ITT: games that are criminally underrated


Did they ever fix the cameras?

If this was any good people would talk about the game instead of the girls butts

Same could be said for Xenoblade 2, Nintendicksucker

It applies to gravity rush far, far more than any other game on Sup Forums.

Uguu~sssmelly hobo Kat shower mommy mommy Raven so qt uuuu GOTY Girl of the Year ;-)

as someone that's playing through Remastered, it's been almost a year since 2 came out I have no idea if it's an improvement on anything. 8/10 seems right.


The stealth sections blow and the dogfights are annoying because everyone else can fly so much better than you can

I think that score is just right. Too many bad stealth sections and the boss fights near the end all suck. The high points are the music, character designs, and setting. Flying around feels awesome. Especially when you're letting yourself fall all the way to the bottom or all the way to the top. But i feel there was too many low or bad points in the game for me to feel like it's anything more than an 8/10.


Go ahead look up its metascore

It’s as fair as it gets for a game with an unclear plot and weird mechanics.

The evil within 1 and 2

GR2 is improvement in literally every way.

this game was so good

I'm the only one who loves the 1 (remastered) more than 2? I mean the intro is really cool and that atmosphere of being alone and everything you do is new for the character.

Gravity 2 starts to get really good on the ending.


Criminally underrated by critics:
-The first Nier
-God Hand

pretty underrated by critics:
-The Evil Within
-Ninja Gaiden 3 Razor's Edge
-Metal Gear Rising
-Let it Die
-Resident Evil 6

underrated by most users
-The Evil Within
-Resident Evil 6

It's higher than it actually deserves. The story and mission design are both complete garbage.

That's an actual perfect representation of the game though. Both critical and user score.

>Ninja Gaiden 3 Razor's Edge
It's still just a polished turd though.

atleast you see some glimpses about other things in the game
gravity rush is literally "LOOK AT THIS PIC SHES CUTE XDXDXD"

OP posted gravity rush, not nier automata

GR2 is like Okami. People agree it's a good game, it's long and fun with unique style with some problems too. Even the ending scene is the same. Yet nobody bought it.

t. Never been to any Metroid thread.

But most people praise xb2 for the combat system, world building and os, what about gravity rush?

Deserves a better score desu

Man, Star Force 3 does not deserve such a low score. It's a great game.

So underrated it hurts. I got a feeling a game like this is better off not having a huge following tho

Freedom Planet was a very underrated gem. Great music, faithful sonic-esque gameplay, interesting chracters. Cringey as FUCK voice acting but still a solid 8/10.

Oh the voices were SHIT and were straight out of a saturday morning cartoon, but the visuals gameplay and music are top tier. FP2 is going to be great

Decent game, not quite as bad as the 50ish metascore it got, but no higher than 70.

I'd say Sengoku Basara. It's super fun yet it struggles to sell even Japan now. It's bizzare to see musou games everywhere while something similar but much better in some areas is pretty much forgotten at this point.

You biased piece of shit. There are lots of good things ablut GR2 but you just refuse to acknowledge it

Be exclusive
sold like shit
server shutdown soon

80 is a very good score

I'm a huge musou fan, but I just couldn't get into SB. Not sure why - I've played every Dynasty Warrior since 4 and just about every musou adaptation there is (so many hours in Hyrule Warriors). For some reason this game just doesn't click.

I appreciate the pricing. It was $24 a month after release. Which showed EA was able to understand the market on some level. Then again, that might have been punishment for not having lootboxes everywhere.

This should have been one of Sony's AAA franchises by now, but 3 ruined the series.

Kat is my wife, i will literally stab all you sons of bitches

How's the first one on ps4?

Very comfy, go play it.

Being on PSP ruined the series, instead of moving it to consoles.

evil within is crap

>I'm a huge musou fan
That may be a problem. Basara is more a middle ground between musou and proper action game. Each character is unique and deep enough to actually master his mechanics so you can do some cool shit. Musou is more about mindless fun.


80 is a pretty generous score for that game. I'd place it at a 60

Every way except the camera. Seriously, I'm playing 1 and 2 back-to-back (and currently at chapter 13 or 14 in 2), and the camera in two is absolute dogshit a lot of the time. I had no trouble in 1. I don't know how it seemed so perfect, only to get so bad right after.

Would've been a 90 or more with the Nintendo Bonus that it would get if it was an exclusive.

>not killing off any of their exclusive series after 2-3 games between 1-2 generations
constantly shuffling franchises is their point of pride compared to nintendo who often try to reinvent the same shit over and over

I never understood why this game has such a small following, shit's stupidly solid all around.

People say this game is bad because it wasn't made by japanese Square.