What are your favorites ps2 games?

What are your favorites ps2 games?

Knack 2

Jack and Daxter: the precursor legacy

Spiderman 2

smackdown vs raw

dark cloud

Ape Escape 3

fuck i want play it now..

Devil May Cry 2

Ace combat holy trinity

idk why, but i love this game. It was my 10/10 after release.

Jak & daxter series
Ratchet & clank
Freedom fighters
Mgs 2 & 3
Dynasty warriors

Man ps2 times were my best times

rogue galaxy
psi ops
gta: san andreas
soul calibur iv or v(?)
tekken 5

these will always have a special place in my heart

>PS2 broke
>apparently is the spin mechanism, otherwise it boots fine but it wont run games
>its a slim model so I cant mod a hard drive on it like people do with the fat ones

At least PCX2 seems to work on my laptop, I tried Romancing Saga and it runs perfectly fine with the resolution upped to 1920x1080 in native 4:3, cant be arsed to create a widescreen patch following the guide so that will do.
Dunno how other games are going to perform on it, apparently some titles are more resource intensive than that.


Sly 2, it's also one of the best games ever made

Ma nigga. I still play those and Sly on my PS3 from time to time. The HD versions are great.

Front mission 4, Armored Core LR, and Ace Combat 4er5, Shadow of the Colossus, and War of the Monsters

and tenchu 3

Final Fantasy X
Devil May Cry 1 & 3
Sly Cooper trilogy
Drakengard 1 & 2
God Hand
Haunting Grounds
Resident Evil 4
Silent Hill 2, 3 & 4

I have a special place in my heart for Shadow of Rome.

The Katamari games. I owned a PS2 and if it wasn't for those games, it would have gathered dust. There was absolutely nothing else good for it as most of the games were nugamer style over substance garbage.


Nice thread OP

First of all, these:
Which are all amazing games.

Then Jak & Daxter (the whole trilogy)
Kingdom Hearts I & II (also Re:CoM)
Final Fantasy X & XII
SMT Nocturne: Lucifer's Call
Digital Devil Saga I & II
Odin Sphere

Those are just some standouts in the glorious PS2 library.