Apologize now for saying Bungie wasn’t listening. They are listening

Apologize now for saying Bungie wasn’t listening. They are listening.

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They are only changing it because they got caught.

>D1 suppose to last 10 years
>it doesn't
>does an EA and releases a sequel with less content/content locked behind paywalls
>not only are less people playing, but who are giving you hell for trying to pull that shit

Fuck them and any retard dumb enough to play the game in the first place.

If they're really sorry, why are the same lockouts still in place in Destiny 1?

They're not sorry for fucking you over, they're sorry for getting caught this time.

>D1 suppose to last 10 years
Destiny as a franchise was supposed to last 10 years, not Destiny 1 you dumbfuck.


>0.02 deposited into your account

>D1 suppose to last 10 years


Is this game dead yet? Do a lot of people still play?

This, same for that diminishing EXP gain formula designed to encourage buying lootboxes instead of grinding up levels.

Fuck Bungie.

How did they fuck up D2 so badly? I didn't think such incompetence was possible.

But that's the same model bungie has used for every single expansion they've released.

I demand a pay raise

No, less people playing 2 than 1 because they felt cheated out of playing a game that was suppose to last years, not yearly installments.

For once people who played trash weren't completely tricked into buying more trash.

Because Luke Smith is dumb as fuck.

they wouldn't have done this is it was still popular (see: the entirety of the first game)
it's fucking b8 you retard

>fuck bungie
People should be REEEING at Activision/Blizzard not them. I'm sure bungie wasn't to keen on those ideas and that the publisher is just using them as a PR shield

>game gets caught out for something that was absolutely intended
>developers apologise, call it a mistake and say they are listening

The sad thing is that people really will call them a good bunch of people who have the players at heart for their altruism.

>bougth this game on launch
>never played it
should I start now?

post yfw you didn't waste money on this shit franchise

I read the DLC was shit.

I'm pretty sure Blizzard did something similar in the past in WoW. They did a retarded game design choice on purpose, people found out and complained, blizzard vowed to listen more to the community but it's pure PR bullshit because if they didn't get caught they wouldn't have said anything.

200 minutes of pure shit

If like being in an abusive relationship, sure

Bungie claimed that Activision would not meddle with the game, but sure enough, Activision strong armed the grizzled ancients of Bungie out and the company proceeded to bend over and pull their pants down.

And then they throw out everything good from the two years of Destiny 1 for this trash. Bungie is 100% at fault and they deserve all the shot they get.

>Bungie doesn't fix what's supposed to be fixed
>they change shit it was ok for worse
>everything you did in Destiny 1 was useless
>Osiris DLC is more like a sidestory and doesn't make the plot move onward
There's a lot more, but I'm too lazy to keep going.

Even then the apology means nothing because they'll try more crooked shit in the future like all companies.

>company does something shitty that is obviously on purpose because they know it'll make them a lot of money if they can get away with it
>their customers tell them to go fuck themselves and they quickly apologize and call it a mistake even though it isn't sincere
Every time

I don't really get this logic. Plenty of developers get caught and do nothing, or shrug off criticism with sleazy PR. It's amoral to do this shit in the first place, but it's pretty ethical to own up and work on it. Never really understood "blackened for life" approach to ethics.

And I don't even like Bungie or Destiny.

Daily reminder that this game has been out for months and they STILL don't have a 6v6 playlist

They also balanced their game to cater to esports and STILL haven't added custom games making it all for nothing.

Is this a troll? Destiny 1 has 6v6.

Destiny 2 was changed into 4x4.

>Staten says something along the lines of "fund us and just get out of our way" (to their future publishers) in some vidoc before Destiny development
>gets his source material and lore shit on by heads and quits

>Bungie didnu NUFFIN!
>Bungie a good boy!

Fuck this shit, when the lens were still broken not even hackers stood a chance and crucible was fun as fuck, now we are back to dying in 2 hits

>He doesn't know

Destiny 2 is 4v4 now across the board, and it's as boring as you would imagine.

The game also didn't even ship with a free for all mode.

Why would they make it four versus four? Six versus six was boring sometimes how could they make it any worse?

You know it’s kind of sad, both MS and Bungie are at fault. MS didn’t want them to make anything but Halo and Bungie thought they could be treated better by Activision of all publishers.

stealing from a store once might see you left off with a warning. stealing with such regularity you could set a clock to it? usually earns some additional punishment beyond "give back what you took".

these are not isolated incidents.

>how could they make it any worse?
You can apply that question to 99% of the changes from D1 to D2.


They don't give a single rotten shit about you, they just want your money. When they get called out for fucking retarded shit, they make less money.

They where clearly trying to make their game go the competitive esports route by increasing the time to kill and making everything 4v4. The problem is there are no custom games so nobody could even run a tournament if they wanted to. They also regulated the shotgun and the sniper to the heavy ammo slot as well which is another dumb decision.

"listening" costs nothing, you stupid goy.
'apologies" cost nothing, you stupid goy.

>Killer commits murder
>gets caught
>I..Im sorry, i didnt mean to
>See hes alright now, lets let him go!

>Release blatantly broken weapon
>Fix? Nah we'll waste a Xur spot selling it
>You expected us to have a legitimate fix for it? Nah we're just gonna nerf it into the fucking ground until we actually balance it sometime next year
>You want your legendary shards back? Nope
What a fucking joke

are you really equating making a shitty video game with murder? like seriously

>people continue to shovel money over to a company that hasn't made anything worth playing since Myth.

its an analogy you monkey. Not equating.

it means that saying "oops sorry" doesn't mean that the entity has turned it's ways around genuinely.

In this case not when they got caught three times in a row.

I don't understand their reaction to the Lens. They first said it was bugged and that they were going to fix the bug. And now they're saying they're going to apply an emergency fix, making the weapon shit on purpose to do a proper, play-tested design pass. But didn't they do this proper, play-tested design pass the first time around, before releasing the DLC? Why not just implement that version, the supposedly bug free one?


>Trails of the Nine wasn't in the base game
>Hard Mode Strikes and Leviathan wasn't in the base game
You're retarded

>let's sell nerfed exotics from Destiny 1 in the expansion pack that's supposed to be filled with new items

>we're totally listening guys!

its a stupid analogy there are in fact scenarios where just saying sorry is ok, obviously murder is not one

>Destiny 2 was dead on arrival on PC
>Bungie tries to pull some jewDLC bullshit they've been doing on console with Destiny 1 all along and hits Lawbreakers-tier online players
>"p-please stop unsubscribing, uninstalling and downvoting us on b.net!"

>Company fucks up
>It apologises
>Now its our turn to apologise

I'm sorry Bungie, i truly am from the bottom of my hard. Getting aggy at your dumb moves was wrong of me. You did bring us Halo 1, 2 and 3 after all. I am deeply sorry, i hope you can forgive me bro.
Much love,
user X

Bungie got away with this shit on D1 because console gamers have no balls to boycott and call them out.

The lens is only shit in PvP now. It's still fine in PvE.

What did they do this time? I didn't bother buying this DLC so I'm out of the loop

And this? Coaxing people out of their money is okay? It just goes away with a sorry all forgiven?

The weapon system change in general was a really bad idea.

>Primary weapon to for general use to kill trash enemies
>Special weapon for specific situations to kill tougher enemies
>Heavy weapon to fuck shit up

Changed to
>Kinetic primary to kill trash enemies
>Energy primary to kill trash enemies and pop shields
>Power weapon to fuck shit up

Moving shotguns and snipers to the power weapon slot means they get entirely ignored in favor of rocket launchers. Removing machine guns entirely was also fucking stupid.


And everyone just forgets fusion rifles even exist, outside of Merciless.

>Make jewy (jewey?) decision that locks content out to players who didn't get DLC
>People complain and call it bullshit
>It's back to the way it was originally at the next reset (1 week)

It's scummy but they reversed it as soon as can be expected which is more than I can say for other companies. Same thing with Prometheus Lens, it was screwed up so they nerfed it into the ground in PvP in the next reset until they get the bugs out. They're reacting to problems as soon as possible and I commend them for that. Just wish they could make the base game not so boring.

>tf i was actually dumb enough to buy D2 even though i knew it was gonna be shit

thank god they're listening and are going to rework everything from scratch for 3 :)

Wait snipers are power now? Why would you ever use that over rockets lolololol

Shotguns, Snipers, and Fusion rifles are all power weapons now. They also removed LMGs.


Because Destiny 2 is already dead, taking the position of "you'll like it or you can leave" only works when you have a solid playerbase.

im soooo glad i didn't waste money on this turd

Sure they were listening, but they only acted on what people wanted when they could not get away with ignoring them any longer.

>D1 suppose to last 10 years
>it doesn't

the entire trilogy is supposed to last for 10 years, which makes this second title right on track. of course they are fucking liars in regards player progression and such but that is probably activision complaining that they are not milking the players hard enough.

>install free trial
>game wont start
They are really making it easy to dodge this bullet.

I haven't bought it yet but after playing the trial i really want to despite all the evidence that it's shit.

I think I need help.

The Osiris dlc not only didn’t move the plot forward (the expansions never do, heck, even the sequel didn’t really until the last mission), we didn’t even get to learn much about Osiris himself, at all. He shows up for two minutes at the end to say “thanks for helping out, kiddo, and good job to you, too, Ikora,” and then floofs off to wherever he came from.

>be a piece of shit
>get called a piece of shit
>take a shower
>demand an apology for being called a piece of shit

ur a piece of shit

It seems great at first, then you realize you've done everything you want to within 10 hours of gameplay, and there's just nothing new to do but the same shit over and over and over again grinding for gear.

MP isn't that great either.

>normie friends hype this trash up for weeks, said its gonna be their new main game
>want me to pull in "hey user lets make a raid group! itll be cool! come on"
>game comes out, they poopsock it for a week
>all went back to Overwatch/Diablo 3

>selling an expansion after barely releasing your game

How is this ok?

The Taken had more plot and interesting story than anything else Bungo has done since Halo 3.

You already payed for it, might as well get a few hours of enjoyment out of it to truly understand how much the ball got dropped

Too little too late

They fucked up so badly that most people left already, only the fools who bought season passes are still playing and even those are starting to leave

Hell, just check out the Destiny General, the Destiny subreddit or the official Bungo forums. Massive saltmines all of them

>"Streamlined subclasses" where all build choice has been taken away
>Loot is meaningless, fixed weapon perks, zero depth in armor and shitty exotics has killed the loot game
>Shitty "streamlined" pvp where you cant even chose the fucking game mode
>Pvp meta is boring teamshot cancer with long cooldowns
>Two primary slots
>Moved the most fun/unique weapon classes to power for God knows what reason
>No machine guns
>Pants on head retarded reward structure. Running strikes is pointless since you can earn engrams more than twice as fast by doing public events

There is probably even more. Considering how fun D1 was D2 feels like the worst sequel in years. D1 year 1 might have been a long slog with some stupid systems, but at least you had some incentive to keep playing that.

D2 feels like Destiny 0.5 more than 2

Fucking this. Fuck those cunts.

Or you’re called “Warner Bros” and know that nerds will still buy your broken/rigged game if it has Batman or LotR on it.

tfw you didn't fall for this shit the first time and you didn't fall for it the second time.

I don't care who bungie were because they are a shit dev now just like dice.

I bought the season pass and havent even bothered to play CoO.

This game is so fucked.
Getting cool gear sets and powerful weapons and unique ships/shaders/ghosts was super rewarding in D1 because it was so difficult.

Here most of the cool gear is locked behind blind boxes. I look at an exotic ghost shell and I think "that would have been a raid reward if this game didn't have microtransactions"

>tell people they can't use their old equipment and characters in the new game because it's a "fresh start"
>slowly release all the old equipment as paid dlc

I enjoyed what I played of it, think I managed about 20-30 hours.

Then I never went back. There's no content, no interesting loot, the strikes are boring and I don't have a group to raid with. The PvP is slow and shit, and the customization is non-existent.
What were they even thinking.

>play testing
Pick one.

Also the lens is now just meh in PvP, but good in PvE still

Yup, it's the woman technique

>I don't have a group to raid with
what killed it for me desu

They claimed in post-launch publications that they made it 4v4 because in D1 pre-mades would just all wait and use their Supers in succession and pound the shit out of the enemy team (which still happens anyway in D2)

The shotgun and sniper being heavy weapons now stems from their utter fucking incompetence at balancing them. Shotguns were so monstrously overpowered they had to remove perks from them, make you walk slower with them out, cut their range like 4 times, and even nerf special ammo altogether. Then people just moved over to snipers.

Apologize for what?

>devs/publishers trying to get away with more and more underhanded shit
>retarded consumers are finally starting to notice
>w-we're really sorry guys, we'll do better in the future
Now they're going to roll back some of the most damning changes, but still leave it in a state worse than before, and since consumers are idiots they'll claim it as a win for themselves because they're eating a little less shit than last week.

>playing with friends convinced me to buy it and the season pass
>I fucking hate this shit and everytime I express my dissatisfaction for the game my buddy comes in like bungie defense force
"It's not so bad"
"Man people are gonna bitch anyways"
"It's like they didn't play one of the first DLCs where there was less content than TTK or RoI"
I legit fucking hate this game, but I can't say anything to him because he immediately wants to get upset and argue anytime I fucking say anything. I think that's making me hate the game more than anything.


>I don't get this logic
There has been a lot of backlash to EA recently. Bungie cannot risk that same backlash. Like you said, the norm is to do nothing or shrug off criticism.

>Make a game with infinitely worse game design than Halo CE, especially the encounter structure.
>Massive fucking sale numbers

Insane marketing budget that appeals to normies and the name brand of bungie

Where do video game companies even advertise? I never even see advertisements for vidya these days. I'm wondering how I miss it.