You can access PUBG on Xbox's graphical settings using a USB keyboard

You can access PUBG on Xbox's graphical settings using a USB keyboard.
>Quality: very low
>Anti-aliasing: very low
wew lad

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still got that 4k though ;)

>Resolution 1920x1080
>Screen scale 100


what 4k

>people thought Xbox X is actually a 4k console.

>Early access title

PUBG is literally emblematic of the absolute shit direction games are going. A half decent, not quite original idea shat out with no effort at all using an unmodded Unreal engine and stock Unreal store assets

The way the devs push it like it's the messiah of pvp gaming is fucking irritating

your just jealous that your PC exclusive game is no longer on your speadsheet machine.

Draw distance?

instead its on a powerpoint box!

can you fiddle with them? or are they hard set


What the actual fuck

I'm at the point where I don't even blame the hardware anymore. yeah, le ebin 4k most powerful console meme, whatever. I'm sure it would be better if all developers in the 21st century weren't complete fucking retards who can't code or bug check worth shit, who act like optimization means literally nothing and their consumers can just dump $1k on the most powerful processor available to get that full single core's power.
because of that, we get shitty meme games like this one that are lucky to break 1 frame per aeon on 720p on these consoles.

Here's the settings on an xbone x


I don't own a xbone x, but I would be quite upset knowing that they didn't upgrade the crappy cpu

>4k resolution
>medium graphics setting
Should console gamers be medically classified as braindead?

they force them to run AA when its that res

thats xbox one version dumb fuck , xbonex runs 4k medium which is impressive for 499 box

>screen scale 50%
So... 1920*1080 with 4k UI elements?

The middle of the slider is 100%, see

>Xnigger damage control


You can run Tetris at 4k on a phone. If all settings have to be turned down to very low, the game will run at 4k on a shitty machine, but it will still look like shit.

4k is a meme. Should rather run at 1080 at better settings.

Not really. You could pull off 50-60 frames with weaker hardware on PC

>That's the system the vast majority of people will be playing on you dumb fuck
>I paid 500 for medium settings


The absolute state of console gaming. Outside of having access to a few select exclusives, why on earth who actually enjoys videogames play on a console?

The xbox one doesn't even have exclusives

i am a top game dev!!

Y i k e s

Underrated post.

dumb yikesposter

>Outside of having access to a few select exclusives, why on earth who actually enjoys videogames play on a console?
Exclusives are the only reason to own consoles unless your too stupid to game on PC. Other than that it's brainlets who are willing to deal with massive visual downgrades on the Switch for "muh comfy handhled" memes despite the Switch being bulky and uncomfortable for a handheld.

What if I like looking and burry shit in HD?

What if I like looking at blurry shit in HD*
fuck off

>playing PUBG

Back to 9gag you 12 year old faggot piece of trash.

>The way the devs push it like it's the messiah of pvp gaming is fucking irritating
the devs are only riding the wave of success they found. you can blame the absolute shit eaters who continue to play it despite it being a clear low effort cash grab filled with hackers

The state of (You)


Can you tinker with the settings on the xbone x version so that it runs acceptably?

I don't understand the reward box system. What motive would someone have to buy a crate after the initial 700 and not wait next week to buy the next?

am I missing something here

need for MORE SKINS
people will play more to get more points for the 1400 box and so on,

The game looks and runs fine , the only problem I have that is ruining my experience is the game freezings and you have to restart it. I'm sure they are fixing that up. And they are fixing the initial 30 seconds of the game so it runs smooth and not glitchy

oh boy i forgot this comic existed please go on

at a silky smooth 20fps

Damn the difference between the OG xbone & xboneX is massive. I can't only imagine how it's going to be for future games..

Why not put at 1080p? Lowering resolution can certainly improve FPS, CPU bottleneck or not.

you can't

Wait, so why did they enabled the settings screen in the first place?

Incompetent devs.

It's pretty easy to get points if you're actually good at the game.

To be fair, everyone plays it at lower setting on PC too

Blown out sonyphonies

It still baffles me how Microsoft let this be released in its current state, considering how much ot was hyped up and even touted as a flagship title for the X. Plus they had two other teams working on it too.

>It’s the console!
Fortnite runs and looks much better than this

4k and medium settings. FPS: 10 to 20

I don't. High settings, 1080p, 60 fps dropping to 50 some rare times. Using a gtx 1060.

Reminder that PC players turn it down to the absolute lowest settings except for resolution in order to gain an unfair advantage over players that don't want to play a game that looks like an N64 game. Then they come on Sup Forums and claim that it runs so smooth on their system.

Will they ever stop with the 4K meme and increase the frame rate instead? Or would that be unfair against OG Xboners?

I only put effects and post process on low rest is ultra 2560x1600 70-120+fps gtx 1080 1600x

t. didn't play the game

[citation needed]

>they just badported the pc version to console


we have to invent some kind of reverse goldface for this..maybe something like neonface

this works great in games like gta, where certain visuals increase the difficulty for players(e.g waves, fog effects, shadows giving away corner movement)

nigga i got a gtx 1080

>resolution: 4k
>antialiasing: medium

Not to defend Microshaft (don't own an Xbone).
But, isn't PUBG unoptimised garbage? I haven't played it so I don't know first-hand, but I've seen that or similar statements all over the place.


yes, which makes this an even more blatant cash grab

PUBG is one of the worst optimized games ever. Those nerds behind the game got too much money so they wont even bother fixing their shitty engine

God, GTAV ocean water looks so fucking good in Ultra. It makes for some comfy as fuck screenshots.

FULLSCREEN (WINDOWED), no wonder it runs this bad...

You gain a lot of performance by running exclusive fullscreen.

Can you even run games on exclusive fullscreen on console?

>Lowering resolution can certainly improve FPS, CPU bottleneck or not.
Actually no, it can't
Thinking you can run PUBG on a bulldozer CPU @2GHz is retarded