She was the hero we needed, but didn't deserve

She was the hero we needed, but didn't deserve

please tell me she killed herself.



Should have gotten braces before hormones

Literal soy boy


I should totally upload these selfies of myself having a breakdown!

what is that

It's pretty obvious that he's really self conscious about being super ugly so he tried the hormone therapy to see if he can become a nice looking girl.

Too bad it failed and now he just looks like CWC's lanky transsexual comedy partner.

>mentally ill tranny
>a hero
It is the herald of doom.


>female pronoun


Soyboy thread?

for a speedrunner he sure is slow to end his life as promised.

>hundreds of thousands of followers on twitch
>probably thousands of subscribers at his peak
>literally getting paid to play video games
>throw it all away
It's just not fucking fair.

How long until it kills itself, as is custom in it's tribe?

Post the webm

Why don't they just be traps is the real question.

>throwing it all away

>be a speedrunner
>get destroyed so hard it fractures your core identity
>become a tranny as a reason to justify your failures

lfmao imagine getting beat that bad that you turn into a tranny.

Ricky Ortiz knows the feeling well

Has this been recognised as a mental health issue yet? Or do we still have another decade of having to praise these "brave" people for being different?


Is it not gender dysphoria?

So Sup Forums...
Would you a Cosmo?

While I think that it's debatable whether you can actually be born as the wrong gender (and not that I really care if anyone mutilates themselves to solve it), there's no fucking way this would be classified as a mental disease with all the liberals with rabies going around.

I miss cosmos old speedrun livestreams.
They were so comfy.

Do you think he even knows how to make a proper fist?

Its 2017,knowing how to defend yourself is for brutes.

>the discovery of Ganonless
>SM64 70 star being more glamorized than 120 star
>everyone is autistic but at least they're not saying they should have been born with a boipucci



the guy slamming champagne in the No Man's Sky picture always gets me. Knowing the shitstorm is coming, knowing that finished product is fucking atrocious. The only thing he can do is get drunk while he can.

Imagine being at AGDQ and having to be all like "damn, "Narcissa" Wright, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your tight body and horrific androgynous monster face. I would totally have sex with you." when all you really want to do is fuck another speedrun girl in your hotel room. Like seriously imagine having to be at AGDQ and not only sit on that couch while Cosmo flaunts "her" disgusting body in front of you, the favorable lighting barely concealing her hairline and leathery skin, and just sit there, run after run, hour after hour, while he perfected that run. Not only having to tolerate his monstrous fucking visage but his haughty attitude as everyone on the couch tells him he's STILL GOT IT and DAMN, NARCISSA LOOKS LIKE *THAT*?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch his mannish fucking gremlin face contort into types of grimaces you didn't even know existed before that day.

It is. It's diagnosable under the DSM-V although some nations still cling onto a diagnosis of Gender Identity Disorder under the ICD (looking at you, Japan). The new ICD will be abolishing GID as a disorder though so gender dysphoria should be getting more adopted as a formulation of the distress a trans person feels from the incongruence between gender and sex.

The history of gender dysphoria is interesting since it's usage as a term predates the DSM-V coming into force in 2013. GD is presently largely fine as a diagnosis and in a few nations (again, looking at Japan mostly) the next step is really just removing the diagnosis from the DSM and ICD alltogether. If that happens, access to HRT wouldn't really be contingent on a diagnosis and the label of "trans" will sorta lose force as referring to people who have a diagnosis of GD.

I still remember the discovery of Wrong Warping and the race to world record it brought.
But it was all taken away because of mental illness and liberalism.