Majority of this board population nearing 30s

>majority of this board population nearing 30s
>console wars are still a thing

What do you guys mean by this?

Other urls found in this thread:

its almost like there's an endless stream of 16 year olds coming in, plus all the 30 year old manchildren who never grew up, because they spend all their time playing and wriggling in escapism.

>majority of this board population nearing 30s
Not even close. That's not true of any board on this site.

Life isn't an RPG, you don't get a "+1 Maturity" when you reach certain age.

what level of delusion are you on right now? the site is over a decade old. Most of the initial userbase was 20-25 around 2007.

>majority of this board population nearing 30s

I doubt 1% of the people posting in 2007 still remain regulars.

Yeah and even the guy who made the site fucked off, what makes you think most of those haven't as well? Between GG, the fappening and the 2016 election this place has gotten more cancer than chanology could have ever hoped to infect us with.

>hat makes you think most of those haven't as well?
The state of the website.

w-where did they go?

They got tired of the shitposting and waifus, and went on with their lives. It will happen to us sooner or later, my good user.

I'm still here user

This is false. You are here forever. 28/2007

Half of this board is 17 year old Brazilians/East Europeans/Russians.

Being 30ish doesn't mean we aren't gullible enough to buy into corporate marketing like "omg nintendo switch you can play games while out and about never been done before omg much wow many doge meme". People will still believe shit console manufacturers force feed down their throats... memes like "it'll be localized eventually" or "true 4k 60fps*** (some exclusions apply)***" or even "hey we have a new mexican/italian plumber game you like mario still right? of course you do you fat fuck heres a reskin of the last generation of mario games"

And naturally when you point out to a console peasant that all the consoles do shady shit that ultimately hurt the industry more than it helps it, they respond by going "PKEKS MY CONSOLE HAS MOAR EXCLUSIVES THE HUMAN EYE CAN ONLY SEE 30FPS ANYWAY AND WE DONT GET CHEATERS" ...

For now, my friendo. For now.

I was 16 when I came to Sup Forums I guess back in 2008. I'm still here and I still don't know why.

Console wars are still fun and I still cry at night because I own an Xbox but I know I'm still a nintenbaby on the inside.

Nah I hate signing up to some websites just so I can ask a question or reply to one thread.
And I don't wanna be part of a community either. I like just dropping in and out whenever I'm interested in something.
From a technical point, Sup Forums is just the best solution.

Its true that I'm not around as much as back in the day, but most people I've met on Sup Forums around 2007-8 are still visiting.

I started reaching 4ch in 2005, I was 20 then. I'm.. going to be 33 next year. Its such a bad habit and I'll probably never escape

GG redpilled this board and we are forever linked with Sup Forums

24 here, i think the anal vore meme is the best thing to happen to this boring repetitive echochamber shithole in awhile.

>adding more repetition to the echochamber is the best thing to happen to this boring repetitious echochamber!
god you're fucking dumb

Time is just a giant blur for me now, so I can't really say when I started browsing Sup Forums.

I think I started lurking around the time when Black Temple was patched into Burning Crusade. What's that? Late 2006, early 2007?

I'm 34 and I usually only post in Cyberpunk threads nowadays.

You cry over your choice of vidya machine? Jesus fuck...

Yes, its called fresh OC, remember?

i doubt very many console war posters are actually serious
like everything on Sup Forums, it's important to remember that there are people who come to this site solely to get (you)s and do everything they possibly can to disrupt discussion to get those (you)s
i'd be willing to bet that most of the console war shit on here is just trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls with the occasional autist or 14 year old

>majority of this board population nearing 30s


it's derivative content you fucking faggot. it does nothing creative, only takes ideas and smashes them together like a neanderthal would with two sticks when trying to make fire. the only true OC to come out of Sup Forums in half a decade is the chad vs virgin shit and that is fucking stupid too

So when are we starting WW3 and killing all non human races i.e sandniggers, niggers, mudslimes and kikes

>Console wars are still fun

You forgot fags

A list can be made larger

I'm here.
Here's an image from 2008.

>goyim thinking he's in control

Judging by the amount of wojaks they're ironically engaging in console wars to fight their crippling depression.

So, does everyone think this place is still some obscure corner of the internet? Even 8 year old kids have heard of this by now and probably frequent the boards occasionally and find humor dumb enough for 8 year olds so they stay. This place is big and well known and has been for years now so all the dumbshits show up in large numbers which is why the place is so retarded all the time. Le epic Sup Forums culture I can say faggot and be retarded and nobody can stop me mom.

Source: I'm 12 years old.

I don't think is le secret club.

I really like young people. Do you like older men?

Can't get enough of 'em

>tfw 28
>mfw I've been here for almost 12 years

It's the same as Kyoani vs Shaft on Sup Forums and Marvel vs DC on Sup Forums and AMD vs Intel on Sup Forums. Meaningless autist fighting.

I moved to Sup Forums and Sup Forums. Fuck Sup Forums. It's filled with liberals and brain damaged children.

They are, the thing is that having any percentage of those posters would still be a tiny fraction of the board these days. The last year especially.

At least Sup Forums has got some vidya threads while Sup Forums is 100% alt-right LAPRing and SJW shitposting.

>liberals and brain damaged children

what's the difference?

Which side of politics they support.

Newfag, 2 years here
This is a very sad place. Some funny jokes from time to time and news spread very fast to it's a very convenient place, but good lord there's some pathetic human beings here
Between all the falseflagging, the pretending, the wojak posting involving the former 2, and the general attitude of "heh, I have crippling depression so I'm allowed to do whatever", it just makes the place look bad
And the worst part is that they try to pin it down on 13 year olds when in reality it's just them nearing their 30s like OP said

>console babbies fighting for the 1st loser spot
PC wins in all cases

Is Games of Throne worth watching?

You know this website has been completely overrun with underageb& faggots since 2007, right? Most oldfags are looking gone and the only influx of people in their late 20s - early 30s are from reddit and neogaf.

This. Sup Forums and Sup Forums are tied for the most underaged traffic on Sup Forums. And you can't discount the absolute autism of some manchildren

Just move to Sup Forums already.

the average age here is like 16

I don't have schizophrenia though

the first four seasons yes, then just pretend it ended there.