
25+ year old club. What games have you guys played today?

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Game of job.

>not playing superior Game of NEET

job simulator


Dont go public sector, shit sucks unless you go for a twisted politician build.

Discounting job simulater, im bouncing between xenoblade x and botw

Dr.Mario on NES.
Got to stage 19 on a single credit and I choked at the end.
Oh well next time.

FFXIV and Horizon: Zero Dawn

After I've got home from work, I got into Skyrim VR. I was uneasy about spending 60 buckaroos for wagglan, but standing at the main gate of Solitude and admiring how fucking huge that place is was worth it.
Not friend of giant spiders jumping on me, tho

I've bought a lot of games last month, and I haven't started a single one yet, so once I get my fill of VR, I'll try and do some backlog cleansing.

Wouldn't you agree that RE7 spooks get old after 2 hours?

Around 1AM I've finished Alien Isolation(It was quite tedious at the end) and Not a hero for RE7(liked It).

Global Offensive
Witcher 3
Battlefield 1
Global Offensive

This is what my day consisted of, it is now 5:45 AM. I really need a gun so I can blow my brains out.

Im 25

Played vanilla WoW and then I messed around in Pokemon red following some fun glitch tutorial guides

If you're over 25 years old, you're too old to fall for the NEET meme.

29 here.
None, because I came back from work at 7pm.

I have to intentionally induce CSGO cooldowns otherwise I will waste all of my free time on it



26 here. Playing Xenoblade 2. I think I like it more than Mario Odyssey. Gonna try to finish up Yakuza 0 next.

I don't own it yet, I tried the demo in VR and it gave me a big headache the moment I started to move. I played Skyrim VR for 6 hours non stop las weekend and no problem at all, so I'm not sure I developed tolerance, or somehow Skyrim have better countermeasures for motion sickness.

I've been told by a friend to stay away of RE7, she's a huge fan of the series and was looking forward to it, but apparently it ended being a disappointment for her. Though, on the other hand, I know my taste don't match her at all, so I dunno what to think of RE7.

In any case, spooks get always old, spooks is not what makes a horror game good, it's the sense of massive vulnerability and danger that keep you on your toes, always on the edge, for as long as it can. Sock puppets popping out every once in a while is not how you do horror IMO.


Playing Albion Online currently. One of the few games that's relaxing enough for me to still play after work.

Good taste. Enjoying it?

30 here,plan to finish Ys seven soon and start atelier sophie again because im a old weeb

fuck you all

I barely got to play it when it came out because computer died, got a new computer this year and still never played it much but then I decided to pick it up and it's all I've been doing.


The world is gonna end soon enough, user: be smart and be a NEET, at least you're gonna get some enjoyment out of these last few years.

how can you stomach the utter repetitiveness and pointlessness of shit jrpgs, let alone jrpgs?

Started playing tales of berseria 2 days ago and now i cant stop playing it. I have no idea what to do after i finish it.


Skyrim and Xenoverse 2

Overwatch, probably the only modern game that runs decent on my 5 year old toaster. Also playing Binding of Isaac occasionally. Waiting for DMC 5 so i can kill myself finally, hope it happens before i turn 30.


Got switch today, haven't got the game however. Can't decide between fe warrior or xenoblade or ___both___.

Unfortunately i don't play games anymore, i just lore- and shitpost on Sup Forums all day...

It's alright. I should have mentioned it's the 2017 version and not the original. This year has been rather weak, or maybe I've become too jaded.

Witcher 1, started the series two days ago.

Might play Hearthstone for a round later on, and then remember it's an RNG-fest that shits all over you if you quit for several expansions and refuse to cough up money.

>Witcher 1
Its great game.
>dat chapter 4

20 year old here, only played warframe today it was alright. satisfies my grinding itch.

Total war: Warhammer 2 and crusader kings 2.

Fair enough. Probably the best game this year for me, scratched an itch I've had for a while. The year has been alright, but I just don't find a lot of AAA games appealing anymore.

I didn't play any games because I had work over time so I can pay my goddamn rent.

I picked up 2 and 3 when they were on sale and decided to play the trilogy since I never finished 1. I started 1 and got a message saying "Why the fuck are you playing Witcher 1?"

Is my friend a pleb?

You are too young please leave.

Played Redout:EE for about 3 hours today. Its one of those games where its hard to play, but is super fun, so you lose track of time. Did i mention its fast, really fucking fast.

My WoW sub is running out in 48 hours. Probably Rune Factory 4 or Trails SC from now.

>Is my friend a pleb?
Tell him to grow up and acquire taste.

Game of vacation.

Also opus magnum because I like my autism simulators.

I played a little bit of EDF 4.1.

>tfw thin hair + deep widow's peak so I can't tell when the inevitable baldness will kick in

31 here
ive wanting to replay a crpg, either BG, pillars, or shadowrun, but I cant decide on a character because i am autismal about it so i ended up playing overwatch
might play some darkest dungeon
my gf is moving in for a couple months we're thinking of getting a switch

just fucking warframe

end me

how old is your gf?

stationeers, its pretty neat, albeit buggy.

granted it just came out

Xenoblade 2 for a few hours on work days but I'll get to put in a lot more hours on my day off though I've somehow put in 40+ hours already.

Isn't supposed to be good now? I was almost tempted to try it out. OG one kinda bored me to death, so I'm not sure if I'll like it.

Dean Hall is a mad, mad kiwi.
I saw his talk at PAX and he's trying to simulate the universe in that game while recreating SS13.

I've been playing the new GTAV update. Pretty fun orbital lasering people with cheated bux. Other than that I don't think I'll spend more than 10 hours on it this week.

he is a mad man yes. But at least he's ambitious

Rimworld. btw I'm 19

What if I don't? my buddy next to me is about to post in here too since were hanging out lurking the same threads, and he's only 18. What you gonna do about him when he posts? Huh?

It's the same shit, I'm using the same guns and builds from 3 years ago.
The game is trivial easy, but it's a fun thing to keep your fingers and autism busy while you listen to podcasts and such.

Better than Diablo 3/Grim Dawn/Path of Exile because once you make a build, you're set and there's no inventory tetris to fuck around with. Really braindead and ez.

Are you fags or something?

At first the combat was completely fucking jarring to me, it felt like KOTOR but not KOTOR but more action-y, but not REALLY action-y and it just felt weird.

Probably halfway into Chapter 2 and I fucking love it, I particularly enjoy being able to collect the mats needed to make oils and buff potions and I love that so far the magic is moreso utility than an alternate way of fighting like I thought it was going to be. I know the series transitions into full action gameplay, and I'm okay with that, but fuck I hope the Alchemy stays roughly the same or is at least improved upon, and I hope it never turns into "Be a mage OR a swordsman", because I love the "Mageblade" archetype.

Escape from Tarkov

Great Deku Tree's looking a bit 420

>work for 3 more hours
>gonna go buy microwaveable pizza-rolls in bulk, probably like a pound or so
>gonna get home, let them thaw and bake
>gonna move some furniture and find a place for the CRT tv I got for free
>gonna hook up ps1 or ps2 and play something comfy, maybe original Medal of Honor

30 btw.

One of the dudes had this ridiculous 74u.

The mods are worth like 10x more than the gun.

I know, it's great and hopefully he manages to make the game huge and fun.

This came out, anyone play it? Also looking forward to Romancing SaGa 2 on Friday.


His friendo here, only 18 but I'm posting anyway fuck you, no were not fags but we like browsing through all of your guy's autism becuz it's funny af

Alchemy gets watered down to corol match in the next installments.
I hope you play W1 on Hard where the alchemy system really shines and you actually learned about double effect stacking potions.
You can get two effects from one potion if you match the secondary ingredients without the poison penalty.

Lets me guess your favorite game is Super Mario 64

It's still early where I live, so I haven't played shit yet. But I played a few more hours of Breath of the Wild before going to bed.

>all these normalfag wagecucks in this itt

>going to gym
>going to job
>waiting for death

Alchemy becomes absolutely trivial and unnecessary in 2 and 3.
I recommend going back to TW1 at some point later and playing on the hardest difficulty because importance of alchemy scales with it. Its absolutely necessary that way to use it and its incredibly rewarding, reading up and doing your homework before the important fights.

Nothing yet, I'm in my office.
I played and finished Not a Hero and End of Zoe last night in VR, that was cool.
Not sure what to play tonight since I got tickets to Star Wars later.
May play some Battlefront to get me in the mood.

What about you guys? What's everyone playing today?

Yeah fuck them *le ironic anime posting*

I'm in 3 now and I just stopped using oils because I don't want to open my inventory

tfw 24
tfw I know these types of threads won't survive to see my birthday

Not BotW or Odyssey? Are you serious? There's a reason they got 97s.

>tfw gf-less again

whisky and mafia

You try being older, white, and a NEET.

Either your life is so shit you might as well kill yourself or you manage to land a job and trade in your life for money.

24 but I started gaming at 4 years old on goldeneye 64 and spent most of my growing up on Quake, UT and WoW, so fuck you.

The Division, patch 1.8 is fun. Enter the Gungeon, trash at it but it's fun.

Are you guys fucking kidding me? Goddammit. Does playing on the hardest modes at least make it worth it? Or are the buffs just that undertuned in 2 and 3?

And yeah, I slightly regret not starting it on Hard mode my first time around, but I'll probably re-play it again. I actually figured out the double effect stack on accident, buffing up for the fight against The Beast. That was a fucking great surprise.

>most of my growing up on Quake, UT and WoW

son that ain't something to brag about

I've played Path of Exile, Subautica and Mount and Blade Warband.

FF14 and overwatch with friends

Nier automata
Ratchet and clank reboot
Xenoblade 2

Well, it made me good at shooters, so I'm not gonna complain about that.

Had the day off and enjoyed playing some Yakuza 0. Gonna do it again tomorrow and squeeze in some SFV as well.

working right now

last week I beat botw, goty 2017
this week gonna emulate on my Vita

Take your time, enjoy the game on your blind run properly. It's fun to replay due to different paths/alliances you can choose so don't worry.

Chapter 2's medieval detective feel is something that no other game tried to emulate, it's incredibly immersive. It's truly one of a kind game.

Alch might feel trivial combined with other builds, but alch builds are op in both 2 and 3 and make them even more cakewalks.

been picking at Wildlands lately, i like it

The tutorial mentions double stacking but only briefly thats why people over look it.
When you finish W1 be sure to play the Premium Modules,those are 2 CDPR expansions for W1 with hours more content and story.

That said I finished W2 on DARK and I managed to kill the final boss without taking damage.
The game is consolised bs,don't waste your time on it.
It doesn't get any better than W1.

Played some board/card games with my best friend and mygf
Did my daily/weekly shit in FFXIV
Will probably play BoTW later since I only just now got a switch, maybe Nioh after that.

Whats our take on prostitutes promoting Yakuza games?

this is all you need to know about the witcher sequels

Shinobi 3. Writing down ideas for games.

How does it run? Better than Pubg?

Prostitutes promote sex too and I have no problem with sex.