Where's this fucking chaos emerald?

>Where's this fucking chaos emerald?
What did he mean by this?

Other urls found in this thread:


very carefully

Raimi was high on bath salts or something


>Cumming so loud, at the speed of sound. Got coke rails to blow, gotta smash up some homos!

>Cum, black bull!
What the fuck was IIzuka thinking?

Jesus fuck Sonic Team.

>This is like fucking a baby which is fine by me!

He wanted to know where this fucking chaos emerald was, what else could he mean? Choo stoopid esé?

Uniroincally how did they get away with the dialogue in this game?

>My fellow gentleman

>I'll make you eat shit, nigger!

was this game any fun at all?

Yeah it was alright. The problem is that the game has a branching storyline, which in any other game wouldn't be an issue, but since Iizuka has a hardon for "Final" stories, you're forced to get every possible ending at least once before you unlock the true ending to the game. This means you'll have to play through the first level ten fucking times to get every possible ending.

Then you have the morality alignment system which steers which direction you go in the story path. You'll have different objectives depending on which alignment you pick, with the neutral being the easiest since that's pretty much always just "get to the goal ring". Even this wouldn't be SO much of an issue if it wasn't for the fact that most missions consist of "destroy/collect X number of things" and some stages only give you exactly the amount of thing you need to complete the objective which makes the task all the more tedious.

The gameplay itself is pretty okay. It's a slightly better Heroes with some light run and gun elements. There's also a chaos meter which fills up depending on which type of enemy you kill. The red gives you Chaos Blast which kills everything in your general vicinity and the blue is Chaos Control which warps you ahead into the stage. However, it's usually more useful to simply not activate either bar since when it fills up Shadow will glow and you'll get infinite ammo until the bar runs out.

Enemies will always attack you no matter which alignment you pick. Bravo Sonic Team.

My advice is to emulate the game, download a 100% save, and then play through Extreme Mode, which is a straight shot through all the stages with no mission objective. This makes the game much more enjoyable at the cost of missing out on ShadowTH's """"plot""""", which you can easily look up on YouTube if you're THAT curious. Spoiler: Shadow apparently is a half ayy lmao and he saves the day from a giant alien testicle. More questions than answers abound.

>You know what they say, the more gassed kikes the merrier!
WTF, Sonic Team!?

>have to beat the game ten times

This is the biggest bullshit of all.

>Enemies will always attack you no matter which alignment you pick. Bravo Sonic Team.
To be fair this is somewhat justified by the story as Gun soldiers are told to get Shadow. Doesn't explain Eggman's robots and the Black Arms attacking you if you're on their side, though.

Now there's not an excuse for enemies firing at where the opposing faction after you've already killed said faction--e.g. Gun soldiers fighting Black Arms, when you kill the Black Arms they'll still fire in that direction.

>there's a title for each possible combination of stages
>326 of them

Someone must've been REALLY bored or REALLY autistic on the QA team.

>To be fair this is somewhat justified by the story as Gun soldiers are told to get Shadow.
I wouldn't say that as it could easily be written so that the soldiers receive orders to stand down if you're on the Hero side. This was just Sonic Team being Sonic Team.

>Now there's not an excuse for enemies firing at where the opposing faction after you've already killed said faction--e.g. Gun soldiers fighting Black Arms, when you kill the Black Arms they'll still fire in that direction.
Case in point, yeah.

>Doesn't even greentext what was actually said correctly
Man, bait with more effort next time faggot OP

>when 11 year old you lost your shit because shadow said "damn"

It was a different time

Welcome to the board

Somewhere, some Sonic autist has beaten Shadow the Hedgehog 326 times

I'm sure it's a rite of passage in SonicRetro

>10 final boss fights
>only 3 final bosses
>no variations in any of the repeat fights

but user!
the location changes!

>"Doctor, i'm sending you straight to heck!"


All of those titles sound like tracks for a 16 year old Emo rock band


>and then play through Extreme Mode, which is a straight shot through all the stages with no mission objective
I never knew about this, now I'm curious how much more enjoyable it would be doing it this way. I'll definitely have to try it out whenever I replay it someday.

The expert mode that makes you go through every level in the game is good