticallity you can make use of and overall it's good. Then Ch1 ends and invisible walls come back in full force until the end, sadly.
Are there any other alternate outfits outside of the glasses?
Getting money for all of them plus the cooking utensils will be a real pain.
(I also wish I could go back to the starter Main Menu screen for Ep Ignis. It looked much better)

The fact that FFXV was even nominated for anything at the VGA, other than "biggest trainwreck," just reminds me exactly how shit the industry is.

>2004: SE wants to make a universal game engine so that all their big titles can use it. They feel like making individual engines are a waste
>Don't put much effort into the first two years. Meanwhile, the FF7 compilation is happening and SE suits want to make a new compilation for their next big FF title
>Get nojima to plan the mythos with nomura, tabata, toriyama, kitase, and hashimoto involved
>2006: announce the FNC titles (FF13, Agito, versus), with two of them using the new engine. But the engine wouldn't be done until late 2007. Meanwhile the 13 team is in pre-production and the versus (kh) team are finishing kh2fm and twewy
>2007: Engine is done but it isn't great. (SE Devs prioritizing pretty graphics over other things don't help). FF13 is behind and a lot of stuff they tried to make before CT was done won't work in this new engine
>FF13 becomes the priority, the engine is now centered on 13 for it be used for that game, and the versus xiii team programmers and planners are taken off their project to help. The rest of the very small versus team help with KH: BBS and slowly continue to work on versus. Agito is barely being worked on as Crisis Core and then 3rd birthday have taken priority
>FF14 is announced and also uses the new engine too as its release approaches
>Late 2009: 13 has its own issues on what to do with the direction of it, but it eventually releases and becomes the fastest selling game in the series at the time but the reviews aren't great
>2010: Versus 13 finally starts real development, but the new engine that they have to use is garbage. They eventually have to say screw it and make a new custom engine.
>FF14 releases. It is a disaster. SE is in deep shit and they need to fix it now. They mention in one of the FR that it has caused the delay of some of their big titles. While the game would eventually be fixed years later, the damage was done

>2011: Agito becomes type-0 and finally gets its release. Tabata reveals years later that Type-0 was almost cancelled when it was in development as SE told him that if he didn’t finish 3rd birthday then Type-0 would’ve been scrapped. Versus is purposely kept secret so that it doesn’t distract from type-0’s and 13-2’s hype. There is talk that the game has finally entered full production late in the year
>2012: Halfway through the year it’s been decided that since the new console generation is coming and they need a mainline title, the game will become 15. Tabata and his team are brought in to help. Major changes are underway
>Meanwhile, a new engine (luminous) is being developed to replace CT. At the same time SE signs a deal with Epic games so that they can use the unreal engine.
>2013: The title change is announced but behind the scenes nomura is taken off the project to work on kh3 and a mystery project that will become FF7Re
>Nomura mentions right away that kh3 was announced way too early. It's apparent as one year after it was announced the game had to restart development as SE wanted it to use UE4, as they believed luminous wasn't proven yet and wanted the development of that engine to be focused around xv.
>2014: Directorial change is announced; tabata wants to keep the spirit of versus xiii in the game but mentions that the game will not be the same. By this point the FNC mythos is ded and no longer being used. A demo is eventually made and SE asks fans for their feedback
>2015: FF7RE is announced and is using the UE4 engine. It is also mentioned that the game was announced way too early and was only done so that they could generate hype for the ps4 and hopefully boosts its sales. Ironically, nomura wasn't told he was going to be director of the game until a company meeting that showed his name in the presentation, but is still blamed for all bad decisions.

the open world in this game made no fucking sense. how is there an open beach resort full of relaxed patrons right down the road from a full blown fucking war with enormous monsters causing devastating destruction and shit. the scale and tone of the game just felt so wonky and off compared to whats supposedly happening around you.

>2016: Although major changes have happened and the release date has been announced, it seems like the game is finally going to come out. They even did a huge event that promoted the games release date and even brought back gooch. In May though, a leaker posted on Sup Forums giving details on what's really happening at SE. He reveals the plot, some of the drama about the development, how no one is even thinking about xvi, and how SE are nervous about the game and that if it doesn't sell enough copies the series won't continue
>After one final delay, the game is released. SE frontloads the sales of the games and ships out 5 million copies the first day. It gets a decent/good reception but almost everyone notes how the game feels incomplete and rushed, despite its 10 year development.
>It eventually passes the 6 million mark, which as it turns out was the goal that the devs had to make if they wanted to continue making FF mainline titles
>2017: The game is still being patched and will continue to get patches into 2018. There is a very strong possibility of more paid dlc for characters separate from the season pass, as they apparently have so much stuff that was cut from the main game
>ff7R has changed to internal development only and no one knows whats happening with it
>SE, still not learning their lessons, decide that announcing a new avengers game and then not showing anything about it for a year is a good idea

Was it just me or did Noctis’ head look huge in his older form? I thought his body looked the same, but he had this huge noggin and it was really apparent in anything but his royal shit.

I tried out the character switches earlier, it's not bad, Prompto is pretty fun to use
>went to costlemark tower to do a hunt
>had to do the retarded cube puzzle
>reach the boss
>accidentally step on red plate
>oops your back at the start
instantly turned it off, the design of the game is still complete trash.

Meanwhile, they gave Taro less money than what the FF team spends on paper supplies, and he made a game that was actually good, and sold over a million copies, despite having to real advertising campaign beyond the occasional trailer at a video game convention and a youtube commercial. To my knowledge, Taro is not making another game for SE.

Gotta love how they decide to spend money.

I don't even know when i'll return to the game, maybe never, maybe in a few years. There's just something about it that doesn't want me to go back and there's not much to do anyway unless i'd really like the combat system. Usually i'd do boss challenge runs or something, but there's really not much skill or tatctics involved when it comes to XV combat sadly.
The only thing i remember from that dungeon is the part where you reach the last room for the third or fourth time and suddenly there're like 3 giants and 20 slimes and 2 sneks

Square really needs to stop throwing infinite money at FF. A restricted budget will usually lead to better games and they need to stop pushing polygons and visual tech etc.
At first XVs 6.6 million sales sound good but then they said it needed 5 million to break even which is sad to begin with. This shit could've easily gone wrong. Meanwhile lower budget games like Automata sell 2 million+ and even the KH remasters that are made by like 3 guys sold 2 million copies this year alone

I completely agree. I would also state that NieR and Automata have better stories/lore to them than any Final Fantasy has had since at LEAST X.

it just goes to show that increasing the budget doesn't promise an increase in quality.