Why does Sup Forums hate fun?

Why does Sup Forums hate fun?

>Actually difficult and challenging, better than Monster Hunter's AI
>Interesting setting, main story, and even side quests
>qt main character
>non-intrusive crafting system that I thought I was going to hate
>Giant map with stuff to actually do

Also post your screenshots if you have em, I'll post a few

Other urls found in this thread:





>interesting story
Unironically the worst story in a game from this year. It's painfully generic in concept and poorly written. Exactly what one would expect from the morons who made Killzone.

The world is far from generic, I have never explored something like it in a game.

Lmao ok, yes the story is much worse than Mario Cuckold Adventures or Assassins Creed Origins. Fanboys are so easy to spot.
>MFW I played the game on Ultra Hard not knowing it was intended for new game +

tripfag opinions are irrelevant, drink bleach

>yet another ubishit style open world

The fuck does that have to do with the story? Did you even read the post?Fuck off faggot.
If I don't like your stupid fucking Hunger Games tier story does not mean I'm a Nintendo fanboy.

>giant map with stuff to actually do

I hate ubisoft open world shit but what the problem was with those games was the tools you are given. This games gives you a lot of things to utilize. Dodge, stealth, weaknesses, traps, controlling creatures. It's a lot more involved than most open world games.

>Actually difficult and challenging, better than Monster Hunter's AI
>qt main character

I'll give you that Mario Odyssey's story wasn't anything to write home about, but Mario never acts like story is supposed to be draw, other than with the RPG spinoffs. Story in Mario is irrelevant, you wouldn't complain about lack of story in Madden, right?

>*Doesn't refute the arguments behind you*

how long is the game actually fun before it get repetitive? considering a purchase if I find a good deal

this board has a nihilistic culture to hate everything

Mario wouldn't work if it had a story. It needs to be simplistic because gameplay and art direction is the main focus of Mario games. Look at Sonic, it tried to embrace story but it just doesn't work. And then with Sonic Mania which had little to none story everyone praised it and it did well.

I don't have what to refute. You didn't make an argument. Also filtered.

>>qt main character
She is not attractive in the slightest.

The fuck though m8? Maddrn has one of the best story ever. Year after year it destroys game like the last of us, divinity, witcher games, even ffvii in 1997 couldnt rival with madden superior plot.

>open world
If I'll ever feel the urge for this generic formula again, I'll just download and mod Skyrim.

stop sexualizing Aloy
she's ugly

dumb trip poster
also filtered

>qt main character

Now you're just trolling.


It's not repetitive if you utilize different weapons. I would recommend not playing on Ultra Hard difficulty only because it raises the prices of items substantially, so you don't get access to as many different weapons as other difficulties. You can get elemental arrows to do different status effects (and certain arrows will work better on different weak points of the machines), you can get hard point arrows which are better at tearing off components, there's also corruption damage which turns machines against eachother. On top of this you have the rope caster, trip caster, sling, and a few different traps you can lay.

>>Actually difficult and challenging, better than Monster Hunter's AI
>>Interesting setting, main story, and even side quests
>>qt main character
Lies, all of this isnt true
>>non-intrusive crafting system that I thought I was going to hate
And you should.
>>Giant map with stuff to actually do
>stuff to actually do
Litterally nothing.

>>qt main character

>These cucks are so assblasted that they'll never reply to me again

The argument was it was the worst story in a video game this year, which is blatantly untrue. Only a fanboy would make a claim like this.

>Replying to people who have you filtered so you feel better.

lmao Tripfags are literally the saddest creatures on Sup Forums.
Also filtered as well for laughs, reply to me if you want, cuck, I've already won.

Feelsgoodman, as you say.


fucking seconded jesus christ i can't filter faggots like you fast enough

Bought the game at a black friday sale and Im pretty impressed.

I mean I had the worst fucking expectations you could imagine just because I've been here for so long hearing people circlejerk about how bad it is.

Its not innovative nor does it try to do anything new but its a very passable game.

>Controls feel good
>Enemies dont throw themselves at you mindlessly
>Destroying different parts of a machine changes their behavior and attacking style
>Finding the stalkers for the first time
>Go up a cliff thinking the AI isnt smart enough to attack me up here because "lol AAA AI is usually shit"
>They fucking use their lasers instead once they know they cant get to you
>mfw getting swarmed by 2 glinthawks and 3 snapmaws because I wanted to climb a long neck

Story is literally eh. Couldnt care less about what's going on, sidequests are surprisingly...lengthy with characters. I expected fetch quests. Human enemies are the most boring to fight need more machine fights. It just feels like a budget monster hunter game with a story tacked on.


Should I get the complete edition of horizon today?

Majority of Sup Forums will tell you no but if you can get it cheap why not. It's a pretty good game, not amazing but good.

I think this game looks great,
except for the main character that looks hideous. I find the main character so unappealing that I might never play this game. Sucks but not every game needs to be made for me, it's cool that other people enjoy it.

Always buy games on sale my dude. I got it for 20 bucks during Black Friday and I'm content with my purchase. There will probably be a Christmas sale where you can get it.

its so fucking cringy
made it to this point and then returned the game


How is it hunger games at all?

There are bunch of tribes sorting themselves out and player is just a spanner in the works. You are not overturning established order and despite all Aloy's bitching no one gives a fuck. Even her own tribe wants to get the fuck back to their shithole.

Biggest game changer happens in the expansion and even that might lead to another war if the Banuk gets super weapons from the AI.

How's frozen wilds compared to the base game?

I saw this way before I played the game and there's so many retarded things about this scene. Over acting, illfitting animations, character is easily persuaded even though he's literally insane, etc. It's horrible. But this is 3 minutes out of a 60 hour long game.

No you didn't, you saw it posted relentlessly on Sup Forums before the game came out and you're literally still memeing about it

Yeah that part is probably the lowest point in the game as far as animations and voice acting goes. When I played through it they didn't turn their heads into their shoulders or anything stupid like that though.

It's 20€ at the store I need to go to anyways.

>tripfaggot going full retard
What else is new


>better than Monster Hunter's AI
Your Rathalos/Diablos solo proofs?

people like this guy make me realize i still have a long way to far before im truly, irredeemably autistic

Here's your (You)'s so that you can stop shitting up the thread

Kill yourself retarded tripfag

Only guy shitting up the thread is you.

Played it for the first time today and I was surprised aye. The machines are way more fun to fight than humans, Aloy is an alright main character (I fucking love gingers) and Rost made my heart start working again

pretty much this
it's a decent game, surely not a gem but everything works fine

alto if you want some advice in anything at all, don't come to Sup Forums


pathetic dude, off yourself

It starts out good but gets boring and repetitive around the half way mark sadly. Problem with most open world games.

>SJW story writing, ugly characters and no gameplay
I remember when Guerilla had good art at least

Yeah the story really dived after a couple hours. I think I just really like the world. Sick of gathering materials already. Aiming gets harder the more I drink. But otherwise solid stuff.
Aloy is like a friendly Ygritte from GoT

fucking kek, the absolute state of horizon cucks. first you lose to zelda and now you wanna try and take on Monhun? how much losing can you take?

seriously though, horizon is a solid 8/10 but didn't make me cum buckets or anything

sounds great! will you be able to do a playthrough focused only on stealth and laying traps?

>no fucking gameplay

>Reeeee sjw because there is woman and no gempley cuz I says so and oogly!
Sup Forums invaders are still here basically

i only play games with attractive lead characters

for me, gaming isnt just about having fun, its also about eroticism


Filtered this faggot

This is the only reason I play wwe games religiously

MHW makes this game look and play like shit desu

You're fucking retarded and didn't played the game.
The game literally feature a matriarchal society you piece of shit. And there's the character design. Let's not even mention her voice actress
Fuck off.


>2 hours
>70 replies

KEK even Horizon tripfag shitposting is MEDIOCRE