*breathe in*

*breathe in*

good thread

they were talking about cp2077, not gog.
Ando also, the games cost at least that amount or more so you aren't cheated in any way.

fuck off you valveshill

so why are people mad about this? I dont remember any backlash from the last time they did it

Well they're right.
You pay for a mystery star for a random game. Its very clear about whats happening.

oh no no no NO NO NO NO *inhales*

co biedaku jebany 10 zł nie masz

>world ending levels of autism
I feel bad for you.

>Game dev
>A website not by them

polak robak jebany
grażyna rób kotlety goście zza granicy XDD

anyone get anything good

Here (you) go. Now stop this bullshit this instant!

fucking this

Ale papiesza to ty szanuj.

*presses button*
*character does unnecessarily drawn out animation*

>Making Lootbox for full games after the whole EA debacle

Are they fucking stupid?


>OP is literally retarded

Atmosphere is way different now that people are rallying against lootboxes. I think the pinata thing was way before that.

i bought for 30€ of this gacha shit, all i got was crap. don't fall for it.

Has anybody bought a star? What did you get?

you are fucking retarded


>ej zrobimy fajne takie że ktoś może odkryć jakieś gry

>no argument
CD Projekt Red is selling lootboxes.

>tfw turned my VPN onto russia and got Divinity OS 2 for $13

Hacknet is pretty fun if you liked uplink.

They have to make up the cash they're losing somehow. I mean, I almost cleared my entire wishlist for under fucking $30 in this sale.

Gun is pretty good

thats not a lootbox, thats a lottery with every prize valued at least at the price of the ticket.

Stop smashing the keyboard we can't understand you.

>They have to make up the cash they're losing somehow
What money are they losing?

after battlefront 2 , we got create for games

>b-b-but it's not a lootbox because you always get something
just like lootboxes
>b-b-but you dont have to buy them
just like lootboxes

I mean, they're losing potential revenue by having hundreds of games for like 60% off.

user, CP2077 will bury what remains of Bethesda and Bioware as developers, you know it and no amount of shitposting you make, deep in our heart you know this to be true

I'd love to take that Combat Mission off you. Oh well. Empires: Dawn of the Modern World is decent, or at least i think it was.

this can be fun if you want to play something but don't know what, also the game you receive is at least worth what you pay for.
>inb6 gone home screenshot

Groźny podczłowieklasiak wykryty, może wylosować coś o wartości powyżej 10 zł za 10 zł, płacze, że mu nie dali za darmo.

so it's a lootbox, who gives a shit? people only hate lootboxes because they make games pay to win. this isn't part of a game and is an option given to buyers who maybe only have a few bucks left but still want a chance at getting a game they like. more options are not a bad thing

It's better than lootboxes if only because with lootboxes, you have to gamble to get the prize.

With the GOG thing, you can still just buy the game you want. So the gambling is for gambling's sake rather than a requirement for getting shit you want

>buy a videogame for $60
>content is hidden behind microtransactions that can amount to more than the cost of the game
>game lures you to buy more microtransactions through gameplay blocks
>microtransactions get you virtual items in the game


>go on a website
>get a random game for 10% of its actual cost
>or don't if you don't want to, rest of the site is 100% functional without buying a star
>gets you an actual standalone game that you can play for hours

>Sup Forums thinks it's exactly the same thing
God I hope you are trolling.

What's the problem with digital gambling, as long as children cannot access it?

If some sperg wants to waste his disability money on a virtual stormtrooper skin or a random game, why would I give a fuck?

of course it's trolling. the thing is that the crossposters and children are stupid enough to take it seriously. same thing with metacritic and sales figures shitposting.

It's okay when someone I like does it: the thread

But here you just pay an amount of money and get a game worth at least the amount you've paid. Or if you want a spwcific game, you can buy it. In the case of lootboxes you pay money and usually get some worthless shit but they're the only way to acquire what they wish to get.

stop shitposting

All lootboxes are bad, CDPRony

Um it's the same here because you can get a shit game that no one wants to play.

>State facts
>S-stop s-shitposting

>Still no argument

>this lootbox outrage is going to end up killing all kinds of mystery boxes as a whole
It's like you faggots hate fun

The fuck

then don't buy it
the risk is that you might get a good game worth more than $3, or you might get shit. How does this affect you? Explain why this is bad right now.
stop shitposting
stop shitposting

Keep shilling, goy.

>gumball machines are bad
end your life

stop shitposting
explain why a mystery box game deal is bad


Lmao this.

>Explain why this is bad right now.
Because it's still buying into randomness you mong.

stop shitposting

Keep shilling, goy.

>wanting to take away all elements of chance and surprise from everything

stop shitposting


that's literally human society as a whole. why are you surprised. we're only slightly smarter apes

stop shitposting

Yes, and?

stop shitposting

why is this bad?
isnt this the same as a lottery?
you can still purchase any game you want in their website right?

>gogdrones in full denial
top jej

ok then don't buy it. Why can't other people buy it? What does other people buying it do to affect you?

i can't remember if thats one of the good kings bounty games or not

stop shitposting

Except for the part where it isn't gambling at all, you get something of the value you spent.
Entirely subjective and has nothing to do with being "gambling"

if it came from one of those lotterys then it's probably not.
I've already learned my lesson during the halloween bs sale

but the lottery is the work of satan, you stupidass

it doesn't work if I'm not shitposting, faggot

only if you let it consume you. it can be another form of entertainment

You can buy whatever you want, I'm upset at them because it's treating paying costumers like shit and whale hunting.
>Entirely subjective
This beats your entire point because the value of the game is subjective to you, if you wouldn't play a shit game for $5 then it's worth less to you therefore it's a loss.

stop shitposting

>it's treating paying costumers like shit
No it isn't. Why do you say that? You can buy any of the games on the site directly, or you can get a mystery box and hope to gain more for your value than you paid. What's wrong with that?

>13$ for a literal piece of unfinished garbage

spoken like a true devil's child. this is why I voted for trump

>$13 for the best RPG of the last 15 years
wew lad

Must be morning in America.
Only burgers would defend a lootbox and try and pretend it's not.

shit stopposting

no hidden bullshit? you are aware that gog sells games with online drm now, right? the catch is you dont need to install the drm...unless you want to play the game online. thats the trick. its optional drm, so if you never install the drm and never play it online, your copies drm free.
thats what this gog galaxy thing is all about. steam and gog are now functionally the same, the difference is just what percent of the games required online drm and which ones dont

post shitstopping
buttplugs are my fetish

not entirely right but not entirely wrong. either way, all the games I buy on gog are singleplayer so meh

>not good
pick one

which you can do on steam, to both degrees of "drm free". games like ftl and dosbox games can literally be copied and pasted to a different pc thats never had steam and run completely fine. hilariously, this also include games like half life 1 and 2. not even steams own flagship titles bothers with that shit anymore.


typing in a CD key is not "installing DRM" you autistic nigger

and? most of my library is on gog and steam's UI is atrocious

>larian bootlickers

CD keys are a form of DRM.

>if your cd key is banned, you cant use that product on gog galaxy anymore, required to play online
>thats not drm

>Muh GOG can't do no wrong because they are not using DRM

Get your head out of your ass

that's the keyword youre looking for
and do you know why?
because other options became available and people started using them.
if GoG and such went down under, there is a 100% certainty that DRM came back to every single game on steam.